The school year's almost over, and you're at the year of graduating school! Time flies, and you are already graduating. Some kids feel happy and delighted that they are growing up, while others get sorrowful because they miss the wonderful memories from school. No matter if you're graduating 5th grade or high school, this article will tell you how to enjoy graduation.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

5th Grade Graduation

  1. 1
    Have a good night's sleep. If your graduation's on the last day of school, you are probably very excited or very nervous about it. To calm yourself down, count from 100 to 1 or count by 4s, 5s, or 6s; this takes more brainpower and time, so it will tire you out quicker than counting 1 by 1 or by 2s.
    • Tweens aged 10-11 should get 10-12 hours of sleep.
    • You could also listen to calming music and take a nice bubble bath to treat yourself. A warm bubble bath can calm yourself down, and it can also make you smell nice for school.
  2. 2
    Wake up early to prepare for graduation. For graduation, you'll need to take a bit longer to prepare than your usual morning routine. Wake up at least 30 minutes earlier than usual. You'll need this extra time to pick out a good outfit/wear your graduation gown, put on makeup, and do other things to prepare.
    • If you wake up at 7:00 AM, wake up at 6:30 AM this time. If you wake up at 6:00 AM, wake up at 5:30 AM. You may have to sleep in early to wake up earlier.
    • Get up early to groom yourself. Groom yourself by shaving extra armpit, leg, and pubic hairs, washing your face, clipping your nails, putting on nice nail polish, and trying out a nice hairstyle.
  3. 3
    Wear the perfect graduation outfit. In many schools, the last week of school marks Spirit Week. During this week, students wear themed outfits. One day can be Crazy Hair Day, while another can be Pajama Day. The last day could be a tie-dye day or a color day, where students of each grade wear clothing of a certain color. If you're graduating, however, you should wear something more fancy.
    • You could wear a button-up dress shirt in one of your school colors and some shorts (since school usually ends during the summer).
    • You could put on a T-shirt and a medium-length skirt. Long skirts might make you look older than you actually are, so if you don't want to look older, wear a medium-length skirt instead. Add some flats to that. Another option would be wearing a dress in light colors.
    • If you want to wear something more casual, wear a tie-dye T-shirt and jean pants or jean skirts! Add cool sneakers to this outfit.
    • You don't need to wear high-heels, a suit, or dress like you are an adult going to work, however. Just wear something you would wear to an informal school dance.
  4. 4
    Wear your graduation gown. If your school wanted you to wear a graduation gown to school, you should wear it. A graduation gown and cap is not too hard to wear, so this part should be pretty simple.
    • To wear a graduation gown, first, check to see if it is the right size. You may have bought one yourself, or the school might have gave you one. If it's the wrong size, return it and buy a new one. Then, unzip the front zipper and slip your arms into the sleeves. Next, zip the robe up. The collar should be V-shaped. You should wear a white shirt underneath the robe, since your skin will show with the V-shaped collar.
    • To wear a graduation cap, put the soft portion of the cap onto your head. The V-shaped side should face in front. The tassel should be on the front left or right, although since 5th grade graduations aren't supposed to be formal, you can do it on either side.
  5. 5
    Wear some makeup if you want to. Some schools (like some private schools) don't allow makeup, so don't do this step if your school bans makeup. If you don't want to wear makeup or if you have acne, you don't have to wear makeup.
    • You don't have to wear overly bright makeup (like bright red or pink lipstick, excessive eyeshadow and layers of mascara and blush). That would make you look strange, and it isn't appropriate for graduation.
    • Wear natural makeup if you want to wear it. Wear neutral colors, like light pink lipstick/lip gloss and some concealer to conceal small blemishes (small pimples). If you have large or painful pimples, it's best not to wear makeup. Some makeup can irritate your skin and cause more acne, so don't wear it. [1]
    • You can also paint your nails light pink for a natural look.
  6. 6
    Comb your hair. Comb your hair to make it look presentable. You could wear your normal hairstyle to graduation, or you could try a new one you've been wanting to try on for a long time.
    • Don't wear a completely different one that you haven't tried doing yet, since your hair may look strange (and it might not work out). This could seriously ruin your hair during graduation!
    • For a professional look for males, get a regular haircut (also called a standard or taper haircut). If you don't want to look like a businessman or an adult, you can wear your regular hair. Make sure it isn't too messy.
