You likely want to spend your work days surrounded by positive vibes as you pursue a successful career. Fortunately, the ancient Chinese practice of feng shui might help you create the best workstation to help you reach your goals. Feng shui is the art of arranging your livable spaces in a way the promotes the flow and balance of energy, which is called chi. By applying the principles of feng shui to your office, you might be able to banish negative energy and invite more positive chi into your life.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Placing Your Office Furniture

  1. 1
    Use the feng shui bagua chart to divide your office and desk. The bagua chart is a map of 9 different aspects of life. To get the layout of your room, stand at the doorway to your workspace. Then, mentally divide your office into 9 separate boxes. Here’s what each box represents from left to right.[1]
    • Top Row: 1. Abundance and prosperity; 2. Fame and Reputation; 3. Love and Relationships.
    • Middle Row: 4. Family and community; 5. Mind, body, and spirit; 6. Creativity and children.
    • Bottom Row: 7. Wisdom and self-awareness; 8. Career and life purpose; 9. Helpful people and travel.
  2. 2
    Face your desk toward the main door to your office or the room. This is called the “commanding” position. Being able to see the door represents your ability to recognize and pursue opportunity. Additionally, it helps you feel safe in your workspace because people can’t sneak up on you.[2]
    • Don’t face your desk toward a window because your mental energy will flow outside. This makes it much harder to stay focused!

    Variation: If you can’t move your desk to face the door, place a mirror on your desk that reflects the door.

  3. 3
    Choose a comfortable, sturdy chair with a high back to feel supported. If you can, invest in a good chair so you feel relaxed and supported at work. Pick a chair that feels like a throne to you. Then, place your chair where you can see an area that’s positive and uplifting.[3]
    • If you’re facing a bland or cluttered area, hang a colorful piece of art or motivational poster within your line of sight.
  4. 4
    Distribute your furniture evenly throughout the room. The goal of feng shui is to create balance, so you want the objects in your workstation to be spread around the space. Once you place your desk and chair in their correct positions, put your remaining pieces of furniture in the empty spots in your workspace.[4]
    • For instance, you might place your bookcase in the left corner of your office in the "wisdom and self-awareness" area. Similarly, place your file cabinet on the right side if you want to be more creative in your work.
    • If you have a floor lamp, you might place it on the right side to spark creativity or in the back middle area to spark fame and recognition.
  5. 5
    Balance shapes and textures to promote harmony. The shapes and textures in your workstation contribute different types of energy. Vary the types of objects you include in your decor so that you don't get overwhelmed by a particular energy. This helps you maintain balanced chi.[5]
    • As an example, you might balance a sturdy desk with hard lines by choosing a plush, cushioned chair. Similarly, you might incorporate round art pieces to counter angular furniture. If you have a lot of modern-industrial style furniture pieces, you might incorporate soft elements like a lamp with a fabric shade or an area rug.
  6. 6
    Hang your credentials or awards in the back center of your workspace. This area represents fame and recognition according to the bagua chart, so it’s the perfect place for career-related items. Put your diploma, job titles, or recent awards in this spot. As another option, hang a goals list or career vision board in this area.[6]
    • You might create a small gallery wall with your diploma, certificates you’ve earned, and a vision board.
    • Placing promotional items here helps you draw more professional success into your life.
  7. 7
    Place an item that represents your career opposite your desk. Ideally, this space will line up with your career and life purpose bagua, which is at the lower center of your workspace near the door. Position a piece of furniture, art piece, or mantra that embodies your career goals or mission in life. Here are some ideas:[7]
    • Hang up a piece of art that represents your work.
    • Place your work calendar in this spot.
    • Put up your mission statement.
  8. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Arranging Your Desk

  1. 1
    Remove all clutter from your desk so it’s tidy. A clean desk is essential for good chi. Clear everything off your desk and wipe it clean. Then, replace only the items that you need to do your job or that bring you positive chi.[8]
    • Tidy your desk every day so it says clean.
  2. 2
    Organize your desk using containers and file folders. An organized desk keeps your chi flowing. Use a pen cup to corral writing utensils, organize paperwork into folders, and place small objects in trays or plastic storage cases. After you finish the top of your desk, organize each of your desk drawers, as well.[9]
    • If you don’t use an item often, remove it from your desk and place it in a drawer or cabinet. For instance, don’t keep a stapler on your desk if you aren’t using it daily.
  3. 3
    Place your name plate and business cards in the front center spot. Based on the bagua chart, this area represents fame and recognition. Put something with your name or title on it to attract more clout for your work.[10]
    • If you don’t have a name plate or business cards, write your name on a slip of paper or place a personal photo in this spot. Anything that represents your identify or reputation will work!
  4. 4
    Put a potted plant on your desk to symbolize growth. The best place to put your plant is the top left corner of your desk, which represents abundance and prosperity. However, a plant can bring you positive chi when placed anywhere on your desk. Pick a non-prickly plant that’s easy to care for and that grows indoors.[11]
    • Succulents are a great option because they're easy to grow. On the other hand, you might choose an orchid because they're lucky or an ivy because they grow fast and are easy to maintain.
    • Don’t pick a cactus! Cacti have a prickly spine, so they’re bad for your chi.
    • The plant can also help you de-stress and feel happier, so it may help you have a more productive workday.
  5. 5
    Keep the tools of your trade on the right side of your desk. This section of your desk represents creativity, so it’s the perfect place for something that represents the work you do. Choose items that you actually use if possible so you’re not just adding clutter to your workspace. However, it’s okay to use something symbolic if that’s what works best for you. Here are some ideas:[12]
    • A pen or notebook if you’re a writer
    • A sketchbook if you’re a designer or artist
    • A picture of a handshake if you’re a salesperson
    • A line of code if you’re a programmer
    • Scales if you’re in the legal profession
    • A calculator if you're in accounting
  6. 6
    Include something that represents knowledge in the lower left corner. This corner of your desk represents wisdom & self-awareness, which are important for career success. If you’re currently studying something, include an item related to that topic, like a textbook. Otherwise, use any object that makes you think of learning or intelligence.[13]
    • For instance, you might use a photo of an important person in your field or a list of your educational goals.
  7. 7
    Place a motivational mantra in the lower center part of your desk. This is optional if you want to avoid clutter. However, the area of your desk that’s right in front of you when you sit down represents your career and life-purpose. To encourage yourself to be your best, place a small handwritten affirmation or an inspiring image directly in front of you. This might help you feel more motivated to pursue success.[14]
    • For instance, you might use an affirmation like, “I am hardworking and successful,” “I will succeed,” or “Do your purpose.”
  8. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Infusing the Space with Positive Chi

