Do you have a cat or kitten that sticks by your side when you’re home? Even though cats have a reputation for being independent, your cat may act clingy and needy if it wants your attention. While it’s definitely cute at first, your cat could become too dependent on you and start stressing when you’re not around. If you’re wondering why your cat is acting so clingy and how you can help, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to learn what makes cats needy and the changes you can make to help calm them down.

Things You Should Know

  • Cats can be clingy due to boredom, separation anxiety, health issues, or changes in routine and environment.
  • Clinginess can manifest as crying, following you around, over-excitement when you return home, vomiting, or refusing to eat when you are away.
  • Reduce clinginess by scheduling time to spend with your cat each day. You can also reward your cat with treats and attention when they are not clingy.
  • Resolve clinginess caused by boredom with by setting up fun games for your cat. You could also get a second cat for companionship and entertainment.
Section 1 of 3:

Why is my cat so clingy?

  1. 1
    Boredom Cats need some mental and physical stimulation during the day, and they’ll easily get bored if you don’t carve out some playtime with them. Your cat may be needy or clingy because it doesn’t have enough new and exciting things in its environment to keep it entertained.[1] [2]
  2. 2
    Separation anxiety If you spend a lot of time at home with a cat or a new kitten, it may feel anxious and lonely when you start leaving it home alone. When you come home, your cat may rush to you because it really missed you and will stick by your side as a signal that it doesn’t want you to leave again.[3]
  3. 3
    Changes in its routine or environment Cats like to follow the same routine every day since it helps get rid of their stress. If you make a sudden change, such as going back to work after a vacation, rearranging furniture, or moving to a new place, your cat’s routine is thrown upside-down. Since it’s a little nervous about the changes, your cat may act more clingy.[4]
  4. 4
    Lack of boundaries Responding to your cat or kitten’s cries for attention builds up your connection, but it may make your cat codependent and reinforce their clingy behavior. If your cat learns that you’ll give in when it begs for attention, it might continue acting needy to get what it wants.[5]
  5. 5
    Health issues If a cat or kitten all of a sudden starts acting clingy, then it could be a sign that there’s an underlying condition making your cat feel sick. Cats usually try to hide any pain or illnesses, but they may want your attention so they feel more comfortable when something is wrong.[6]
  6. 6
    Early weaning and separation from its mother When a kitten is taken from its mother too early, it may affect how well it socializes when it grows up. Since the kitten didn’t have as much time with its mother or the rest of the litter, it might act shy around strangers and rely more on you to take care of it.[7]
  7. Advertisement
Section 3 of 3:

