This article was co-authored by Michiko Takatani. Michiko Takatani is a Sexual Health, Yoga & Tantra Specialist and the Founder of Solar Tantra School. With nearly 20 years of experience, she specializes in a combination of Kundalini yoga and Tantra. She holds a Kundalini Yoga Certification from the Kundalini Research Institute. Additionally, her Solar Tantra School in New York has a 5-star rating.
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Looking to produce more semen or increase your seminal fluid? Whether you want to improve the strength, force, or amount of your ejaculate, you're in the right place. Safe ways to produce more semen or increase seminal fluid include nutritional approaches, physical practices, and conscious lifestyle choices, and we've got everything you need to know, from foods and supplements to try to simple exercises and lifestyle changes you can make. Keep reading for all of the best tips to help you to increase your ejaculate.
Increasing Ejaculate the Quick and Easy Way
1Drink fluids. The amount of semen that is released during orgasm is related to the volume of fluids that are ingested. That's because semen is water-based, and semen is the fluid that helps lubricate the way for sperm. The body needs two to three liters of water a day to function properly.[1] Drinking more fluids should therefore increase your ejaculate.
- If you enjoy a couple rounds of drinks after work and a couple more before the deed, you're doing your ejaculate a disservice. That's because alcohol dehydrates your body, leaving it less like a slip'n'slide and more like a deserted water park. In addition to dehydrating your body, alcohol lowers sperm count and affects the quality of your sperm.
2Keep the heat away. Your mini-mes are delicate, like a flower in the tundra. They're so delicate that they wilt when they're exposed to excessive heat.[2] [3] This may help answer one of the burning questions of your youth — why are testicles outside of the body? In fact, testes are housed outside of the body instead of inside because they need to be able to maintain a lower temperature than 98.6 °F (37.0 °C), which is the temperature at which your body regulates heat.
- What does this mean, practically speaking? If you enjoy long rides in cars with heated seats, or steamy shifts in the sauna/steam room, or even trips to your very own hot tub time machine, give them a break. They're not worth sacrificing your little cadets for.
3Avoid wearing tight underwear. Again, the ideal temperature for semen and sperm is slightly lower than normal body temperature. Tight underwear will increase the scrotal temperature, thereby decreasing sperm and semen levels.
4Avoid sitting with your legs crossed. This philosophical posture also affects the sperm and semen volumes to a great extent. By squashing the scrotal area against the warm body, you risk increasing its temperature above the normal range. That's a red alert, right there.
5Abstain from orgasm (for a day or two). Your body produces sperm at an astonishing rate of more than 1,500 every second, on average. That works out to anywhere from 130 to 200 million sperm cells a day.[4] Still, whenever you orgasm, you lose a hefty portion of your serial soldiers. Try to wait a bit to increase the size of the army.
- Abstaining from orgasm for one or two days is all it takes, in fact, for the body to replenish its army. Beyond one or two days, your sperm is just sitting and getting old, like tuckered out reserves.
Increasing Ejaculate with Diet and Supplements
1Take zinc together with folic acid. Zinc is an essential mineral that is instrumental in several factors of cellular metabolism.[5] In combination with folic acid, zinc was found to increase sperm count by 74% in men who had fertility problems, according to one study.[6]
- So how much zinc and folic acid should you take every day, you ask? 1 mg of folic acid and 15 mg of zinc sulfate is recommended.
- Always remember to take zinc in combination with folic acid. Taken alone, neither supplement had a significant bearing on sperm count.
2Kick your soda habit. Not only is soda rich in high fructose corn syrup bad for your liver, but it's also bad for your baby batter. Compared to men who drink no soda, those who drink more than a quart a day had 30% lower sperm counts.[7]
3Try taking certain amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. These organic compounds, taken regularly, are reputed to boost levels of silly string.[8] Scientists believe that sperm benefit from amino acids because certain amino acids are found in large quantities in the heads of sperm. Look out for the following amino acids to boost your ejaculate:
- L-Arginine
- L-Lysine
- L-Carnitine
4Try horny goat weed. According to legend, this supplement gets its name from a Chinese goat-herder who noticed some serious arousal in his flock after they chewed on a particular species of epimedium. But does this strange herb actually work? Horny goat weed is reputed to restrict enzymes that block blood flow to the penis.[9] Whether or not this helps your diminutive dailies is still up for debate.
5Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Sometimes, all you need is a healthy diet. Fruits and veggies, especially, are rich in antioxidants, which could help improve the quality of life your sperm enjoy.[10] They are also rich in vitamins, and you should focus especially on vitamins C, E, and Folate. Aside from increasing your ejaculate, foods rich in antioxidants will also make you healthier and help you feel better. Food rich in antioxidants include:
- Red beans
- Wild blueberries, cranberries, and blackberries
- Coconut water
- Prunes
- Apples (Red Delicious, Granny Smith, Gala)
- Artichokes[11]
Increasing Ejaculate Through Lifestyle Changes
1Perform regular PC muscle exercises. Also called Kegel exercises, PC muscle exercises (shorthand for "pubococcygeus" muscle) do a host of functions for both sexes, but in particular men. In addition to promoting prostate health and heading off premature ejaculation, they are instrumental in prolonging the duration of orgasm as well as increasing ejaculate.[12]
2Stop smoking, if you haven't already. If you needed another compelling reason to quit smoking, add this one to the heap. Smoking not only lowers sperm count, but also possibly leads to higher imperfection rates in sperm.[13] [14]
- Expecting fathers who smoke while trying to get pregnant may have children with higher rates of medical issues. During both conception and after, keeping the mother in a smoke-free environment is the best course of action, hands down.
- Smoking marijuana is a no-no, too. Marijuana is known to lower both the male hormone testosterone and sperm count.[15]
3Learn to manage your stress. However stressful your life is, try to begin to come to grips with the fact that stress is fundamentally unhealthy. It turns out that stress hormones interfere with the testes' ability to manufacture testosterone, which is largely responsible for sperm production. In addition to diminished ejaculate, stress will also cause:
4Get enough physical exercise. There's good evidence to suggest that regular physical exercise is beneficial in increasing sperm count.[17] So put on your soccer cleats, football spikes, or court kicks and brush off some of the cobwebs in your moves.
5Practice safe sex. Safe sex is the final key to helping your little helpers go from a small village to the Roman dynasty. Some STIs like gonorrhea and chlamydia, can ultimately lead to infertility if left untreated. Always use protection. To be absolutely sure, engage in a mutually monogamous relationship with someone you trust.
Expert Q&A
QuestionIs it possible to increase the amount of ejaculate?Michiko TakataniMichiko Takatani is a Sexual Health, Yoga & Tantra Specialist and the Founder of Solar Tantra School. With nearly 20 years of experience, she specializes in a combination of Kundalini yoga and Tantra. She holds a Kundalini Yoga Certification from the Kundalini Research Institute. Additionally, her Solar Tantra School in New York has a 5-star rating.
Sexual Health and Yoga SpecialistDefinitely! Diet adjustments, physical practices, and certain lifestyle choices can all make a difference. For example, try eating foods rich in zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E, folate, amino acids, and good fatty acids. Try to add leg stretching to your routine as well, which helps increase blood flow to your reproductive organs. Yoga practices that arch the back (like Bow or Cobra poses) can also help.
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about exercising, check out our in-depth interview with Michiko Takatani.
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About This Article
The easiest way to increase your ejaculate is to drink 2 to 3 liters of water a day. You can also do regular Kegel exercises to increase your sperm count, like flexing your PC muscle. Avoid things that can deplete your sperm count, like wearing tight underwear, sitting with your legs crossed, and smoking. If possible, abstain from orgasms for a day or two in order to increase your sperm count. For more tips on increasing your ejaculate, like what fruits and vegetables you should eat, keep reading!
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The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.