It's no secret that smoking discolors your teeth.[1] Tobacco smoke causes yellow stains which are difficult to take off with brushing alone. Other types of smoke can discolor your teeth, too, including the chemicals in vapes and the plant tannins in marijuana. Fortunately, there are many ways to avoid and remove stains from any kind of smoking and whiten your teeth so you can smile with confidence.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Removing Stains

  1. 1
    Clean your teeth with baking soda. It may sound or taste weird, but for the sake of white teeth, you should try it. Brushing with baking soda will make a visible difference in the whiteness of your teeth.
    • To clean your teeth with baking soda, sprinkle some baking soda on your toothbrush and brush as normal.
    • Don't leave the baking soda on your teeth for too long and also you shouldn't brush too hard. Baking soda left on too long or scrubbed on too hard can erode the enamel on your teeth, causing more harm than good.[2]
  2. 2
    Use a combination of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Just add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to baking soda until it creates a paste. Then use the paste as you would commercial toothpaste. The addition of hydrogen peroxide whitens your teeth even more than baking soda alone.[3]
    • Because this combination can be very abrasive, you should only use it for a few days and then discontinue use for a few months. This will assure that you don't damage your tooth enamel.
  3. 3
    Use over-the-counter oral whitening products. The simplest to use is whitening toothpaste, as it can be used like normal toothpaste. However, there are a wide variety of other teeth whitening products.[4] They usually come in the form of teeth whitening gels, strips, or bleaches that are applied with teeth trays.[5] These products are very effective for getting rid of smoking stains.[6]
    • Use gels and bleaches sparingly. Stripes are okay to use on a regular basis.
  4. 4
    Try products you have in your home for teeth whitening. There are a variety of natural products that are said to whiten teeth. These include banana peels, strawberries, and apple cider vinegar. You can even swish coconut oil around in your teeth.[7]
    • To use strawberries, mash several strawberries up and mix with some baking soda. Use as a toothpaste. This may be effective because of the malic acid in strawberries.
    • Rub the inside of banana peels on your teeth to whiten them. The inside of the peel has a variety of minerals that can help the health of your teeth.
    • One part apple cider vinegar can be mixed with three parts water and then mixed into your normal toothpaste. If you then brush as normal, the stain-fighting power of your toothpaste will be enhanced.
    • To use coconut oil put a tablespoon of the oil in your mouth and swish it around for up to 15 minutes. You may need to do it for less time at first, in order to get used to the feeling. Be sure not to swallow the oil, which can take some focus on your part. This process with help promote saliva production and eliminates bacteria in the mouth.
  5. 5
    Get a professional teeth whitening. This is a very effective way to get rid of stains. A cosmetic cleaning can get out more staining than your normal dental cleaning.[8] This can be done between your regular dental cleanings, but should not be used as a replacement for them.
    • Professional teeth whitening uses harsh chemicals to brighten your teeth. After this type of cleaning, your teeth will be very sensitive for a period of time.
  6. 6
    Quit smoking.[9] This is the most effective way of eliminating staining from smoking but it is by no means the easiest. If you stop smoking, the staining caused by the nicotine and tar staining should fade over time.
    • If you want to stop smoking, consider seeking help in doing it. Smoking is addictive and you can use as much help and support as you can get.
  7. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Avoiding Stains