  1. 1
    Add a light to your workspace to brighten it. Light represents positive chi, and it boosts your mood. Use a floor or desk lamp to add more light to your workspace if you like. Additionally, use full-spectrum light bulbs so you get better-quality lighting.[15]
    • Manage the light levels to fit your preferences. If bright lights overwhelm you, it might be better for you to work in a dim environment.
  2. 2
    Decorate with images or objects that inspire and comfort you. Create a workspace that you enjoy spending time in by incorporating personal items if it’s allowed. Choose pictures that make you feel at home, like a photo of your family or a happy moment. Similarly, incorporate decorative items that represent who you are, like a cat figurine. Make sure you distribute your items evenly throughout your workstation so your decor is in balance.[16]
    • Don’t include too many decorative items in your office, as this creates clutter. It’s good to feel at home in your office, but you don’t want to feel overwhelmed with stuff.
    • If you can, create a gallery wall of images that make you feel happy and inspired.
  3. 3
    Incorporate color to boost creativity and positive vibes. Color has a big effect on your mood, so pick colors that lift you up. Use your favorite colors to brighten your space, or choose colors that represent your goals for your workspace. Here are some ideas:[17]
    • Choose neutral colors or earth tones like brown, tan, grey, and navy blue to help you relax.
    • Pick bright colors like orange, yellow, or red to energize you.
    • Use green for prosperity and good health.
  4. 4
    Put a large plant or motivational poster in the back left corner. This corner represents abundance and prosperity, so you want a symbol that represents growth. A plant works great for this, but you can include any image or mantra that helps you feel growth-minded.[18]
    • The color green represents prosperity, so you might include a green painting in this corner.
  5. 5
    Use aromatherapy to draw good vibes to you. Scent affects your mood, so it’s helpful for creating a great work environment. If you’re allowed to spray scents in your workspace, use an aromatherapy diffuser or a spray bottle filled with your favorite scent to make your workstation smell great. Pick scents that help you feel focused and energized.[19]
    • If you can’t spray your scent, try sniffing an essential oil to pick you up, like orange blossom, lemongrass, lavender, rosemary, or peppermint.
  6. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do you set up a desk for Feng Shui?
    Susan Levitt
    Susan Levitt
    Feng Shui Consultant
    Susan Levitt is a professional tarot card reader, astrologer, and feng shui consultant based in San Francisco, California since 1986. Susan is the author of five books that are published in several languages including Introduction To Tarot and Taoist Astrology. She posts tarot reading updates on Facebook, on Twitter @tarot_tweet, and her lunar blog. Her work has been featured on CNN and she was voted “Best Astrologer” by SF Weekly in San Francisco.
    Susan Levitt
    Feng Shui Consultant
    Expert Answer
    Start the process by cleaning everything off your desk. Then, add back only what is essential. You can also put things that inspire you at work, like a picture of your family.
  • Question
    Are plants good for office Feng Shui?
    Susan Levitt
    Susan Levitt
    Feng Shui Consultant
    Susan Levitt is a professional tarot card reader, astrologer, and feng shui consultant based in San Francisco, California since 1986. Susan is the author of five books that are published in several languages including Introduction To Tarot and Taoist Astrology. She posts tarot reading updates on Facebook, on Twitter @tarot_tweet, and her lunar blog. Her work has been featured on CNN and she was voted “Best Astrologer” by SF Weekly in San Francisco.
    Susan Levitt
    Feng Shui Consultant
    Expert Answer
    Yes! If you have a green thumb, you can put a plant or two on your desk. Avoid using a cactus, or anything else that is bulky or spiky. You can also hire a flower service for your company and have fresh bouquets delivered every Monday.
  • Question
    Any living room decor ideas?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    I recommend a large flower pot plant and medium sized framed wall painting, along with a medium sized coffee table with one ornament.

About This Article

Susan Levitt
Co-authored by:
Feng Shui Consultant
This article was co-authored by Susan Levitt and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA. Susan Levitt is a professional tarot card reader, astrologer, and feng shui consultant based in San Francisco, California since 1986. Susan is the author of five books that are published in several languages including Introduction To Tarot and Taoist Astrology. She posts tarot reading updates on Facebook, on Twitter @tarot_tweet, and her lunar blog. Her work has been featured on CNN and she was voted “Best Astrologer” by SF Weekly in San Francisco. This article has been viewed 48,775 times.
6 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: December 15, 2021
Views: 48,775
Categories: Home Decorating