    • For females, you can also wear your regular hair. If you're wearing a graduation cap, make sure your hair fits underneath it. If your hair is poofy or large, use hairpins to keep the hat in place. You can also keep your hair straight, in a braid, in a ponytail, or other updos.
  7. 7
    Take only your school books to school the next day. If your school supplied you your school books, only take those to school the next day. Don't take any notebooks, pencil cases, or folders to school. Books that you were meant to write in (book with detachable worksheets or notebooks) aren't meant to be returned, as they are used already. Your teacher will likely tell you to return the school books (to let next year's class use the same school books), so you should only bring those.
    • If you bought your school books, you may not need to return them. So, don't bring anything to school except your lunch and period supplies if you need them. You can also bring your yearbook (if you bought one) to sign.
  8. 8
    Look presentable during the graduation ceremony. Many schools have elementary school graduation ceremonies. Make sure that your gown is straight and neat, your hair isn't messy under your cap, and that your cap is worn the right way.
    • Before the graduation ceremony, it can be helpful to go to the bathroom and check your hair, face, and clothing for anything messy.
    • Take a deep breath and wait for the teacher to call your name. Then, you can come in front of the auditorium/stage.
    • Usually elementary schools won't give you real diplomas or any certificates, since you're not going to graduate high school or college. Those graduations will offer you a diploma, and that diploma will be useful in getting a job in the future. It also makes you credible, as the diploma is evidence that you have graduated the school (and are not just faking your test scores and homework to get a nice job). They may give you a fake one, however, to make it feel realistic and like a high school graduation.
  9. 9
    Stand still if your teachers, parents, and relatives are taking pictures. Chances are that if your parents and relatives are attending your graduation ceremony that they will take a lot of pictures of you. Stand still and smile!
    • Don't worry if you have crooked teeth or if you have braces. Those aren't imperfections, and there are probably other parts of your body that make you feel good. Don't focus on your teeth- focus on how happy you are. Try to smile naturally and keep your head up. You don't want to slouch, since that makes you look unhappy or unprofessional.
  10. 10
    Sign your friends' yearbooks. Before or after the ceremony, you probably have time to prepare and have free time. Homework usually stops getting assigned 1-2 weeks before the last week of school, so the last week of school is usually just fun activities or free time.
    • Sign classmates' yearbooks with "HAGS", which stands for "Have A Great Summer". This is a short phrase that you can sign if you are unfamiliar with the classmate without writing something super detailed.
    • If you are signing a best friend's yearbook, write slowly in case you mess up your handwriting. Write something memorable, like how you did great things together at school, or what you learned together.
  11. 11
    Have a great graduation/last day of school party! Most schools hold an end-of-the-year party each year. So, when the ceremony is over, go relax in your seat and eat some snacks! You've made it for 4-5 years of education at elementary school, so celebrate it at school. You should be proud of yourself! Even though this may not seem like a large milestone compared to high school and college graduation, you should still celebrate it (as you completed a level of education)!
    • The teacher may provide food for the class, like cupcakes, brownies, and cookies. You can take a plate of these foods over to your seat. You can also get snacks like crackers and cheese, grapes, cookies, juice, and water. Some cold desserts may be handed to you during the last hours of the last day of school, like ice cream and popsicles. Enjoy these as much as you'd like, since graduation day is a great day to treat yourself.
    • If your teacher allows it, talk to your friends during the party. Usually teachers are very lenient during the last days of school, since they want kids to relax after 10 months of school.
    • If your teacher is playing music, you can suggest what music to play. You could suggest traditional graduation music (like Pomp and Circumstance) or modern pop music to dance the day away!
  12. 12
    Release your emotions after graduation. Each student feels differently after graduation. Some students may feel like the happiest in the world after graduation, while others may want to "get over it" because of the stress and boring expectations during the ceremony. Other students may feel sad, since this is the last time they will see some of their friends in the same school as them.
    • If you're excited and happy, celebrate at home with friends and family! Binge-watch a TV show with some popcorn (or soft cookies if you have braces), have a dance party, have a sleepover, go shopping, or go to a movie theater with your friends! With your family, you can celebrate by having another sweet treat and some snacks.
