Not all dogs are tolerant of baths, and if you're working with a stubborn dog, giving baths to it can be difficult. If a dog is resisting bath time, there are some things you can do to minimize the mess and make sure bath time goes smoothly. You’ll need to take some extra precautions, like securing the dog so it can’t escape and spending some extra time with it so that it knows it's still loved.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Prepping the Area

  1. 1
    Gather the necessary supplies. If you want to give the dog a bath, you’ll need to get some dog-bathing supplies, as well as a few extras. You should get some canine shampoo, several towels, a nonslip bath mat (if you’re planning on bathing the dog in the bathtub), a leash to use in securing the dog, cotton balls to clean the dog’s ears, and treats to encourage the dog to behave.[1]
    • Don’t use human shampoo on the dog; instead, purchase specially formulated canine shampoo at your local pet store.
  2. 2
    Prevent the dog from escaping. A stubborn dog who dislikes baths will be more likely to attempt an escape while you are bathing it. Because of this, you’ll need to take some extra precautions to keep the dog from getting away from you during bath time.
    • If you’re bathing the dog in your bathroom, make sure the door is securely closed after you bring the dog in.
    • If you’re bathing the dog outdoors, try to do it in an enclosed area, like your garage or a fenced-in yard.
    • You could search online to see if there is a dog wash in your area. Some pet stores or dog grooming businesses offer facilities where you can easily bathe a dog in a dog-friendly setup for a small fee.
    • If none of these options are available to you, make sure you securely tie the dog to something so it can’t get away from you. You might want to use a leash that you can hold or a chain that you can stake to the ground.
    • While you are securing the dog, talk to it and make sure it is comfortable. Comfort the dog before its bath by brushing, petting, and soothing it for a few minutes. You should keep a leash on the dog so you can have control of it.
    • Consider having treats on hand to make the dog's experience more positive.
  3. 3
    Take steps to minimize the mess. Because a stubborn dog is more likely to put up a fight during bath time, it’s more likely that it will make a mess with all the soapy water that you'll be bathing it in. To avoid a massive cleanup afterward, try to stage the bathing area in such a way as to minimize the mess ahead of time.[2]
    • Put some towels down on the floor and around the bathing area to soak up any soap and water that the dog may shake off.
    • Use a nonslip surface in the bathtub so the dog doesn’t slip and send more water flying if it tries to get away.
    • Try to ask a second person to help you hold the dog while you’re bathing it. This way, the dog will move less and won’t shake as much water around.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Bathing Your Stubborn Dog

  1. 1
    Go slowly. If the dog is stressed, it is more likely to yell, pull on its leash, and make abrupt movements. Move slowly and reassure the dog with petting, calm words, and treats.
  2. 2
    Position yourself above the dog. Keep a leash in one hand and a water hose in the other. Stand on one side of the dog and keep the hand that's holding the leash on the other side, so if the dog becomes hyper, you can pull it away from you and avoid getting bitten.
    • Try to keep a distance between yourself and the dog during the bathing process.
  3. 3
    Get the dog wet. Start at the dog’s back with some water. Slowly go down one side and then down the other. Switch the position of your body to whatever side you're bathing, but keep the hand with the leash on the opposite side.[3]
    • Be careful not to get water directly in the dog’s ears, eyes, or nose.
    • Always soak the dog in water before you begin using shampoo.
  4. 4
    Apply some dog shampoo. After the dog is wet, apply some shampoo, starting at the back, and massage it in well. To clean the dog's back legs and rear, you can put the hand holding the leash on the dog’s lower stomach to raise its back.[4]
    • Throughout washing, soothe the dog by talking to it in a quiet, calm matter. Every so often, you should scratch and rub under the dog’s chin to let it know that it's fine and that it's still loved.
  5. 5
    Rinse out the shampoo. Once you have finished soaping the dog up with shampoo, you’ll need to use water to rinse out all of the soap. While you’re spraying water all over it, you should rub its fur to help the soap come out.
    • During all of this, you shouldn't let go of the leash, but you can still rub the soap out while holding the leash.
  6. 6
    Dry the dog. Be gentle and use a clean, dry towel to rub and pat the dog dry. Try to keep hold of the dog while you're drying it. You should take the same precautions and safety tips as you did with the bathing process to keep the stubborn dog from escaping or making a mess.[5]
    • Sometimes, a dog will shake back and forth to dry itself, but this can be a bit messy. If you don’t want the dog to shake, try to get a towel on it as soon as you are done bathing the dog.
    • A stubborn dog will probably dislike a hair dryer being blown on it, so it’s probably best to just let the dog dry itself after you towel it off.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Managing Any Challenges

  1. 1
    Remain calm. Remember that with a stubborn dog, it might not understand what is going on, so naturally, it will be scared and skittish. It may struggle against you in an attempt to free itself from the frightening situation. It is easy to become frustrated in these situations. If the dog keeps trying to jerk away from you or show some other sign of disobedience, remain calm, get the dog back in the position for bathing, and continue with the task at hand.
    • If the dog is extremely stressed or if you are becoming very frustrated, you may consider taking a short break. As long as the dog is safe, step back for a few moments and let the situation cool down before slowly resuming the bathing process.
    • Provide lots of love and affection to the dog after washing it. Even though it might not enjoy being bathed, giving it lots of attention will let it know that it wasn’t just receiving a punishment.
  2. 2
    Protect yourself. A stubborn dog may be unhappy that you are forcing it to take a bath when it doesn’t want to. You should be cautious about this if you think that the dog could bite you or lunge at you in an attempt to escape.
    • Stay away from the dog’s head whenever possible to minimize the possibility of it biting you.
    • You can also consider using a muzzle if you are afraid that the dog will bite you.
  3. 3
    Speak with your veterinarian. Your vet can provide you with advice about how to approach bathing the particular dog breed. They may offer a mild anti-anxiety medication that can keep the dog relaxed throughout the bathing process. Additionally, they can recommend a local canine behaviorist or dog trainer that can help you desensitize the dog to bathing.
  4. Advertisement


  • When you’re working with a dog, it can break free of your hold and attack you.
  • Whenever you stand or sit/squat next to a dog’s head, you are putting yourself in a vulnerable situation, because the dog can attack your neck.
  • If the dog is really stubborn and it really doesn't want/like the bath, it may break free and get loose. Then, it may try to run away or confront you, so be cautious.

About This Article

Lauren Baker, DVM, PhD
Co-authored by:
This article was co-authored by Lauren Baker, DVM, PhD. Dr. Lauren Baker is a Veterinarian and Assistant Scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. With over 10 years in veterinary medicine, she specializes in the concept of “one health,” which uses insights from veterinary medicine to help human medical research. She holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Biomedical Sciences, a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, an MS in Comparative Biomedical Sciences, and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This article has been viewed 22,046 times.
10 votes - 90%
Co-authors: 14
Updated: January 29, 2023
Views: 22,046
Categories: Washing Dogs
Article SummaryX

To give your stubborn dog a bath, first lay down some towels in case it splashes or jumps out and soaks the floor. Then, put your dog in the bath, keeping it on a leash to give you better control. You should also talk to it in a calm voice and give it treats while you wash it to help it relax. If you're worried about your dog biting you in the bath, use a muzzle to protect yourself. You can also take a short break if your dog is getting too stressed to let it calm down. After you've finished rinsing it, try to cover it quickly with a towel so it doesn’t shake and get water everywhere. For more tips from our Veterinary co-author, including how to position yourself when washing your dog to avoid it biting you, read on!

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