Reducing Your Cat’s Clinginess

  1. 1
    Schedule times to give attention to your cat during the day. Exercise and attention help reduce your cat’s stress, so schedule a little time to interact and bond with your furry friend throughout the day.[9] Try to find times where you can regularly play with your cat. Even if you only have 10 minutes, that could be enough playtime to make your cat feel a little more calm and relaxed.[10] Play a brief game with your cat, such as flashing a laser light on the floor or waving around a wand toy.[11]
    • If your cat has a more active or hyper personality, it may need a few more play sessions throughout the day.
  2. 2
    Hide food or treats around your home for your cat to find. This is a great way to play into your cat’s natural instinct to hunt. Change up your hiding spots each time, or else it won’t be a challenge for your cat once they find their food. Since your cat will actively be searching around for food or treats, it will burn a lot of energy and won’t be as clingy.[12]
    • You could also hide food in a puzzle box feeder. Your cat will have to reach in or move pieces around to get to its food, which will help it stay mentally engaged.
  3. 3
    Give your cat more interactive toys to play with. Cats need something to play with on their own, and an interactive toy works great to keep them entertained while you’re gone. Choose a few toys that move around or have rolling balls so your cat has something to chase and keep them distracted. Since your cat will have more physical and mental stimulation, they’re going to give you some more space when you’re home.[13]
    • Rotate out old cat toys and swap them in with new ones so your cat doesn’t get bored of playing with the same thing every day.
    • If you don’t want to spend money on toys, you can try using crumpled balls of paper or toilet paper tubes as simple toys.
    • Try giving your cat toys with catnip so they’re more likely to play with them. You could even spray their toys with a catnip spray to make them more enticing.
  4. 4
    Put a cat perch near a window. Cats love to watch birds and small animals, so a cat perch gives them a perfect place to lounge and look outside. Your cat will want to spend more time at the window even when you’re home.[14]
    • If you can’t put a perch near a window, put a video of birds or small animals on your TV so your cat has something to watch and stay entertained.
    • You can also put a cat tree next to your desk or work area so your cat can sit next to you without getting in your way or bothering you.
  5. 5
    Reward your cat when it behaves well. When your feline friend is quiet or approaches you quietly, reinforce your cat’s good behavior by giving it cat treats or attention. A tasty treat or quick pet tells your cat that you’ll reward it when it behaves. It will take a little while to train your cat completely, but stay consistent and it’ll start acting calmer.[15]
  6. 6
    Ignore your cat when it’s begging for attention. Even though it might be hard to turn away, ignore your cat if it’s meowing or acting up to get your attention. Your cat may keep it up for a little while, but be patient and don’t give in since it could reinforce the bad behavior even more. When your cat stops, then it’s okay to give it a short burst of attention.[16]
    • If your cat is acting destructive, like scratching the furniture, then do something to redirect their attention, such as making a loud noise.[17]
  7. 7
    Leave your home without acknowledging your cat. If you want to help your cat with separation anxiety, don’t make a big deal anytime you leave. It’s tough not to say goodbye to your cat, but try your best to ignore it as you’re heading out the door. Over time, your cat will learn that it’s normal for you to step out and it won’t feel as stressed out.[18]
    • Wait for a few minutes after you get back home to give your cat attention so it doesn’t come rushing to your side right away.
  8. 8
    Get another cat. Cats are super social animals, so if you can’t give your feline friend a lot of attention, another furry companion could help. Look for a cat that’s similar in age so the two can get along. Introduce the two cats slowly so they get used to being around one another before you leave them alone together.[19]
    • Provide separate food, water, and litter for each of your cats so they’re less likely to feel stressed or aggressive toward one another.
    • If the 2 cats are not compatible, your cat may cling even more closely to you and not be very nice to the other cat.[21]
  9. 9
    Visit the vet to rule out medical issues. Take your cat to the vet, especially if it starts suddenly acting clingy or needy. The vet will check if anything is causing your cat pain or if an underlying medical condition is making it anxious. Your vet may prescribe medication or let you know any changes you can make around your home to help your cat feel more relaxed and independent.[21]
    • If your vet doesn’t find anything physically wrong with your cat, ask them if they think anti-anxiety medication would work to calm it down.
  10. Advertisement


  • Cats get frightened and more anxious from physical or verbal punishment, so try redirecting them with a loud noise instead.[23]

About This Article

Rita Reimers
Co-authored by:
Cat Behaviorist
This article was co-authored by Rita Reimers and by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Rita Reimers is a Cat Behavior Expert and a Co-Founder of Cat Behavior Alliance, a cat behavior consulting service. With over 30 years of experience as a multi-cat owner and cat rescue worker, Rita specializes in helping people better understand cats and find solutions to behavior issues. She received a BS in Computer Science and Personnel Relations Management and studied at the Animal Behavior College. Rita co-hosts a radio show on Pet Life Radio, “19 Cats and Counting,” and co-hosts a YouTube series, “Let’s Talk Cats.” She is also the co-author of the cat behavior blog, “Kitty Korner” for Litter Genie. Rita also writes for “A New Cattitude” for Catster Magazine, and is a contributor to She is a supporting member of the International Association of Animal Behaviorists (IAABC). This article has been viewed 43,382 times.
1 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 6
Updated: November 17, 2022
Views: 43,382
Categories: Cat Anxiety and Fears
Article SummaryX

If you want to fix your cat's clinginess, start by leaving and entering your home in a calm, low-key way, since the clinginess is caused by separation anxiety. It also helps to provide your kitty with lots of toys so it can entertain itself when you're not at home. When you are at home, try giving your kitty short bursts of quality attention rather than long stretches. Be gentle and never yell or punish your cat because it's being clingy, which can actually worsen the problem! If nothing seems to work, consider hiring a pet sitter or getting another cat to keep your kitty company. For more tips on introducing a second cat into your home, read on!

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