College is only getting more expensive, meaning that making money is more attractive than ever for students, especially if you don't have the help of parents, an inheritance, or a Swiss bank account. Luckily, there are many options available for students who hope to make money while in school, keep the costs manageable, and even get paid to attend school.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Getting Paid Schooling

  1. 1
    Get your employer to pay for your education. Many companies have tuition reimbursement programs, typically aimed towards helping their employees with their professional development and advancement. Many times there are restrictions on areas of study and institutions.
    • Some companies require that you stay with the company for a certain period of time, or else you'll have to pay them back. If you can find a tuition reimbursement program that works for you, however, and you can balance school and work, you'll be making money while your employer picks up the educational tab.
  2. 2
    Work for a college or university. Most institutions allow eligible employees to pursue an education at no charge, meaning that you'll be working and making money as well as getting schooling for free. If you can get hired at a school, you can probably go there for free, whether you're an administrative assistant or a cook.
    • Eligibility varies, of course, and some schools are more generous than others. You'll have to do your homework, but there are many opportunities to be had with this route, like taking classes for free at Harvard University while working 20 hours a week as a janitor.[1]
  3. 3
    Consider joining the military. Various branches of the military in several countries have programs which will pay for your school, and then some. Most of them have a service requirement that you must fulfill during and/or after school. To learn more about the programs in your country, visit the recruiting office for each branch of the military and ask lots of questions. Here are a few programs you might be interested in:
    • Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC). In the US, you can join ROTC and get up to a full four-year scholarship plus an annual stipend. It's also a good idea to check out service academies. American cadets who get accepted into service academies earn a monthly salary and a commission when they graduate.
  4. 4
    Apply to be a teaching assistant. While these positions are usually only available to students who've already completed a Bachelor's degree and are applying to graduate school, most Graduate programs hire qualified candidates to teach introductory courses in their degree field, or to assist in the classrooms of full professors. These positions come with a stipend and a remission of all tuition costs, meaning that you'll be making a profit while attending school.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Making Money While in School

  1. 1
    Apply for work-study and get a job on campus. Most campus jobs are reserved to students who are financially independent and make under a certain amount of money annually. These jobs typically offer decent wages, favorable tax rates, and a convenient location and hours for students. If at all possible, a work study job would be ideal for a working student.
    • Typically, work study jobs are clerical and service oriented, including anything from answering phones in the student center to slinging burgers in the cafeteria. Other options, like taking notes for visually impaired students, tutoring, or doing a variety of other tasks are also available, however, at some universities. Explore all your options.
  2. 2
    Get a job off campus. Work study positions are part-time. If you don't qualify for work study, or you need to work more hours, it's typically a better idea to work off campus to give yourself more options. Ideally, it'd be nice to get something in your degree field to be gaining professional experience at the same time that you're studying, any of the following are common student jobs:
  3. 3
    Keep your work hours manageable. In your effort to make money and stay ahead of your tuition bills, make sure that your schoolwork doesn't take a backseat to your work responsibilities. Try to find a healthy balance between your work hours and your classroom hours. Save back enough time to get all your schoolwork finished, so you're making it worth your while.
    • Ideally, you want a job that you won't have to "take home" with you. Certain secretarial jobs can include some at-home components, which can seriously cut into your homework time. Service jobs can be easily left at work.
  4. 4
    Schedule your classes early. If you've got a set work schedule, each semester change-over can get a little hectic when you've got to schedule new classes around it. Don't wait until the ideal class times are all filled. Sign up for your classes early so you don't put a strain on your work schedule and have to be in two places at once.
    • Be firm with your schedule. If your job requires you to be "on call" at any point to cover shifts, you need to make sure that your superiors know about your school hours and that you take your studies seriously. Don't be bullied by off-campus bosses who want you to work more.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Keeping College Costs Down

