Pepper spray can be both harmful and painful when it comes in contact with your skin or eyes. The best way to counteract this, though, is to either avoid it or to remove it from your skin promptly. This article will show you how to remove pepper spray from your hands.


  1. 1
    Stop the behavior that got you sprayed (accidentally or intentionally).
    • For instance, if you or someone else mishandled the bottle of spray (in relaxed circumstances or playing), be careful. By continuing the behavior, you can cause more exposure and more damage to be incurred on you or any person in the vicinity.
    • Never do something illegal, because someone can pepper spray you to stop you from:
      • Committing a violent crime (e.g. in self-defense)
      • Leaving after you clearly committed a crime (e.g. by a citizen's arrest), especially when it's a felony, and
      • Resisting arrest if that person is a police officer who is arresting you, which is illegal, even if you're innocent.
  2. 2
    Avoid touching your towel, eyes, nostrils, mouth actually spreading pepper spray to any other portion of your body. Also, don't touch any objects you don't need to. As the pepper material can stick there and hurt someone else or you much later if not cleaned.[1]
  3. 3
    Make sure to watch for any allergies to pepper spray or any of its ingredients. If you don't know, make sure you have no swelling, trouble breathing, hives, or any symptoms that warn you of an impending health problem.[2] Don't hesitate. If you have any allergy problems or questions, call the Emergency Services. Trouble breathing, for example, may be the difference between life and death.[3]
  4. 4
    Gather the needed materials. (Still focus on your body, making sure you have no allergic symptoms. They may be slow in showing themselves). Get a basin or a container that can hold water and is clean. Be careful, and don't panic while getting the materials.
  5. 5
    Mix your dish soap into the water as you would for dishwater. You may want to use it liberally, as some pepper spray have oil in them, and they are meant to stick (but don't go overboard as it may cause skin irritation).[4]
  6. 6
    Take your hands out of the water. After letting them dry a little (they shouldn't be dripping water anymore), you can wash them again. You should make sure to wash them like you did the first time. Do this step until your hands feel normal again. If they always felt fine (no pain or burning) then you should still wash them at least 5 times.
  7. Advertisement


  • Don't put yourself into this situation or do something illegal, especially by committing a violent crime or a felony, or resisting an arrest made by a police officer, next time. You might not come out so lucky.
  • This method is meant for your hands, not your face and eyes. See a different tutorial for that.
  • Be aware of your allergies (pepper spray, dish soap, etc.), as you may endanger yourself further by not knowing your risk.

Things You'll Need

  • Bucket or a container to hold water
  • Towel
  • Dish Soap
  • Clean water

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 31 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 88,476 times.
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Co-authors: 31
Updated: October 24, 2022
Views: 88,476