Super glue is a fantastic tool, but it’s not so fantastic when it goes somewhere it’s not supposed to! Thankfully, it can usually be removed from all different kinds of fabrics with a few simple steps. Let the glue dry, scrape off what you can, and then treat it with acetone and laundry detergent. If you can’t get the stain out yourself, your local dry cleaner will hopefully be able to help.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Scraping the Glue

  1. 1
    Check the care label before attempting to remove the super glue. If an item is dry-clean only, it’s best to take it straight to the cleaners rather than attempting to clean it yourself. If an item is hand-wash only, plan on skipping the steps about washing the fabric in the washing machine and instead plan on washing it by hand.[1]
    • For things like towels, aprons, pillows, blankets, or sheets that may not have care labels on them, just take into consideration how you normally wash that particular item.
    • If the label has a washing symbol and a hand, that means to hand-wash it.
    • If the label has a washing symbol with an “X” through it, that means to dry-clean it.
  2. 2
    Let the glue dry completely before attempting to remove it. If you try to remove the glue before it has dried, you may end up spreading it further and creating a bigger mess. Super glue usually dries fast, so check the stain after 10-15 minutes to see if it is still wet.[2]
    • If the glue still looks wet or shiny, it isn’t dry yet.
    • You could also put on a pair of rubber gloves and touch the stain to see if any of the glue comes away on the glove. But don’t touch it with your bare hand—you may end up getting super glue on your fingers!
  3. 3
    Use a spoon to scrape away as much of the dried glue as possible. Gently scrape the rounded end of the spoon against the stain. Be gentle and try to not stretch the fabric as you’re scraping it. You may not be able to get a lot off, but any amount you can remove will be helpful.[3]
    • It’s okay if you can’t scrape any of it away. Some super glues are very liquid and just soak straight into the fabric without leaving much of a residue.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Pre-treating the Stain and Soaking the Fabric

  1. 1
    Dab a discreet part of the fabric with acetone to test for discoloration. Test the acetone on the inside of a hem and use enough so that the spot looks wet. Let the acetone dry, and then examine the fabric to see if the color changed. If not, that’s great and you’re good to go! If the coloring did change, skip ahead to the step on soaking the fabric in cold water.[4]
    • If you don’t have pure acetone, use an acetone-based fingernail polish remover. It’ll have the same effect.
  2. 2
    Wet a cotton ball with acetone and blot the stain until it’s saturated. Uncap the acetone, place a cotton ball over the opening, and flip the bottle over. Turn the bottle back right-side-up and remove the cotton ball. Dab it on the super-glue stain until it appears wet.[5]
    • For large stains, you may need to use more than 1 cotton ball.

    Tip: Acetone is also helpful at removing super glue from skin, just in case you find you’ve accidentally gotten some on your hands.

  3. 3
    Submerge the fabric completely in a large bowl of cold water. Depending on how big the item is, you may need to use a large stockpot or even the kitchen sink or tub. Fill the bowl with cold water, then add the stained item to it. Swish it around a few times to make sure the entire thing gets saturated with water.[6]
    • If the stained item can’t be moved, like a carpet, wet the stained area with a sponge. Let it sit for about 30 minutes before moving on to the washing and drying steps.
  4. 4
    Let the fabric soak in the cold water overnight or for about 8 hours. The soaking time will hopefully soften the glue enough that it becomes easier to get out. If you’re in a rush and can’t wait that long, let it soak for at least an hour before moving on to the next section.[7]
    • Superglue is a really strong adhesive; the longer it soaks in cold water, the looser it should hopefully get.
  5. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Washing and Drying

  1. 1
    Remove the fabric from the water and squeeze out the excess liquid. After the item has soaked overnight, drain the water from the bowl and then gently wring out the item. Stop wringing it out once it is damp but no longer sopping wet.

    Tip: If the cold water bothers your hands, wear a pair of rubber gloves during this process. They’ll insulate them a little so they don’t get as cold.

  2. 2
    Pour a small amount of laundry detergent directly onto the stain. Use 1 to 2 tablespoons (15 to 30 mL) of liquid laundry detergent. Lay the item out flat so you can easily access the stain, then slowly pour the detergent onto it.[8]
    • If you don’t have liquid laundry detergent, mix 1 tablespoon (20 grams) of powdered detergent with 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of water and pour that onto the stain.
  3. 3
    Massage the glue with the flat top of the laundry detergent cap. Spend about 30 seconds rubbing the detergent into the stained area. This helps work the detergent into the fabric, and using the top of the laundry cap keeps your hands clean.[9]
    • If you used powdered detergent, use the back of a spoon to rub it into the stained area.
  4. 4
    Wash washing-machine safe items in a warm cycle. Wash the item alone and on the smallest setting possible so as to not waste extra water. Add the same amount of laundry detergent to the machine like you normally would.[10]
    • Washing the item alone gives it the best chance that the stain will come out fully.
  5. 5
    Hand-wash delicate items in the sink. Fill the sink partway with warm water and swish the item around a few times until the water starts to get soapy. Then, use a soft-bristled brush to gently scrub the stain for 3-5 minutes. Drain the sink and rinse the fabric with cool water until the water runs clear.[11]
    • Wear gloves during this process if you have sensitive skin.
  6. 6
    Wet, scrub, and blot stained fabric that can’t fit in the washing machine. Get a bowl of clean water and a clean sponge. Wet the stained area and then use a soft-bristled brush to gently scrub the stain for 3-5 minutes. Wet the area again and blot it with a clean, dry towel to absorb the water and soap. Continue wetting and blotting the area until the suds are gone and the section is just damp to the touch.[12]
    • It may take 20-30 minutes and several towels to fully “rinse” and dry the stained area.
  7. 7
    Check that the stain is gone after the cycle and rewash if needed. Hopefully the first round of treatment took care of the stain! If not, repeat the steps 1-2 more times to see if you can get it out. If not, it may be time to take the item to the dry cleaner.[13]
    • Avoid rewashing the item too many times. Excessive use of acetone, laundry detergent, and scrubbing will wear down the fibers and potentially damage the fabric.
  8. 8
    Let the item air dry to double-check that the glue stain is completely gone. If you were to put a still-stained item through the dryer, the heat would lock that stain into the fabric. Air drying it gives you the chance to wash it again and continue trying to remove the stain if necessary.[14]
    • Try to keep the drying item away from heat sources and sunlight if you can. They can have the same stain-setting effect as a dryer.
  9. Advertisement

Things You’ll Need

  • Spoon
  • Bowl
  • Liquid laundry detergent
  • Acetone
  • Cotton balls
  • Rubber gloves

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Co-authors: 5
Updated: July 2, 2021
Views: 18,073
Article SummaryX

Before trying to get super glue out of fabric, check the washing instructions on the fabric item. If it’s dry-clean only, take it to a professional cleaner and ask them to get the glue out. Otherwise, start by letting the glue dry so that you don’t spread it around more trying to remove it. Once it’s totally dry, grab a spoon and gently scrape away as much of the glue as possible. To help break down any of the remaining glue, dab a little acetone on the stain with a cotton ball. Always test the acetone on an inconspicuous spot first to make sure it doesn’t discolor your fabric. Then, let the item soak in cold water for at least 8 hours to soften up the remaining glue before washing it as you normally would. Keep reading for more tips, like how to pretreat the glue stain with laundry detergent before washing!

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