    • If you're tired and unhappy, you should go to bed early. Graduation ceremonies can be boring and tiring sometimes, so it's best to celebrate tomorrow if you want. You could also just have a small celebration to not stress about it as much. Buy a small cake and treat yourself by doing what you like to do. You don't have to invite all of your friends or go to a large place (e.g., a movie theater, skating rink, a friend's house) to celebrate this milestone.
    • If you're sad, cry it all out. It's ok to cry after the ceremony. Cry as much as you want and hug your friends tight. Ask your friends if you can contact them in case the middle school they go to is very far away from yours.
  13. 13
    Find ways to contact your friends after graduation. Many of your friends may be going to different middle schools than you. They may be moving, so they're going to a different public school district than you. If you were in a private elementary school, some of your friends may be going to another private middle school (for private elementary schools with no middle school section) or a public or charter middle school. If you don't want to lose contact with your fun classmates and best friends, use some of the suggestions below.
    • A month (or even a few months) before the end of 5th grade, create a spreadsheet and share it to all of your classmates by school email. This spreadsheet will contain all of your classmates' names, their home email, their phone number, and/or their birthday. You can then forward this spreadsheet to your own home email and tell everyone to do the same to save all of your classmates' contact info. This way, if your friend/s aren't going to the same school as you, they can still contact you by home email instead of school email (since theirs could get deactivated).
    • You could also tell everyone to write their contact info on a sheet of paper. This is risky, as the paper could get lost, making it difficult to contact friends again. Another option could be writing contact info on everyone's yearbooks, although this may take up a lot of space in the yearbooks.
  14. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

8th Grade Graduation

  1. 1
    Have a good night's sleep. If your graduation's on the last day of school, you are probably very excited or very nervous about it. To calm yourself down, count from 100 to 1 or count by 4s, 5s, or 6s; this takes more brainpower and time, so it will tire you out quicker than counting 1 by 1 or by 2s.
    • Teens aged 13-14 should get 9-10 hours of sleep.
    • You could also listen to calming music and take a nice bubble bath to treat yourself. A warm bubble bath can calm yourself down, and it can also make you smell nice for school.
  2. 2
    Wake up early to prepare for graduation. For graduation, you'll need to take a bit longer to prepare than your usual morning routine. Wake up at least 30 minutes earlier than usual. You'll need this extra time to pick out a good outfit/wear your graduation gown, put on makeup, and do other things to prepare.
    • If you wake up at 7:00 AM, wake up at 6:30 AM this time. If you wake up at 6:00 AM, wake up at 5:30 AM. You may have to sleep in early to wake up earlier.
    • Get up early to groom yourself. Groom yourself by shaving extra armpit, leg, facial, and pubic hairs, washing your face, clipping your nails, putting on nice nail polish, and trying out a nice hairstyle.
  3. 3
    Wear the perfect graduation outfit. In many schools, the last week of school marks Spirit Week. During this week, students wear themed outfits. One day can be Crazy Hair Day, while another can be Pajama Day. The last day could be a tie-dye day or a color day, where students of each grade wear clothing of a certain color. If you're graduating, however, you should wear something more fancy.
    • You could wear a button-up dress shirt in one of your school colors and some shorts (since school usually ends during the summer).
    • You could put on a blouse and skirt. Add some flats to that. Another option would be wearing a dress in light colors. If you normally wear a bra, you may want to wear a bandeau instead (a sleeveless bra) to minimize bra straps on a spaghetti strap dress.
    • If you want to wear something more casual, wear a tie-dye T-shirt and jean pants or jean skirts! Add cool sneakers to this outfit.
    • You don't need to wear high-heels, a suit, or dress like you are an adult going to work, however. Just wear something you would wear to an informal school dance.
  4. 4
    Wear your graduation gown. If your school wanted you to wear a graduation gown to school, you should wear it. A graduation gown and cap is not too hard to wear, so this part should be pretty simple.
    • To wear a graduation gown, first, check to see if it is the right size. You may have bought one yourself, or the school might have gave you one. If it's the wrong size, return it and buy a new one. Then, unzip the front zipper and slip your arms into the sleeves. Next, zip the robe up. The collar should be V-shaped. You should wear a white shirt underneath the robe, since your skin will show with the V-shaped collar.
