Dress up your jello shots for Halloween by turning them into your favorite spooky sweet: candy corn! With layers of white, orange, and yellow gelatin, candy corn jello shots mimic the look of the traditional fall candy. Use vanilla vodka to spike the jello for an adult twist or make them alcohol-free so kids can enjoy them, too.


  • 1 3 oz (85 g) box of lemon-flavored gelatin
  • 1 3 oz (85 g) box of orange-flavored gelatin
  • 3 .25 oz (7.1 g) packets of unflavored gelatin
  • 3 cups (710 ml) of water
  • 1.5 cups (350 ml) of vanilla vodka
  • 4 ounces (110 g) of sweetened condensed milk

Makes 20 shots

  • 1 3 oz (85 g) box of lemon-flavored gelatin
  • 1 3 oz (85 g) box of orange-flavored gelatin
  • 2 .25 oz (7.1 g) packets of unflavored gelatin
  • 1 small bottle of vanilla extract
  • 2 cups (470 ml) of boiling water
  • Whipped topping
  • Sprinkles (optional)

Makes 10 to 12 shots

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Making Classic Candy Corn Jello Shots

  1. 1
    Heat the water, sweetened condensed milk, and unflavored gelatin. Combine 1 cup (240 ml) of water, 4 ounces (110 g) of sweetened condensed milk, and 1 packet of unflavored gelatin in a small saucepan and put it on the stove. Turn the burner to medium heat to warm the mixture.[1]
    • The water doesn’t need to reach a boiling point. As long as it's steaming, the water will be hot enough to dissolve the gelatin.
    • 1 packet of gelatin is the equivalent of about 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of gelatin.
  2. 2
    Stir until the gelatin dissolves, then remove the pan from the heat. It should take about 5 minutes. Once all of the powder is completely dissolved, take the pan off the stove and set it on a hot pad or trivet on the counter.[2]
    • To prevent the powder from burning or sticking on the bottom of the pan, stir continuously while the pan is over heat.
  3. 3
    Mix 12 cup (120 ml) of vodka into the saucepan while it’s warm. Make sure the liquid in the saucepan is not so hot that you can’t touch it. If it’s too hot, the alcohol will cook out when you pour it in.[3]
    • If necessary, let the mixture cool for a few minutes before you stir in the vodka.

    Picking Your Alcohol

    For the traditional candy corn taste, use vanilla or whipped cream vodka.

    To keep the lemon and orange jello flavors, opt for plain vodka.

    For a higher alcohol content, use rum or a higher-proof vodka (like 80-proof).

    If you like whiskey or tequila, use them! Just be aware that the flavors of these alcohols are strong and will cover up any candy corn or citrus flavor from the jello.

  4. 4
    Pour the mixture into the shot glasses, filling each 1/3 of the way. This will create your white layer at the bottom of the candy corn. Use a funnel or measuring cup to divvy up the liquid.[4]

    Variation: Want jello shots that are shaped like actual candy corns? Place paper cone-shaped cups in the shot glasses and fill the cups the same way you'd fill the glasses in layers. At the end, pop the jello out of the cup for a triangular treat!

  5. 5
    Place the shot glasses in the refrigerator for 30 to 40 minutes. You want them to harden a little before adding the next layer. They should be firm when you remove them from the fridge.[5]
    • It’s better to leave the shots in the fridge for longer than to remove them too soon. If you aren’t sure the shots are set, wait an extra 10 to 15 minutes.
  6. 6
    Mix the orange gelatin, 1 packet of unflavored gelatin, and water. Measure out 1 cup (240 ml) of boiling water and pour it into a small mixing bowl along with the box of orange-flavored gelatin and the unflavored gelatin. Stir until all of the gelatin is dissolved into the water.[6]
    • Heat the water on the stove to bring it to a boil before mixing it in or use the microwave to heat it.
    • If you use the stove to heat the water, you can combine the gelatin with the water all at once. However, since there's no milk that needs to be heated, this isn't necessary.
  7. 7
    Add 12 cup (120 ml) of vodka to the mixture. Use a spoon or whisk to carefully stir the vodka into the orange liquid. Make sure it's thoroughly combined.[7]
    • Increase the amount of vodka you add in for stronger shots.
    • If you substituted a different alcohol for vodka, use that here.
  8. 8
    Pour the mixture into the glasses, filling each one 2/3 of the way. This will go directly on top of the white layer that's already in the bottom. The white layer should be set enough that the 2 layers won’t mix.[8]
    • Leave enough room at the top of each glass for the final yellow layer.
  9. 9
    Return the shot glasses to the refrigerator for another 30 to 40 minutes. Again, you want the orange layer to be jiggly and firm before you pour on the final layer. The jello could set in less than 30 minutes if your fridge is super cold.[9]
    • Set the kitchen timer or use the clock app on your phone to keep track of the time.
  10. 10
    Repeat the same mixing process with the lemon-flavored gelatin. Combine the box of lemon gelatin, 1 packet of unflavored gelatin, and 1 cup (240 ml) of boiling water in a bowl, mixing until the gelatin is dissolved. Then stir in the last 12 cup (120 ml) of vodka.[10]
    • Save time by doing this step about 5 to 10 minutes before removing the orange layer from the fridge.
  11. 11
    Fill the remaining 1/3 of each shot glass with the lemon mixture. This forms the yellow layer that’s the bottom of the candy corn. To avoid spills when you’re moving the glasses to the fridge, don’t fill the glasses all the way to the rim so the liquid doesn’t slosh over the top.[11]
    • Set the shot glasses on a plate or baking sheet to catch any accidental spills.
  12. 12
    Place the shot glasses back in the refrigerator for 30 to 40 minutes. Let the final layer set before you enjoy your jello shots. If you aren’t eating them right away, keep them in the refrigerator until you’re ready to serve them.
    • Top each shot with 1 to 2 pieces of actual candy corn for an extra sweet touch.
    • Refrigerated jello shots will last 7 to 10 days.
  13. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Preparing Virgin Jello Shots

