Whether you’re feeling stuck in a job that doesn’t appeal to your creative sensibilities, have lost interest in your current position, or simply can’t escape the feeling of monotony at work, letting your boredom rule your attitude in the workplace can have serious consequences. Boredom at work can lead to unnecessary stress and a sense of resentment for your workplace. If leaving your current job for a more creatively fulfilling job is not an option for you at the moment, by implementing small changes such as altering your daily routine, taking on more responsibilities, or mastering new skills, you can make a boring job more tolerable and interesting.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Staying Busy During the Workday

  1. 1
    Take on more responsibility. If you are feeling unchallenged in certain areas in which you excel, taking on new responsibilities is a great way to shake up your monotonous routine. Consult with your boss about taking on more work in areas in which you already do well, or about a plan to shift your focus to a new project. This will also suggest to your boss that you’re taking pride in the work you're putting out, which can lead to more responsibility and a more fulfilling workday.[1]
    • Ask for the opportunity to do work outside of your normal expertise, in order to master new skills in the future. Talk with your boss about altering your job description to include new tasks that you find interesting and that are beneficial to the business.
    • Without skirting any of your workplace policies, talk with your coworkers about swapping a few tasks to encourage versatility within the workforce.[2]
    • Having a sense of ownership over your work may make your job more interesting.[3]
  2. 2
    Spend time learning new skills that directly relate to your job or field. Learning new skills can help you view your boring job in a whole new way. If you are stuck in a job with little to no room for learning new skills in the field, try listening to educational podcasts. Keeping your brain active is a surefire way to kick the boredom.[4]
    • Try talking to people in other departments about what they do and what their jobs entail. Maybe you’re working in sales but you’re more interested in working in marketing; socialize with people in other departments to get an idea of what other jobs are available that might appeal to you.
  3. 3
    Minimize distraction time. Resist the temptation to spend lots of time checking emails and social media while you’re working. Although it is healthy to allow your brain to rest and relax throughout the day, schedule yourself specific time to respond to emails and check your social media accounts. Limit the amount of time that you spend doing this. Even though your job may be boring, spending loads of time distracting yourself from your tasks can make the day feel longer and your workload more daunting as the day comes to an end.
    • Pick specific times to check your email and social media accounts, such as once at 11:00am and once at 4:00pm. Spend up to 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon doing this, but when the 30 minutes is up, dive right back into to working.
  4. 4
    Lend a hand. Offer your help when your coworkers are involved in new or difficult projects. Take the initiative to start on new projects. Involving new people or experiences in your workday can cut down on the monotony of your daily task list. Your colleagues are also a great resource to tap when you've come to a roadblock on a new project, or are trying to master a new skill. Don't hesitate to ask your coworkers for the same hand that you would be happy to lend.[5]
    • When offering help in the workplace, make sure to use statements that are positive, not condescending. If you know your colleagues have started a new project, or have hit a roadblock in a current one, let them know you’re available to help out by saying, “I’m available if you are interested in brainstorming about this project,” or by saying, “I have some ideas that I think could benefit your project.”
  5. 5
    Make your work meetings worthwhile. Instead of spending time daydreaming or nodding off in your meetings, make a strong effort to actively listen and put forth new ideas. Find ways to participate in your meetings. If you are frustrated by meetings and the way they are run in your workplace, consult with your boss about changing their structure. Offer constructive solutions to making meetings more efficient and focused.[6]
    • If you are unable to actively participate in most meetings in your workplace, take notes or write down questions to discuss with your colleagues after the meeting.
    • If you feel that inefficient meetings are hindering your productivity, consult with your boss on the necessity of your attendance at these meetings. Avoid coming off as angry or aggressive, but suggest that you feel your time could be used more effectively elsewhere.
  6. 6
    Brainstorm with your colleagues. Use your coworkers as sounding boards for new ideas. Ask them how they feel about their jobs, and what they do to combat office boredom. No one understands your office better than your coworkers, so use their knowledge as a resource for things you can do to improve your situation. Together, you may be able to brainstorm ideas for making your meetings more efficient, making your workday more productive, and overall improving the quality of your office’s productivity.[7]
  7. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Staying Mentally and Physically Active