    • To wear a graduation cap, put the soft portion of the cap onto your head. The V-shaped side should face in front. The tassel should be on the front left or right, although since 8th grade graduations aren't supposed to be formal, you can do it on either side.
  5. 5
    Wear some makeup if you want to. Some schools (like some private schools) don't allow makeup, so don't do this step if your school bans makeup. If you don't want to wear makeup or if you have acne, you don't have to wear makeup.
    • You don't have to wear overly bright makeup (like bright red or pink lipstick, excessive eyeshadow and layers of mascara and blush). That would make you look strange, and it isn't appropriate for graduation.
    • Wear natural makeup if you want to wear it. Wear neutral colors, like light pink lipstick/lip gloss and some concealer to conceal small blemishes (small pimples). If you have large or painful pimples, it's best not to wear makeup. Some makeup can irritate your skin and cause more acne, so don't wear it. You can do a little bit of eyeshadow if you want. [2]
    • You can also paint your nails light pink, light blue, or another pastel color for a natural look.
  6. 6
    Comb your hair. Comb your hair to make it look presentable. You could wear your normal hairstyle to graduation, or you could try a new one you've been wanting to try on for a long time.
    • Don't wear a completely different one that you haven't tried doing yet, since your hair may look strange (and it might not work out). This could seriously ruin your hair during graduation!
    • For a professional look for males, get a regular haircut (also called a standard or taper haircut). If you don't want to look like a businessman or an adult, you can wear your regular hair. Make sure it isn't too messy. If you have started to get facial hair, shave it into a nice mustache or shave it clean.
    • For females, you can also wear your regular hair. If you're wearing a graduation cap, make sure your hair fits underneath it. If your hair is poofy or large, use hairpins to keep the hat in place. You can also keep your hair straight, in a braid, in a ponytail, or other updos.
  7. 7
    Take only your school books to school the next day. If your school supplied you your school books, only take those to school the next day. Don't take any notebooks, pencil cases, or folders to school. Books that you were meant to write in (book with detachable worksheets or notebooks) aren't meant to be returned, as they are used already. Your teacher will likely tell you to return the school books (to let next year's class use the same school books), so you should only bring those.
    • If you bought your school books, you may not need to return them. So, don't bring anything to school except your lunch and period supplies if you need them. You can also bring your yearbook (if you bought one) to sign.
  8. 8
    Be patient if the school will take formal photos of your graduation. Some schools take formal photos of middle school graduation. They take photos of each of their students like Picture Day. You'll need to be even more formal for this.
    • If your school is doing this, you should wear something more formal. A dress or a blouse with a medium-length skirt would be a good option. A button-up skirt with trousers or shorts would also work. If the school wants you to wear your graduation gown and cap, wear that.
    • Sit still and don't smile too big. That makes it informal and silly, which is not something you would want to do during the photo-taking process. You can grin a little, but don't show all of your teeth or make your eyes too small while smiling. Sit up straight and refrain from slouching. The process may take awhile, as sometimes photographers take 2-4 poses of each student to see which pose looks the best. If you blink during the process, it will take even longer, so blink a lot beforehand.
  9. 9
    Look presentable during the graduation ceremony. Many schools have middle school graduation ceremonies. Make sure that your gown is straight and neat, your hair isn't messy under your cap, and that your cap is worn the right way.
    • Take a deep breath and wait for the teacher to call your name. Then, you can come in front of the auditorium/stage.
    • Most middle schools won't give you any real diplomas. Those are reserved for high school and college graduations. However, your school may still hand a fake one out to each student to prepare for a high school or college graduation.
  10. 10
    Stand still if your teachers, parents, and relatives are taking pictures. Chances are that if your parents and relatives are attending your graduation ceremony that they will take a lot of pictures of you. Stand still and smile!
    • Don't worry if you have crooked teeth or if you have braces. Those aren't imperfections, and there are probably other parts of your body that make you feel good. Don't focus on your teeth- focus on how happy you are. Try to smile naturally and keep your head up. You don't want to slouch, since that makes you look unhappy or unprofessional.
  11. 11
    Sign your friends' yearbooks. Before or after the ceremony, you probably have time to prepare and have free time. Homework usually stops getting assigned 1-2 weeks before the last week of school, so the last week of school is usually just fun activities or free time.
