Not only are fleas irritating and uncomfortable for your pet, they can also cause painful skin reactions and internal infections.[1] While they can be a nuisance to all furry pets, they’re especially troublesome for animals that spend a lot of time outdoors, like dogs and outdoor cats. Fortunately, you can protect your pets from fleas by routinely applying a flea repellent powder, and you can make an all-natural one right at home. However, it’s always a good idea to talk to your veterinarian before you start using a flea powder on your pet to make sure it's safe for your animal and won't cause any adverse reactions.


  • 1/2 cup (300 grams) of food-grade diatomaceous earth
  • 1/4 cup (45 grams) of neem powder
  • 1/4 cup (32 grams) of arrowroot powder
  • 1/2 cup (90 grams) of yarrow powder (optional)

Makes 1-1.5 cups (380-470 grams) of flea repellent powder

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Diatomaceous Earth, Neem, and Arrowroot Flea Powder

  1. 1
    Add 1/2 cup (300 grams) of food-grade diatomaceous earth to a jar. Diatomaceous earth is a fine powder that’s made up of fossilized phytoplankton. When insects like fleas come into contact with it, their protective coating is destroyed and they die. You can find food-grade diatomaceous earth online or at a local department or home improvement store.[2]
    • A 16 ounce (473 mL) jar will work. Just make sure it comes with a secure lid. You can also use an empty shaker bottle so it’s easier to apply the flea powder.

    Warning: Only use food-grade diatomaceous earth for your flea powder. Other kinds of diatomaceous earth aren’t safe and could be harmful to you and your pet.

  2. 2
    Pour 1/4 cup (45 grams) of neem powder into the jar. Neem powder is derived from the neem tree, which is commonly used for a variety of purposes, from treating skin diseases to healing ulcers.[3] Neem has also been found to repel insects, making it a useful tool for combating fleas.[4]
    • You can find neem powder online, in natural health stores, and in some department stores.
  3. 3
    Add 1/4 cup (32 grams) of arrowroot powder. Arrowroot powder is a starchy powder that’s been extracted from the roots of an arrowroot plant.[5] Arrowroot powder doesn’t repel fleas, but adding it to your flea powder will dilute it so it’s gentle enough to use on a regular basis.[6]
    • You can find arrowroot powder in the baking aisle at your local grocery store.
  4. 4
    Try adding 1/2 cup (90 grams) of yarrow powder to help soothe flea bites. Yarrow powder is a powder derived from the yarrow flower. Yarrow powder will help repel fleas, and it has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties that can help alleviate discomfort if a flea does manage to bite your pet.[7]
    • You can find yarrow powder online, at health food stores, and at certain department stores.
  5. 5
    Talk to your vet if you're interested in adding essential oils to your powder. Certain essential oils are effective at repelling fleas.[8] However, essential oils can be toxic to both cats and dogs, and they can also cause irritation when applied topically. If you're considering mixing essential oils into your natural flea powder, make sure you consult your vet first to find out which oils should be avoided and how to use essential oils safely.[9]
    • Your natural flea powder will still be effective even if you don't add essential oils.
  6. 6
    Stir all of the ingredients together until they’re thoroughly combined. Use a spoon to mix everything. When you’re finished, put the lid on the jar and store it somewhere dry and cool until you’re ready to use it.[10]
    • Your natural flea repellent should stay good for around 1-2 years, or possibly longer if you didn't use essential oils. However, with routine application, you'll likely run out of powder before then.
    • Label the jar so you don’t forget what’s inside of it.
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using Flea Repellent Powder

  1. 1
    Apply the powder outdoors if possible. The application process might get a little messy. If you can’t apply the powder outside and you’re worried about getting it on your floors, lay down a towel or some newspaper to make cleaning up easier.[11]
  2. 2
    Pour some of the powder into your hand. You’ll be applying the powder in sections, so the amount doesn’t need to be precise. Just be careful pouring it so you don't accidentally dump out too much.[12]
    • You can also use a spoon to scoop some of the powder into your hand.
  3. 3
    Work the powder into your pet’s fur. Go against the grain (the direction your pet’s fur grows in), and use your fingers to spread the powder around. Make sure you’re touching your pet’s skin as you apply the powder so it goes deep down into its fur.[13]

    Tip: If your pet won’t sit still, ask someone to gently hold it in place while you apply the powder.

  4. 4
    Repeat until you’ve covered your pet’s whole body. Once you’ve worked in all of the powder in your hand, pour out some more powder and repeat with a different section of fur. Make sure you cover your pet’s body, legs, tail, and neck.[14]
    • Be careful when you’re applying the powder near your pet’s face. It can cause irritation if it gets in your pet's eyes, nose, or mouth.
    • You'll be able to see some of the powder on your pet's coat when you're finished. However, if your pet has a light-colored coat, the powder may not be visible.
  5. 5
    Reapply the flea repellent powder once a week. Over time, the flea powder will be shed and washed away from your pet’s fur. Weekly applications should be enough to protect your pet from fleas, but you may want to reapply the powder sooner if your pet has been bathed or gotten wet outdoors.[15]
    • Monitor your pet for adverse skin reactions, like redness, dryness, and itching. If you notice these signs, stop using the flea powder and talk to your vet.
  6. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Do the herbal remedies interfere with Frontline?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Both my dogs take Frontline with herbal remedies, and they do not interfere with each other. In fact, they end up working together to keep your pooch flea-free.


  • Essential oils can be toxic to cats and dogs. Don’t add essential oils to your flea repellent powder without talking to your vet first.
  • Be careful not to get the powder in your pet’s eyes, nose, or mouth since it can cause irritation.
  • Talk to your vet before using a homemade flea repellent powder.

Things You’ll Need

  • Jar
  • Measuring cups
  • Spoon
  • Shaker lid (optional)

About This Article

Kyle Hall
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Kyle Hall. Kyle Hall works on the content team at wikiHow. He helps manage our team of editors and creates content for a variety of wikiHow projects. Kyle continually looks for new ways to improve the content at wikiHow and make it more helpful and enjoyable for readers. He graduated from Eckerd College in 2015, where he majored in Political Science. This article has been viewed 24,733 times.
9 votes - 89%
Co-authors: 6
Updated: December 21, 2021
Views: 24,733