  1. 1
    Know the difference between boredom and exhaustion. Sometimes, exhaustion can be confused with boredom in the workplace. Often times, exhaustion is the result of poor diet or inconsistent sleeping habits. If you are struggling to stay awake at your desk, taking better care of yourself outside of the office may be the solution. Getting a decent night’s rest and eating properly are pivotal aspects of a more positive disposition.
    • If waking up for your day is a struggle, make an effort to go to bed an hour earlier.
    • If you find yourself eating a lot of fast food, work on developing a meal plan and doing meal prep on Sunday nights. Replace your fast food meals with fast healthy meals.
  2. 2
    Take small breaks to stretch. When you feel your energy level decreasing, a small stretch can breathe new life into your day. If you're finding that your boredom is also causing you to lose energy throughout the day, spend some time stretching to reinvigorate your senses. Incorporating these exercises into your day can reduce stress and keep your mind focused.[8]
    • Research some basic yoga positions that you can do at your desk, such as the high altar pose or ankle to knee positions.
  3. 3
    Go outside during lunch. If you are able, leave the office for your lunch hour. Take advantage of this time by spending time away from your desk and the office. You may discover that there is a great clothing boutique, delicious restaurant, or beautiful garden close to your office.
    • If you’ve come to work without a prepared lunch, try ordering a new cuisine that you haven't tried before.
    • If the weather is nice, go for a short walk to get your body moving and your blood flowing.
    • Bring a novel to read. Make you lunch hour beneficial to you by relaxing and preparing yourself to refocus on the day at hand.
  4. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Exploring Alternative Solutions