    • Sign classmates' yearbooks with "HAGS", which stands for "Have A Great Summer". This is a short phrase that you can sign if you are unfamiliar with the classmate without writing something super detailed. This makes it more polite instead of writing nothing in the person's yearbook.
    • If you are signing a best friend's yearbook, write slowly in case you mess up your handwriting. Write something memorable, like how you did great things together at school, or what you learned together.
  12. 12
    Have a great graduation/last day of school party! Most schools hold an end-of-the-year party each year. So, when the ceremony is over, go relax in your seat and eat some snacks! You've made it for 7-8 years of education at school, so celebrate it at school. You should be proud of yourself!
    • The teacher may provide food for the class, like cupcakes, brownies, and cookies. You can take a plate of these foods over to your seat. You can also get snacks like crackers and cheese, grapes, cookies, juice, and water. Some cold desserts may be handed to you during the last hours of the last day of school, like ice cream and popsicles. Enjoy these as much as you'd like, since graduation day is a great day to treat yourself.
    • If your teacher allows it, talk to your friends during the party. Usually teachers are very lenient during the last days of school, since they want kids to relax after 10 months of school.
    • If your teacher is playing music, you can suggest what music to play. You could suggest traditional graduation music (like Pomp and Circumstance) or modern pop music to dance the day away!
  13. 13
    Release your emotions after graduation. Each student feels differently after graduation. Some students may feel like the happiest in the world after graduation, while others may want to "get over it" because of the stress and boring expectations during the ceremony. Other students may feel sad, since this is the last time they will see some of their friends in the same school as them.
    • If you're excited and happy, celebrate at home with friends and family! Binge-watch a TV show with some popcorn (or soft cookies if you have braces), have a dance party, have a sleepover, go shopping, or go to a movie theater with your friends! With your family, you can celebrate by having another sweet treat and some snacks.
    • If you're tired and unhappy, you should go to bed early. Graduation ceremonies can be boring and tiring sometimes, so it's best to celebrate tomorrow if you want. You could also just have a small celebration to not stress about it as much. Buy a small cake and treat yourself by doing what you like to do. You don't have to invite all of your friends or go to a large place (e.g., a movie theater, skating rink, a friend's house) to celebrate this milestone.
    • If you're sorrowful, cry it all out. It's ok to cry after the ceremony. Cry as much as you want and hug your friends tight. Ask your friends if you can contact them in case the school they'll be going to is very far away from yours. You can contact each other by email or phone number.
  14. 14
    Find ways to contact your friends after graduation. Many of your friends may be going to different high schools than you. They may be moving, so they're going to a different public school district than you. If you were in a private middle school, many of your friends may be going to another private high school (for private middle schools with no high school section) or a public or charter high school. If you don't want to lose contact with your fun classmates and best friends, use some of the suggestions below.
    • A month (or even a few months) before the end of 8th grade, create a spreadsheet and share it to all of your classmates by school email. This spreadsheet will contain all of your classmates' names, their home email, their phone number, and/or their birthday. You can then forward this spreadsheet to your own home email and tell everyone to do the same to save all of your classmates' contact info. This way, if your friend/s aren't going to the same school as you, they can still contact you by home email instead of school email (since theirs could get deactivated).
    • You could also tell everyone to write their contact info on a sheet of paper. This is risky, as the paper could get lost, making it difficult to contact friends again. Another option could be writing contact info on everyone's yearbooks, although this may take up a lot of space in the yearbooks.
  15. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

12th Grade Graduation

  1. 1
    Have a good night's sleep. If your graduation's on the last day of school, you are probably very excited or very nervous about it. To calm yourself down, count from 100 to 1 or count by 7s, 8s, or 9s; this takes more brainpower and time, so it will tire you out quicker than counting 1 by 1 or by 2s or 5s.
    • You could also listen to calming music and take a nice bubble bath to treat yourself. A warm bubble bath can calm yourself down, and it can also make you smell nice for school.
    • Teens aged 17-19 should get 8-9 hours of sleep.
  2. 2
    Wake up early to prepare for graduation. For graduation, you'll need to take a bit longer to prepare than your usual morning routine. Wake up at least 30 minutes earlier than usual. You'll need this extra time to pick out a good outfit/wear your graduation gown, put on makeup, and do other things to prepare.
