Shyness can make searching for a job difficult. In a world full of extroverts, shy people may struggle to be as assertive and ambitious as many job markets require. Fortunately, there are tactics that can help you play to your strengths and find a job that suits you. Start with Step 1 to learn more.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Evaluating Your Strengths and Weaknesses

  1. 1
    Assess your level of shyness. Taking the time to think about your personality and evaluate your shyness can help you gain the self awareness necessary to market yourself effectively. Once you know how shy you are and which situations seem to exacerbate the problem, you can prepare yourself to handle challenges. Ask yourself:
    • Have I always been shy?
    • Am I shy both at work and away from work?
    • Is my shyness related mostly to the job search itself?
    • Was I considered a shy person in my last position?
  2. 2
    Know that preparation will help you deal with shyness related to the job search itself.[1] If your answers to the questions above suggest that most of your shyness is related to finding a job – marketing yourself, handling interviews, meeting potential employers and colleagues, and the like – then understand that preparing for these specific situations can help you overcome the problem.
  3. 3
    Understand that shy people can and do find satisfying jobs that suit them. If your shyness seems to be a generalized personality trait, not a manifestation of anxiety about the job search, then you’ll have to think about your strengths and weaknesses and decide how to proceed. You do not need to become an extrovert to find a job. You can work to step outside of your comfort zone while focusing on finding a job that fits your strengths and weaknesses.
  4. 4
    Focus on your strengths. By understanding your abilities, you can determine which jobs might be a good match for your skills. Consider your strongest personality traits and your most relevant work-related skills, and go from there. If, for example, you are an extremely detail-oriented person and an analytical thinker, and you have experience preparing complete financial reports, you might decide that a financial analyst position is right for you.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Searching for a Job

  1. 1
    Search for jobs that match your strengths. In order for you to feel capable and successful, you need to find a job that plays to your strengths. Make a list of your skills, experience, and other qualifications, and look for jobs that match.
  2. 2
    Focus on jobs that will feel comfortable for you. If you are a very shy and introverted person, you may never feel comfortable working as a motivational speaker or a sales professional. Focus on jobs that require a bit less in terms of assertiveness and interpersonal communication. Examples of jobs that are best for shy people include:
    • programmer
    • financial clerk
    • scientist
    • writer
    • manager of web content
  3. 3
    Research potential employers. Remember that the job itself is only part of the equation; ideally, you also want to find a work environment in which you’ll feel comfortable. For any job posting you see, try to find out what the company culture is like. If, for example, you’re interested in a programmer position but find that the company in question is very fast paced and stresses collaboration and frequent meetings, you may decide not to apply. The company website is a good place to start; read its “about us” and “careers” pages to glean what the company is, how it operates, and what it expects from its employees. In addition, try:
    • conducting a keyword search of the company on the internet. Doing so will help you uncover reviews and articles about a particular company. You may wind up with a better understanding of how a company runs and whether its employees are happy.
    • viewing company and employee social media pages. The company’s social media profiles may provide additional information about the company. Employees’ profiles can be especially helpful, as they may suggest whether the company attracts people with similar personalities, interests, and abilities. Ask yourself whether you would feel comfortable working with those people.
  4. 4
    Apply for desired jobs with confidence. Once you have determined which potential jobs you might feel happy at, apply! Do not pass up an opportunity because you lack confidence or are worried you will come across as shy and introverted in interviews. Take the first step, and send in your application. If you target the right jobs, you may be pleasantly surprised to find that you get called for interviews.
  5. 5
    Begin networking. Start small – you do not have to go to a big event and speak to everyone present. Target one or two employees, and contact them by phone or email, whichever you are more comfortable with. Just make the initial contact and express your interest in a company or job; doing so can be extremely beneficial as you search for employment.[2]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Overcoming Shyness during a Job Interview