  1. 1
    Combine the box of lemon gelatin with 1 packet of unflavored gelatin. Pour both gelatin powders into a small bowl. Use a spoon to mix them together.[12]
    • If you’re using a bulk container of unflavored gelatin, 1 packet is equal to about 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of gelatin.
  2. 2
    Stir 1 cup (240 ml) of boiling water into the gelatin mix. Carefully pour the water into the bowl with the gelatin powders. Stir the ingredients together with a spoon until the powder is completely dissolved. It will take about 2 minutes.[13]
    • Lukewarm water will not work. You need hot water that will dissolve the powder. Anything cooler will just cause the powder to clump up.
    • You can either bring the water to a boil on the stove or heat it in the microwave.
  3. 3
    Fill each of the shot glasses halfway with the gelatin mixture. Use a funnel or a measuring cup to pour the liquid into each shot glass. Leave room in the glass for the second layer.[14]
    • A tablespoon or eyedropper can also help you get the liquid into the shot glasses without a mess.
  4. 4
    Place the shot glasses in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. This will allow the lemon gelatin to harden before you add the orange layer. After 20 minutes, the gelatin should be firm and jiggly to the touch.[15]
    • If you don’t let the lemon layer set properly, the 2 layers will mix together instead of sitting separately on top of each other.
  5. 5
    Combine the orange gelatin, unflavored gelatin, and boiling water. Now you’re making the orange layer. Mix the box of orange-flavored gelatin, the other packet of unflavored gelatin, and 1 cup (240 ml) of boiling water in a small bowl. Stir until the powder is dissolved.[16]
    • Use a new bowl or simply rinse out the one you had used for the lemon layer.
    • Do this step while the lemon gelatin is setting in the refrigerator to save time. Wait to mix it until 5 to 10 minutes before it's time to remove the lemon gelatin, though, so it doesn't start setting.
  6. 6
    Pour the orange mixture on top of the lemon layer in each shot glass. Now that the lemon layer has set in the fridge, you can add the orange layer. With a measuring cup or funnel, fill the remaining half of each shot glass with the orange gelatin mixture.[17]
    • Test 1 shot glass before pouring it into all of them. If the layers begin mixing, you know you need to let the first layer harden a little more first.
  7. 7
    Place the filled shot glasses back in the fridge for another 20 minutes. This allows the orange layer to set just like the lemon layer did. If you aren't planning to eat the shots immediately, keep them in the fridge until serving.[18]
    • There's no harm in leaving the shots in the fridge for longer than 20 to 30 minutes to set. It's better to have them firmer than too runny.
    • You can keep jello shots in the fridge for 7 to 10 days.
  8. 8
    Add whipped topping and some sprinkles before serving if you’d like. For a little festive flair, spoon a dollop of whipped topping onto the shot glasses to mimic the white layer of a candy corn. Toss on some orange and white sprinkles, too.[19]
    • Wait until you’re ready to eat the shots before you add the final touches. Otherwise, the whipped topping will melt or fall flat.

    Creative Topping Ideas

    A swirl of whipped topping

    Orange, yellow, and white sprinkles

    Pieces of candy corn

    Mandarin orange slices

    A thin layer of vanilla or orange pudding

    Edible glitter

  9. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can you serve this at a Halloween kids party?
    Community Answer
    If you make the virgin version, you can. The virgin version is without alcohol (aside from the vanilla extract) and is just gelatin.

Things You'll Need

Classic Candy Corn Jello Shots

  • Saucepan
  • Spoon
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Shot glasses
  • 2 mixing bowls
  • Whisk (optional)
  • Baking sheet or plate (optional)

Virgin Jello Shots

  • Shot glasses
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • 2 mixing bowls
  • Spoon
  • Whisk (optional)
  • Baking sheet or plate (optional)
  • Saucepan (optional)

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5 votes - 60%
Co-authors: 17
Updated: November 1, 2021
Views: 164,679
Article SummaryX

Candy corn jello shots are a fun Halloween treat that you can make with jello, condensed milk, and vanilla vodka. Start by heating up some unflavored gelatin with water and condensed milk, then add vanilla vodka to make the base of the shot. Fill the bottom third of several shot glasses with this mixture, then chill them in the fridge for about 40 minutes. Repeat the process with a layer of orange jello flavored with vodka, and pour that on top of the first layer. Once the second layer has set, finish off with a layer of vodka-spiked lemon jello. To learn how to make alcohol-free candy corn shots, keep reading!

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