    • If you wake up at 7:00 AM, wake up at 6:30 AM this time. If you wake up at 6:00 AM, wake up at 5:30 AM. You may have to sleep in early to wake up earlier.
    • Get up early to groom yourself. Groom yourself by shaving extra armpit, chest, leg, arm, facial, and pubic hairs, washing your face, clipping your nails, putting on nice nail polish, and trying out a nice hairstyle.
  3. 3
    Wear the perfect graduation outfit. In many schools, the last week of school marks Spirit Week. During this week, students wear themed outfits. One day can be Crazy Hair Day, while another can be Pajama Day. The last day could be a tie-dye day or a color day, where students of each grade wear clothing of a certain color. If you're graduating, however, you should wear something more fancy.
    • You could wear a button-up dress shirt in one of your school colors and some shorts (since school usually ends during the summer). Wear dress shoes to pair with this outfit.
    • You could put on a blouse and skirt. Add some flats to that. Another option would be wearing a dress in light colors. Wear a bandeau instead of a regular bra (a sleeveless bra) to minimize bra straps on a spaghetti strap dress.
  4. 4
    Wear your graduation gown. If your school wanted you to wear a graduation gown to school, you should wear it. A graduation gown and cap is not too hard to wear, so this part should be pretty simple.
    • To wear a graduation gown, first, check to see if it is the right size. You may have bought one yourself, or the school might have gave you one. If it's the wrong size, return it and buy a new one. Then, unzip the front zipper and slip your arms into the sleeves. Next, zip the robe up. The collar should be V-shaped. You should wear a white shirt underneath the robe, since your skin will show with the V-shaped collar.
    • To wear a graduation cap, put the soft portion of the cap onto your head. The V-shaped side should face in front. The tassel should be on the front right. Since you are graduating for real, you should pay attention to this detail.
  5. 5
    Wear some makeup if you want to. Some schools (like some private schools) don't allow makeup, so don't do this step if your school bans makeup. If you don't want to wear makeup or if you have acne, you don't have to wear makeup.
    • You don't have to wear overly bright makeup (like bright red or pink lipstick, excessive eyeshadow and layers of mascara and blush). That would make you look strange, and it isn't appropriate for graduation.
    • Wear natural makeup if you want to wear it. Wear neutral colors, like light pink lipstick and some concealer to conceal small blemishes (small pimples). If you have large or painful pimples, it's best not to wear makeup. Some makeup can irritate your skin and cause more acne, so don't wear it. You can do a little bit of eyeshadow if you want. [3] Groom your eyebrows by filling them in with an eyebrow pencil.
    • You can also paint your nails light pink, light blue, or another pastel color for a natural look.
  6. 6
    Comb your hair. Comb your hair to make it look presentable. You could wear your normal hairstyle to graduation, or you could try a new one you've been wanting to try on for a long time.
    • Don't wear a completely different one that you haven't tried doing yet, since your hair may look strange (and it might not work out). This could seriously ruin your hair during graduation!
    • For a professional look for males, get a regular haircut (also called a standard or taper haircut). If you don't want to look like a businessman or an adult, you can wear your regular hair. Make sure it isn't too messy. If you have facial hair, shave it into a nice mustache or shave it clean.
    • For females, you can also wear your regular hair. If you're wearing a graduation cap, make sure your hair fits underneath it. If your hair is poofy or large, use hairpins to keep the hat in place. You can also keep your hair straight, in a braid, in a ponytail, or other updos.
  7. 7
    Be patient if the school will take formal photos of your graduation. Most schools will take formal photos for high school graduation. They take photos of each of their students like Picture Day. You'll need to be even more formal for this.
    • If your school is doing this, you should wear something more formal. A dress or a blouse with a medium-length skirt would be a good option. A button-up skirt with trousers or shorts would also work. You could also wear a suit if you want. If the school wants you to wear your graduation gown and cap, wear that.
    • Sit still and don't smile too big. That makes it informal and silly, which is not something you would want to do during the photo-taking process. You can grin a little, but don't show all of your teeth or make your eyes too small while smiling. Sit up straight and refrain from slouching. The process may take awhile, as sometimes photographers take 2-4 poses of each student to see which pose looks the best. If you blink during the process, it will take even longer, so blink a lot beforehand.
