Nomads are immigrants from foreign lands. They’re useful when you're short of population to fill in vacant jobs, or you can assign them with newly built work building. However, in order to have Nomads coming in your glorious town, you will need certain buildings. Scroll down to Step 1 to find out how to get Nomads and how to manage them.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Prepare for their Arrival

  1. 1
    Build a Town Hall. The town hall is an administrative building in the game; it is where you see the records and ledgers of the town’s status, as well as the population, resources amount, food reserves, and other population data as it changes over the years. You also be able to see the current information about your citizen such as jobs, health, happiness, education, food production and many more.
    • To build a Town Hall, you need 64 Logs, 124 Stone and 48 Iron, labor required is 160.
    • Town Hall building size is 10 x 8
  2. 2
    Build a House or Boarding House. Accepting nomads requires you to build them Houses or Boarding Houses to give them a place to stay and will serve as their temporary home. Even if you have Boarding House, you still have to build houses for them as their permanent home.
    • To build a Boarding House, you need 100 Logs, 45 Stone and 150 Labor. Keep in mind that Boarding Houses can only hold 5 families.
    • To build a Wooden House, you need 16 Logs, 8 Stones and 10 worth of Labor.
    • To build a Stone House, you need 24 Logs, 40 Stones, 10 Iron and 10 worth of Labor. Note:
  3. 3
    Build a Market. Market is also needed in order to attract nomads; it acts as a distributor of resources for your citizens, where they can collect items such as food and firewood to bring to their homes. Your citizens will no longer travel far just to get to the stockpile or storage house to get the supplies they needed.
    • A market has a range of 90 squares; every citizen within this range will prefer to get goods from the market instead of traveling far.
    • To build a Market, you need 58 logs, 62 stones, 40 irons, and 100 worth of labor.
    • The more vendors you assign working in the Market, the more food, tools, and materials they will distribute.
  4. 4
    Build a Trading Post. A Trading Post is a useful building where merchants make trades with you; they will offer food, resources, livestock and new types of seeds. Any sort of money is not available in this game; you need to make a resource exchange in order for you to purchase.
    • Building a Trading Post requires 62 Logs, 80 Stones, 40 Iron and 140 worth of labor. You must build the trading post in a large river with access to the map border in order of the merchants to reach it.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Maintain your Town

  1. 1
    Build a Hospital. At this point, you must built a Hospital for your people as soon as you can; nomads may carry diseases from other part of the world and these diseases may spread and cause death to your citizens. If you have herbalist, the herbs they have gathered will be more effective.
    • To build a Hospital, you need 52 Logs, 78 Stones, 32 Iron and 150 worth of labor. Each hospital can accommodate 30 patients.
    • You can only assign 1 physician.
    • If you have huge population, it's advisable that build more hospital.
  2. 2
    Add more Farmers. Since Nomads are uneducated upon entering your town, they will be dragging your educated citizens down, making the production low and slow. Also, adding nomad in your town means that the food reservation will be lowered due to the fact that you have more adults now.
    • To avoid starvation, build more farms and assign the nomads to work as farmer. Make sure to fill in all the vacant job to get the fastest and best production of crops.
    • If nomads have children, you don't have to worry about them. Children will attend the school like everybody else.
  3. 3
    Add more Fishermen. If you still have jobless nomads at this point, build a fishing dock and assign them to catch fish. Citizens working in fishing docks, unlike farmers, won't stop catching for food even during winter season.
    • To build a Fishing Dock, you need 30 logs, 16 stones and 45 worth of labor.
    • Compared to Trading Post, you can build fishing dock in a close body of water. Though, as year passes, fish may become instinct.
    • Educated workers are preferred to work as builders, woodcutter and gatherer since they produce more, compared to uneducated citizens.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Survive the Rest of the Game

  1. 1
    Control the Population. As your town grow, more nomads will arrive in your town with more than 30 people. Remember, every population added in your town requires more food and firewood; you also need houses for them which requires materials.
    • Accepting nomads will be able to help you fill in vacant jobs, but the downfall is that they might have diseases and will lower your supplies. Deny any request if you're unsure.
    • If you really want to add more people in your town, best to prepare your supplies first. Gather more logs, make more firewood; produce more food, tools and clothing.
  2. 2
    Build Chapels or Tavern. Happiness is important in maintaining a huge town; build chapels or tavern to keep them happy. Unhappy citizens work less and produce small food or materials. Though tavern requires ale to effectively work, it can be created with the use of orchards products such as Apples, Pears, Cherries.
    • To build a Chapel, you need 50 logs, 130 stones, 30 iron and 150 worth of labor.
    • To build a Tavern, you need 52 logs, 12 stones, 20 iron and 90 worth of labor.
    • You can get orchard seeds from traders. If you don't have any orchards, producing ale with wheat works as well.
  3. 3
    Build a Cemetery. Now that you have a huge population, old citizens may die at the same time and the result of their death are unhappy members of the family. Members of the family may stop working then go back toward normal happiness after a few years.
    • Townsfolk living near a cemetery get a happiness boost.
    • To build a cemetery you need 1 stone per unit area. The maximum size of the cemetery is 20 units long.
    • Tombstones will eventually decay and disappear after approximately a generation, allowing the reuse of cemetery plots.
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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 130,490 times.
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Co-authors: 7
Updated: January 21, 2022
Views: 130,490
Categories: Video Games