  1. 1
    Apply for financial aid. Financial aid packages are used to help pay for college with a variety of grants, which you don't have to pay back, and loans, which you do. This is also the way to find out whether or not you qualify for a work-study position on campus, which can further alleviate the financial burden of attending school.
    • To receive financial aid in the U.S., you'll need to fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). While it's possible to use loans to get extra money during college, you're not really getting paid (even though it might feel that way). You'll have to pay all of it back eventually, plus interest. So when you receive a financial aid offer, focus on grants and ignore loans.
  2. 2
    Pursue a variety of scholarship opportunities. Scholarships are like grants in that you don't have to pay them back, but they can be awarded by any organization--not just the government. The conditions to apply for scholarships vary widely. Some are need-based, some are merit-based, and some have very quirky requirements like being tall, left-handed, or very good at duck calling.
    • Apply for a National Merit Scholarship, if your grades are good enough. While it's uncommon, a student at University of Alabama reportedly profited over $30,000 from his college experience, having received a tier one scholarship that covered all of his tuition and housing expense and included a $1,000 each semester, supplemented by a National Merit Scholarship. This is extremely uncommon.
  3. 3
    Look for tuition waivers. When checking out schools, ask about tuition waivers. You might have to do a lot of asking, though. They can be like hidden gems. For example, you might get a waiver for working on the school's newspaper, being a lab assistant, being a teaching assistant, or taking on the responsibilities of a resident assistant (RA). In addition, some tuition waivers are offered by the government. In Illinois, for example, you can receive a four-year tuition waiver if you commit to teaching in that state in special education once you graduate.[2] Usually, state-based tuition waivers are offered to residents of that particular state, so do an Internet search for the state you're already a resident of and "tuition waiver" (like +Nebraska +"tuition waiver").
  4. 4
    Apply to a school that has no tuition. Keeping in mind that there might be a work requirement, many schools are beginning to waive tuition for students who meet certain income requirements. Stanford University, for example, doesn't charge tuition to students whose families earn less than $100,000 a year, and also waives room and board for students whose families earn less than $60,000 a year.[3] In the US, other institutions include:
    • College of the Ozarks
    • Deep Springs College
    • Berea College
    • Olin College of Engineering
    • Curtis Institute of Music
    • Alice Lloyd College.
  5. 5
    Adjust your expectations. Going to college isn't just about going to a big name University that might be out of your price range. You get out of school what you put into it. Be the big fish in a small pond. Make a great impression on professors and administrators who can serve as beaming references when you apply for jobs. Network. Participate in extracurricular activities. Get an internship. You can do all of these things without being buried in politics at a cut-throat, competitive school that'll break the bank.
    • According to some studies, a degree from a prestigious university like an Ivy League might be cost effective if your goal is a serious six-figure income, but doesn't give you much of an advantage if you choose certain careers, like business or teaching. In fact, the resulting debt might cripple your career flexibility, meaning that you might not be able to take a teaching job at a great public school because you won't make enough money to pay off your loans and stay financially afloat.
    • Living at home with your parents and commuting to school can save you thousands - possibly tens of thousands - of dollars in room and board costs.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How many work-study jobs should you apply for when you're in school?
    Felipe Corredor
    Felipe Corredor
    College Admissions Consultant
    Felipe is a Senior College Admissions Consultant at American College Counselors with over seven years of experience. He specializes in helping clients from all around the world gain admission into America's top universities through private, one-on-one consulting. He helps guide clients through the entire college admissions process and perfect every aspect of their college applications. Felipe earned a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Chicago and recently received his MBA.
    Felipe Corredor
    College Admissions Consultant
    Expert Answer
    Apply to 3–4 different positions even if you only want to work one of them. That way, you have options for what to choose from.
  • Question
    How do I get a minority scholarship?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can do an online search for "minority scholarships" to find lists of available scholarships that you can then apply for. (There is no guarantee that you'll get any specific scholarship though.)
  • Question
    Can I earn a bachelor's degree going to school part time?
    Tom De Backer
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Yes. There are lots of programs that allow you to be present at school part time, especially in higher education. Look into distance learning, evening school, etc. Most universities and other places of learning do not require you to be present at their classes; as long as you pass the exams, you get the degree. Of course, being present is tremendously helpful when the information is being discussed, but you don't have to be there. Talk to your school to work out a plan that fits your needs.

About This Article

Felipe Corredor
Co-authored by:
College Admissions Consultant
This article was co-authored by Felipe Corredor. Felipe is a Senior College Admissions Consultant at American College Counselors with over seven years of experience. He specializes in helping clients from all around the world gain admission into America's top universities through private, one-on-one consulting. He helps guide clients through the entire college admissions process and perfect every aspect of their college applications. Felipe earned a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Chicago and recently received his MBA. This article has been viewed 396,914 times.
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Co-authors: 32
Updated: November 8, 2022
Views: 396,914
Categories: Student Finances