  1. 1
    Practice what you will say.[3] Going into an interview can be scary, and it’s fine to feel anxious – there are so many unknowns that most people get nervous in these situations. The best way to prepare, however, is to review your resume and practice what to say when asked standard questions like “Tell me about yourself.” Knowing how you will explain your experience, education, skills, and career objectives will help you answer tough questions with confidence and poise.
  2. 2
    Be prepared to demonstrate your strengths. It is crucial to be able to illustrate your strengths by giving examples of past successes and accomplishments.[4] For example, if you have decided that high attention to detail is one of your strengths, you should be prepared to provide an example: perhaps you reviewed prepared reports and discovered inefficiencies, saving your previous company money.
  3. 3
    Consider the importance of nonverbal communication. Eye contact, good posture, and firm handshakes are important elements of an interview situation. Everyone needs to practice these kinds of nonverbal communication, but shy people may need to be particularly attentive to the issue. Practice! Try, for example:
    • holding a conversation with someone you know while maintaining constant eye contact.
    • sitting up in a chair with good posture for 30 minutes.
    • practicing firm handshakes.
  4. 4
    Stay positive and confident. Remember: you would not have gotten the interview if you were not qualified to do the job. At this point, you just need to express yourself confidently and focus on your strengths. Stay positive throughout the interviewer, and try to express your confidence and enthusiasm verbally and non-verbally.[5]
  5. 5
    Send a thank-you note. After your interview, send a brief note thanking the potential employer for his or her time. If you want to clarify a point or two that you made during the interview, you can do so at this time, but don’t say more than one or two things, and don’t apologize or characterize your interview negatively. Focus on your enthusiasm about the job.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can I motivate myself to be more motivated to find work?
    Lucy Yeh
    Lucy Yeh
    Career & Life Coach
    Lucy Yeh is a Human Resources Director, Recruiter, and Certified Life Coach (CLC) with over 20 years of experience. With a training background with Coaching for Life and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) at InsightLA, Lucy has worked with professionals of all levels to improve the quality of their careers, personal/professional relationships, self marketing, and life balance.
    Lucy Yeh
    Career & Life Coach
    Expert Answer
    It can be really hard to sit around waiting after you've applied for gigs. The best advice I can give is to just stick with it and try to look for jobs that actively interest and excite you. It's going to be a lot easier to stay motivated if you actually want the job.
  • Question
    What's the best way to relax before a job interview?
    Lucy Yeh
    Lucy Yeh
    Career & Life Coach
    Lucy Yeh is a Human Resources Director, Recruiter, and Certified Life Coach (CLC) with over 20 years of experience. With a training background with Coaching for Life and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) at InsightLA, Lucy has worked with professionals of all levels to improve the quality of their careers, personal/professional relationships, self marketing, and life balance.
    Lucy Yeh
    Career & Life Coach
    Expert Answer
    Just take it easy. If you feel yourself getting anxious right before the interview, try using breathing exercises to calm down. Breathe in for a count of 4, hold your breath to 7, and exhale at 8. Do this over and over again and you should relax a bit.
  • Question
    When should I reach back out after the interview is over?
    Lucy Yeh
    Lucy Yeh
    Career & Life Coach
    Lucy Yeh is a Human Resources Director, Recruiter, and Certified Life Coach (CLC) with over 20 years of experience. With a training background with Coaching for Life and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) at InsightLA, Lucy has worked with professionals of all levels to improve the quality of their careers, personal/professional relationships, self marketing, and life balance.
    Lucy Yeh
    Career & Life Coach
    Expert Answer
    This is kind of a complicated thing, because you don't want to reach out too quickly or wait for two long. It really depends on the specific job, though. Try to just use your judgement and the energy from the interview to make a judgement call.


  1. Melody Godfred, JD. Career Coach. Expert Interview. 29 April 2020.
  2. Melody Godfred, JD. Career Coach. Expert Interview. 29 April 2020.
  3. Melody Godfred, JD. Career Coach. Expert Interview. 29 April 2020.
  4. Melody Godfred, JD. Career Coach. Expert Interview. 29 April 2020.
  5. Melody Godfred, JD. Career Coach. Expert Interview. 29 April 2020.

About This Article

Melody Godfred, JD
Co-authored by:
Career Coach
This article was co-authored by Melody Godfred, JD. Melody Godfred is a Career Coach, Entrepreneur, and Founder of Write In Color, a full-service resume and career development company that specializes in developing compelling personal narratives and brands. With over ten years of experience, Melody has worked with clients at entertainment and media companies including Apple, Disney, Fox, Netflix, Riot Games, Viacom, and Warner Bros, among others. The Muse invited Melody and Write In Color to serve as one of its 30 trusted career counselors (out of 3,000) to provide one-on-one coaching and resume services to the platform's more than four million active users. Melody earned a JD from Loyola Marymount University and BS from the University of Southern California. This article has been viewed 29,097 times.
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Co-authors: 7
Updated: March 19, 2021
Views: 29,097
Categories: Job Search | Shyness