  1. 1
    Brush your teeth. Although this is important for everyone's dental health, tooth brushing is especially important for keeping a smoker's teeth white. Brush your teeth two to three times a day, being sure to brush for at least two minutes each time. Use a whitening toothpaste if you would like to get an extra level of whitening action.[10]
    • Smokers tend to have poorer oral health and a higher risk of periodontal disease, so it's important to focus on keeping your mouth healthy.[11] [12] In addition to reducing the risk of problems in your mouth, like gum disease, brushing will whiten your smile.
    • Try brushing right after you smoke. This will remove the tar and other chemicals deposited on the teeth quickly instead of letting them set it.
  2. 2
    Consider using a special smoker's toothpaste. There are special toothpastes for smokers. These toothpastes contain more abrasive ingredients, such as baking soda or alumina than normal toothpastes. This helps to get at the tar and nicotine embedded in the teeth.[13] [14]
    • Because these toothpastes have additional abrasive, they can wear down your enamel faster. If you are concerned about your enamel wearing down, consider using smoker's toothpaste some of the time and regular toothpaste the rest of the time.
  3. 3
    Use anti-tar mouthwash for smokers. There are specialty mouthwash products that are made to reduce the amount of tar and chemicals in your mouth after smoking. They are made to be used after each time you smoke.
    • Using a normal mouthwash won't keep your teeth white but it will improve your overall oral health. Use a regular mouthwash even if you can't get your hands on an anti-tar mouthwash. Just be sure to pick a therapeutic mouthwash that actually fights gingivitis and freshens your breath at the same time, as opposed to a mouthwash that just freshens your breath. You should be able to tell the difference because therapeutic mouthwashes include fluoride and antimicrobial agents.
  4. 4
    Floss your teeth. It's important to floss your teeth before you sleep or after brushing. In addition to improving your general oral health, it will also help to remove nicotine and tar from your teeth. This will decrease the risk of staining in the areas between teeth.[15]
    • Pick whatever type of floss you like. The type of floss matters less than how you use it to clean between your teeth.
    • Floss your teeth once a day. It does not matter when you do it, just do it.
  5. 5
    Go to the dentist regularly. If you are a smoker you should schedule dentist appointments more often than if you didn't smoke. Consult with your dentist about how often he or she thinks you should come in.[16]
    • Your dentist will give your teeth a thorough cleaning during your regular visit, which should take away any light staining and lessen any deep staining.[17]
    • If you are interested, your dentist can also give you information about smoking cessation, including giving you information on the ill effects smoking has on oral health.[18]
  6. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can I prevent my teeth from staining when smoking?
    Alina Lane, DDS
    Alina Lane, DDS
    Board Certified Dentist
    Dr. Alina Lane is a Dentist who runs All Smiles Dentistry, a general practice dental office based in New York City. After completing a DDS at the University of Maryland, Dr. Lane completed a year-long clerkship in Implantology at the University of Maryland, where she focused on the advanced restoration of dental implants. She continued her advanced education by completing a General Practice Residency at Woodhull Medical Center, an affiliate of the NYU School of Medicine. She received the Woodhull Medical Center Resident of the Year 2012-2013.
    Alina Lane, DDS
    Board Certified Dentist
    Expert Answer
    You're not going to be able to prevent it. Smoking is really bad for your teeth, so the only thing you can really do is go to the dentist more often and clean your teeth more thoroughly to get rid of any stains or discoloration. It isn't preventable, though. Quit if you can!
  • Question
    Can you reverse yellow teeth from smoking?
    Alina Lane, DDS
    Alina Lane, DDS
    Board Certified Dentist
    Dr. Alina Lane is a Dentist who runs All Smiles Dentistry, a general practice dental office based in New York City. After completing a DDS at the University of Maryland, Dr. Lane completed a year-long clerkship in Implantology at the University of Maryland, where she focused on the advanced restoration of dental implants. She continued her advanced education by completing a General Practice Residency at Woodhull Medical Center, an affiliate of the NYU School of Medicine. She received the Woodhull Medical Center Resident of the Year 2012-2013.
    Alina Lane, DDS
    Board Certified Dentist
    Expert Answer
    You can definitely restore the color of your teeth to a certain degree if you quit smoking. There are a lot of teeth whitening products on the market that are highly effective.

About This Article

Alina Lane, DDS
Co-authored by:
Board Certified Dentist
This article was co-authored by Alina Lane, DDS. Dr. Alina Lane is a Dentist who runs All Smiles Dentistry, a general practice dental office based in New York City. After completing a DDS at the University of Maryland, Dr. Lane completed a year-long clerkship in Implantology at the University of Maryland, where she focused on the advanced restoration of dental implants. She continued her advanced education by completing a General Practice Residency at Woodhull Medical Center, an affiliate of the NYU School of Medicine. She received the Woodhull Medical Center Resident of the Year 2012-2013. This article has been viewed 139,991 times.
1 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: August 2, 2022
Views: 139,991
Categories: Smoking | Whitening Teeth

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The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.

Article SummaryX

To keep your teeth white while smoking, try brushing your teeth with baking soda, which can make your teeth whiter and help counteract the effect that smoking has on them. You can also mix some hydrogen peroxide or mashed-up strawberries with the baking soda for even more whitening power. You should also try to brush your teeth right after you smoke so the tar doesn't sit on them and stain them. Also, consider using mouthwash and toothpaste designed specifically for smokers, which can help prevent staining. To learn how to use coconut oil or apple cider vinegar to keep your teeth white, scroll down!

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