Birthdays are the best. Not only are you celebrating the fact that you are a year older than you were previously, but there is also great stuff like presents, cards, birthday teas and cakes! Even if you go to school on your birthday, it is still just as fun and a special day as it should be. Read on for tips to feel special and celebrate your birthday at school.


Go to bed at a reasonable time the night before.

  1. Even though it seems a little bit early, a time of about 9:30 pm (or earlier) is good for teenagers, or who will be the next day! Being tired may ruin your day and you might suffer from tiredness, lack of concentration and headaches. Avoid it by getting the sleep you need. Use a comfy pillow and duvet, take a shower,and do some reading before you switch out the light, as this could help you to sleep better.
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Be prepared.

  1. Once you get to the school gate, people will almost certainly say "Happy Birthday!" and give you hugs. If this happens, say something friendly, like "Thanks!" or "Can't wait till tonight!" If you receive presents, say thank you. Of course, it is entirely your choice whether you open them there in front of your friends. You could just pop them in your bag to save for later. However, do look at the parcel, be careful with presents, say thank you and be appreciative.
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Don't let rude people ruin your day.

  1. Of course, there may be some silly people who are nasty to people, whether it's their birthday or not. This can be upsetting, even if it's just a stupid comment that people say. A good way to deal with this is to spend time with your friends, ones who are really nice, caring and talkative, not your so called "mates" who make you feel miserable. If someone is mean enough to be spiteful you could say "It's my birthday today so I'm going to do things that I enjoy, and not waste my time talking to you" or, if they call you a name, something like "That's not true. Now if you wouldn't mind, I have a birthday to enjoy, so bye!" and you could walk away. Names can really hurt, so try not to let people ruin your day. Just think of the presents and cards you'll get later and you will probably cheer up. However, do confide in a close friend if someone is upsetting you a lot. They can support you and be a friend.
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  • Most importantly don't forget to wear a smile on your face.
  • And most of those people will be those teenage snooty popular kids so put a smile on and cast them out of your day!
  • If people are mean, be casual and not rude. Do not get upset as this will ruin your special day.
  • Act normal, sensible and polite, as you would do any day and don't get way too excited in school because some people may not like that or just think you're bragging about your birthday.
  • Don't be snooty just because it is your birthday.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 40 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 197,902 times.
566 votes - 70%
Co-authors: 40
Updated: June 14, 2022
Views: 197,902
Categories: School Stuff