  1. 1
    Identify what is most boring about your work days. Consider whether you are bored with your work, or if your boredom is originating elsewhere. Maybe you're feeling bored at work because you're actually bored with your daily routine. Your commute, your lunch, and your day to day tasks all have to capacity to bore or stimulate your senses. Start combating workplace boredom by changing something about your usual routine each day, so that you can combat the feeling of monotony in the office.
    • Try a new coffee spot close to your office before work, instead of drinking the regular office coffee.
    • Try mixing up your commute by riding your bicycle or taking the train to work.
  2. 2
    Make simple changes to your day to day work schedule. If your day is filled with the same people, same morning beverages, or the same music, try to incorporate new things. Mix up the day by bringing in something that you can share with your coworkers. If the office always has the same music playing and you are able to change it, put on something upbeat and fun. These small changes can also help to break up the monotonous nature of the workday.
    • Make small changes for yourself, such as starting your day with a unique beverage each morning. Have cider, green tea, or hot chocolate in the morning, instead of or in addition to your usual coffee.
    • If your office is especially boring in the mornings before everyone has had a chance to settle in, bring in a box of pastries or bagels to share. This will put everyone in a better mood and help you all make it through the day.
    • If you tend to work on tasks endlessly, chunk your to-do list into manageable blocks instead. Spend no less than 30 minutes and no more than 2 hours working on each task.[9]
  3. 3
    Keep your breaks interesting. If you always spend your breaks on social media, make an effort to do something different during your breaks. Maybe this means doing jumping jacks or planning a weekend getaway. Perhaps try picking up a craft or a hobby that you can do in your free work time. Incorporate anything that brightens your mood into your break time, so you have something to look forward to during your boring workday.
    • Knitting or crochet is a great way to keep your mind busy during your breaks.[10]
    • Try doing crossword puzzles on your breaks. Not only will they keep your mind active, but you’ll have something to ponder while you’re completing your boring work tasks.
    • Plan vacation or getaways to places you've never been during your breaks. These can be real plans, or imaginary plans that you use to motivate yourself!
  4. 4
    Make your work space comfortable. Add personal touches to your work environment. Without violating any specific guidelines set forth by your office, hang a piece of artwork that inspires you. Even if your job is boring, you workspace doesn't have to be. Bring in photos of loved ones, or those you respect or admire. Anything that reminds you of why you are motivated to do well in your current position is a great thing to have at your desk.
  5. 5
    Listen to music that motivates you. Create a specific work playlist of music that is both relaxing and stimulating. For some, listening to music through headphones is a great way to drown out distractions. If repetition is a big part of your job, studies have even shown that including music into your routine can increase productivity. Choose music that is inspiring and will brighten your mood.[11]
  6. 6
    Explore the possibilities of switching departments. Research the company you are working for. Learn more about the company, what they do, and why the are successful. Ask yourself if you are inspired by their mission statement, or if there is another area within the company or business that you are working for that seems more interesting to you. There may be jobs within the company that actively engage in work you find interesting, even if your current position does not.
    • Look into the possibility of changing roles or departments within your company, so that you have a wider variety of skill sets that benefit your position within the business.
  7. 7
    Seek out higher education. Perhaps you feel stuck in a job that required little experience when you were hired, but have become bored with the lack of challenges in your day to day routine. Whether you already have a degree or would like to study a subject that is completely new, seeking higher education can help you start a new career path. Consider heading back to school to complete a degree that mirrors your passions.
    • Research scholarships and grants that could help you fund this education.
    • If your situation is such that you can’t leave your boring job to go back to school, many universities and colleges offer online classes or classes that can be completed at night or during the weekends.
  8. 8
    Research trades that interest you. Trade schools are also a great way to learn a skill. Perhaps you have had an interest in becoming a hair stylist, mechanic, or carpenter. Trade schools offer the opportunity to turn your passions into your employment. Typically, trade schools are less expensive and offer flexible programs that take less time to complete than obtaining a degree from a university.
    • Many trade schools also offer flexible programs that can be completed while working a full time job, such as night or weekend classes.
  9. 9
    Make a career change. If you taken every step to combat workplace boredom and are still feeling lackluster about your current employment situation, it may be time to consider a complete career change. If this isn’t your first boring day to day job, consider the types of jobs you applying for. Perhaps you would prefer working outside, working with people, working from home, making music, etc. Think about the possibility of taking a job in a field that is completely new to you. Sometimes this can involve seeking out higher education, but some forms of employment benefit more from a strong work ethic.
    • Research new employment possibilities and seek out companies that do work which inspires you. Consider exactly what you’re looking for in a fulfilling job and seek out positions that satisfy your requirements.
    • The food and beverage industry promotes fast paced work and tons of social interaction. Although working in the food and beverage industry isn’t for everyone, restaurant work is a highly respectable profession, that can result in some very lucrative benefits.
    • Jobs that involve physical labor offer many added health benefits to those in these positions. Working outside means access to fresh air and natural sunlight, and putting in physical labor keeps your body active. If you love the great outdoors, consider the possibility of finding work on a farm, in construction, or as a professional landscaper.
  10. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do you motivate a bored employee?
    Joe Simmons
    Joe Simmons
    Corporate Trainer
    Joe Simmons is a Corporate Trainer based in West Palm Beach, Florida. Joe specializes in operations management, leadership, learning and development, and employee training to help employees become high-performing teams. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from The University of South Florida. Joe’s coaching has helped numerous organizations with employee retention, revenue growth, and team productivity.
    Joe Simmons
    Corporate Trainer
    Expert Answer
    Try adding a training and development program to your company. This program gives your employees something to look forward to, and motivates them to show up. Plus, they'll know that you're committed to their growth and development, which will lead to more success in the long run.
  • Question
    How do you make employees feel motivated?
    Joe Simmons
    Joe Simmons
    Corporate Trainer
    Joe Simmons is a Corporate Trainer based in West Palm Beach, Florida. Joe specializes in operations management, leadership, learning and development, and employee training to help employees become high-performing teams. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from The University of South Florida. Joe’s coaching has helped numerous organizations with employee retention, revenue growth, and team productivity.
    Joe Simmons
    Corporate Trainer
    Expert Answer
    Try giving them a sense of ownership over something at work. Employees love these types of opportunities and will appreciate the chance to make bigger decisions.


  • The only person who can change your situation is you. Make an active effort to change your situation.
  • Even if you find it difficult to hide your distaste for you current job, come to work with a positive attitude and demeanor.
  1. Amber Rosenberg, PCC. Pacific Life Coach. Expert Interview. 26 February 2019.
  2. http://www.businessinsider.com/the-best-music-for-productivity-2015-7

About This Article

Amber Rosenberg, PCC
Co-authored by:
Pacific Life Coach
This article was co-authored by Amber Rosenberg, PCC. Amber Rosenberg is a Professional Life Coach, Career Coach, and Executive Coach based in the San Francisco Bay Area. As the owner of Pacific Life Coach, she has 20+ years of coaching experience and a background in corporations, tech companies, and nonprofits. Amber trained with the Coaches Training Institute and is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). This article has been viewed 88,641 times.
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Co-authors: 7
Updated: October 21, 2022
Views: 88,641
Categories: Coping with Boredom