  8. 8
    Look presentable during the graduation ceremony. Make sure that your gown is straight and neat, your hair isn't messy under your cap, and that your cap is worn the right way. You should also see if the tassel is on the right side.
    • Take a deep breath and wait for the head of school to call your name. Then, you can come in front of the auditorium/stage.
    • Hold out your hands to receive your diploma. This is an important document, so keep it straight and neat. Make sure to smile while this is happening!
  9. 9
    Stand still if your teachers, parents, and relatives are taking pictures. Chances are that if your parents and relatives are attending your graduation ceremony that they will take a lot of pictures of you. Stand still and smile naturally.
    • Don't worry if you have crooked teeth or if you have braces. Those aren't imperfections, and there are probably other parts of your body that make you feel good. Don't focus on your teeth- focus on how happy you are. Try to smile naturally and keep your head up. You don't want to slouch, since that makes you look unhappy or unprofessional.
  10. 10
    Sign your friends' yearbooks. Before or after the ceremony, you probably have time to prepare and have free time. Homework usually stops getting assigned 1-2 weeks before the last week of school, so the last week of school is usually just fun activities or free time.
    • Sign classmates' yearbooks with "HAGS", which stands for "Have A Great Summer". This is a short phrase that you can sign if you are unfamiliar with the classmate without writing something super detailed. This makes it more polite instead of writing nothing in the person's yearbook.
    • If you are signing a best friend's yearbook, write slowly in case you mess up your handwriting. Write something memorable, like how you did great things together at school, or what you learned together.
  11. 11
    Have a great graduation/last day of school party! Most schools hold an end-of-the-year party each year. So, when the ceremony is over, go relax in your seat and eat some snacks! You've made it for 11-12 years of education at school, so celebrate it. You should be proud of yourself for completing all of your mandatory education!
    • After the graduation, you could invite your friends over to your house. You could also invite them to a shopping mall to shop, a movie theater, a skating rink, or some other places for celebrations.
    • You could also settle down if you're groggy and tired. Have a small celebration with a cake and your family.
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    Release your emotions after graduation. Each student feels differently after graduation. Some students may feel like the happiest in the world after graduation, while others may want to "get over it" because of the stress and boring expectations during the ceremony. Other students may feel downcast, since this is the last time they will see some of their friends in the same school as them.
    • If you're excited and ecstatic, celebrate at home with friends and family! Binge-watch a TV show with some popcorn (or soft cookies if you have braces), have a dance party, have a sleepover, go shopping, or go to a movie theater with your friends! With your family, you can celebrate by having another sweet treat and some snacks.
    • If you're tired and unhappy, you should go to bed early. Graduation ceremonies can be boring and tiring sometimes, so it's best to celebrate tomorrow if you want. You could also just have a small celebration to not stress about it as much. Buy a small cake and treat yourself by doing what you like to do. You don't have to invite all of your friends or go to a large place (e.g., a movie theater, skating rink, a friend's house) to celebrate this milestone.
    • If you're dejected, cry it all out. It's ok to cry after the ceremony. Sob as much as you want and hug your friends tight. Ask your friends if you can contact them.
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    Find ways to contact your friends after graduation. Most of your classmates will probably attend different colleges and universities than you. Universities have tens of thousands of people in their campuses, and each class contains tens of hundreds of people. There are colleges located all across the country which tailor to each student's specific career paths, so it is rare to find high school friends or middle school friends in university. You may find 1, 2, or 3 familiar people, but almost all of the people will be new to you.
    • A month (or even a few months) before the end of 12th grade, create a spreadsheet and share it to all of your classmates by school email. This spreadsheet will contain all of your classmates' names, their home email, their phone number, and/or their birthday. You can then forward this spreadsheet to your own home email and tell everyone to do the same to save all of your classmates' contact info. This way, if your friend/s aren't going to the same school as you, they can still contact you by home email instead of school email (since theirs could get deactivated).
    • You could also tell everyone to write their contact info on a sheet of paper. This is risky, as the paper could get lost, making it difficult to contact friends again. Another option could be writing contact info on everyone's yearbooks, although this may take up a lot of space in the yearbooks.
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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 7,054 times.
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Co-authors: 2
Updated: December 28, 2022
Views: 7,054
Categories: Graduation