Abortion means different things to different people. While some simply feel relieved afterwards, for others, it can be tough. Here is how to keep your relationship strong in the face of an abortion.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Reflecting on the Abortion

This process may be simple, or it may be long and complicated, depending on your and your partner's feelings on abortion.

  1. 1
    Make sure the partner who had the abortion is adequately cared for. Doctor's orders must be followed, and the person needs to rest and take it easy for a while. If your partner is the one who underwent the procedure, try to be available for snuggling, helping with cramps or pain management, and love and support.
    • The person who had an abortion may need 1-2 days to recover.[1]
    • "Abortion trauma" is not supported by data, and most people who get abortions feel positively about it in the long run.[2]
  2. 2
    Avoid misinformation. "Crisis pregnancy centers" and other anti-abortion groups may exaggerate the harms of abortion, or feed you false information, to manipulate people away from abortions. Look for pro-choice websites that seek to inform (not to scare off), and focus on factual information about caring for yourself and/or your partner.
    • Find fact-based resources such as Planned Parenthood and Scarleteen.
  3. 3
    Take time to process your own feelings. Some people struggle to deal with abortion, while others are okay with it. You might feel relieved, sad, disappointed, awkward, or nothing in particular. If you're dealing with difficult emotions, take time to work through them.
    • Consider calling the Exhale hotline if you need someone to talk to.
  4. 4
    Help your partner with their own feelings, if they're struggling. Some people view abortion as a simple medical procedure, others view it as the loss of an important life, and there are all sorts of possibilities in between. Take time to listen to and honor your partner's feelings, whatever they may be.
    • Ask "How are you feeling about this?"
    • Validate their feelings and show that you care.
    • If you don't feel able to emotionally support your partner right now, encourage them to reach out to family members or other close loved ones to talk.
  5. 5
    Take measures to help prevent future abortions. Talk with your partner about contraceptives. Abortion is a difficult procedure that can be costly, so it's best to avoid conceiving an unwanted fetus in the first place. Research and discuss your options, and find what's best for the two of you.
    • There are many options to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.[3]
    • It can be helpful to use more than one method at once (e.g. both birth control pills and condoms) in case one of them fails.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Maintaining a Strong Relationship

  1. 1
    Ask your partner if they'd like to talk about what happened. Your partner may want a listening ear, or be uncomfortable, or not have strong feelings about the situation at all. Let them know that you're there for whatever they need.
    • Try saying "I'm here to listen if you want to talk about any feelings about what happened."
  2. 2
    Talk about any problems in your relationship. If there has been strain in your relationship, then a problem (like an unexpected pregnancy) may only highlight it. If you want to stay together, then both of you need to talk it over during a calm time.
    • Ask if it is a good time first, in case your partner is too stressed for it right now. For example, you could say "I feel like we have some problems with communication. I care about you and want to fix this together. Is now a good time to talk about it?"
  3. 3
    Be gentle to your partner, and yourself. Both of you may have been stressed out by the unwanted pregnancy. Neither of you needs to feel better right away, nor should you be too hard on yourselves or each other. Practice gentleness and understanding.
    • If you get angry, say "I'm upset and I'm going to take a break." This will help you avoid doing something you might regret.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can I still have a child if I have had an abortion?
    Luna Rose
    Luna Rose
    Top Answerer
    Yes. Having an abortion will not prevent you from having children in the future. If you don't want children yet, make sure to use reliable birth control to prevent an accidental pregnancy. If you want to be a parent someday once you are ready, then rest assured, it's possible.
  • Question
    Can I have an abortion after two months being pregnant?
    Top Answerer
    Two months is the equivalent of eight or nine weeks. In most places where abortion is legal, it is still a possibility to get an abortion at this stage. Look into the laws in your country or state to find out the laws there.
  • Question
    Can I get pregnant again a month after an abortion?
    Top Answerer
    It is possible. You become fertile after your abortion, meaning you can get pregnant again. Use contraceptives if you want to prevent this.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 25,957 times.
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Co-authors: 7
Updated: January 29, 2023
Views: 25,957
Categories: Relationships