Performance management involves more than simply providing an annual review for each employee. It is about working together with that employee to identify strengths and weaknesses in their performance and how to help them be a more productive and effective worker. Ready to make a system of your own? Keep reading to learn how to develop a performance management system so that you can help everyone in your organization work to their full potential.


Identify organizational goals.

  1. Take the time to clarify what your goals are for the next year as a company. Performance management systems help rally staff members around your organization's goals because they help staff know how they are to be involved in reaching that goal. [2]
    • Identify processes or procedures that could be simplified or done more effectively.
    • Declare your sales goals for the next year or new products you would like to develop.
    • Share your hope for better communication between departments and staff members.

Set performance expectations.

  1. As you sit down with each employee, clearly lay out your expectations for them. Identify specific things you would like them to accomplish over the next year, or whatever time frame works best for you. Prioritize these so the staff member knows which is most important and make sure to give them a deadline for each task.[3]
    • Acknowledge what they are already doing well. Use this to encourage them.
    • Share some weaknesses that you have observed in them and in their work habits, and how overcoming those would help their performance in the company.
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Evaluate their performance.

  1. At each performance review, let the employee know how they are doing. It is often helpful to assign a numeric value on a scale, rating the employee from "not meeting expectations" to "meets expectations" to "exceeds expectations."[4]
    • Provide feedback on their performance. Be as specific as possible, noting key examples of when they demonstrated a certain quality.
    • Talk about the consequences or rewards of their performance. Let them know if they are on probation, are getting a raise in pay, changes in vacation days, or any other relevant action.
    • Discuss any problems they may be having. Listen to their concerns or worries as you talk through potential solutions.
    • Align feedback with feedback given throughout the year in their one-on-ones.
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About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 23 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 264,336 times.
211 votes - 87%
Co-authors: 23
Updated: June 14, 2022
Views: 264,336
Categories: Job Skills