Have you ever watched the Olympic gymnasts, and wished you could be doing something like that? Then you go ask your mom, "Can I join gymnastics?" and she says, "No"? Find some ways to approach this situation with your mom, by learning how to persuade, as well as how to find solutions.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Considering Why You Want to Join

  1. 1
    Think before you ask. You may have seen on TV a recent gymnastics competition, or talked with a friend who recommends that you join gymnastics. Before you immediately react, and go ask your mom to join, think about what other activities and school work you have already. Can you fit gymnastics into your schedule, even if might take away from other things?
    • Take a couple hours or more to think about whether this is really what you want, before going to ask your mom.
    • Consider the pros and cons of starting gymnastics.
  2. 2
    Imagine how your mom may react to your request. Before you actually go talk with her, think about how she has reacted in the past to your requests, and what has been going on recently when you ask her for things. Has she said "no" more? What were the reasons she said "no" in the past?
    • Consider possible scenarios of how your mom may react. For example, if your mom has been saying recently that she cannot afford extra things for the family right now, the issue of money may come up. If your mom needs time to think things over when you ask for something, be respectful of her wishes, and give her some time.
  3. 3
    Pick the right moment to talk. If you were busy doing schoolwork, or trying to work hard on something, you might not want to talk and make a big decision in that moment. Your parents are the same way. If your mom is stressed, pick a time when your mom is relaxed, and appears to have time to talk.
    • If your mom is less stressed, she is more likely to listen to your reasons for wanting to join gymnastics.
  4. 4
    Be clear about why gymnastics is so important. There are lots of activities that you could do, or interests to pursue. Before you try to convince your mom, you have to be confident that this is more important than swimming, art classes, music lessons, or something else. Once you commit to doing something, it will take time and money, so be honest with yourself.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Persuading Your Mom

  1. 1
    Ask politely. Put yourself in your mom's shoes. Imagine if you were the parent. If your child came up to you and yelled, "I WANT TO JOIN GYMNASTICS!" and then had a tantrum if you said no, you'd be annoyed too. So ask nicely. Be polite and positive when asking for something.
    • By being happy and positive, rather than stubborn, you will come across much more convincing.
    • Start showing your love for gymnastics. Do flips, hand stands, cartwheels etc.
    • Talking about gymnastics (if it's something you genuinely care about) should come from the heart, and you should show that in the way you talk. [1]
  2. 2
    Listen closely. You may get an answer you don't want to hear, such as "No," "I'll think about it," "We'll look into it later," or "Wait until next year." Instead of getting immediately frustrated, try to understand why your mom said that.
    • Really listen to your mom's concerns. Is she concerned about paying for the lessons? Is she just not wanting to think about it right now? Is she concerned about if it's safe?
    • By listening to her current point of view, you'll know better how to proceed. If it's just the wrong time, ask in a few days at the right time.
    • If talking at a different time doesn't help, listen to the specific arguments, and how to show your mom it is a win-win, or at least a better sport to join than she may have thought. [2]
  3. 3
    Find out why and negotiate. Go through the different arguments about why your mom is hesitant to have you join gymnastics. Depending on the reasons your mom says "no," you may need to identify ways to prove your argument why gymnastics is valuable, safe, practical, and helpful for your future.
    • You may need to "sell" them on all the positives for both you and your mom. Be positive and enthusiastic.
    • Think about what you may be willing to give up in order to have gymnastics. Consider negotiations to be a "give and take." Are you willing to do another after-school activity less? Are you willing to spend less time with certain friends? Are you willing to use some of your own money to help pay for classes?
  4. 4
    Explain to your mom the benefits of gymnastics. By providing your mom with the many long-term benefits of being in sports, you can help her to understand the value of joining gymnastics. Here are some many benefits that you can discuss with her:
    • Physical fitness. Gymnastics will help to keep you physically fit, and mentally focused.
    • Improved coordination and balance. These skills are also easily translated to many other sports.
    • Improved confidence. When you work hard and show improvement, your confidence in yourself and in doing other things will likely go up.
    • Team building. In gymnastics, often coaches and gymnasts work together, and learn from each other. You will be better able to work with others through your commitment to the sport.
  5. 5
    Show your mom you're ready for the challenge. Gymnastics can be tough, like any sport. Talk to your mom about some of the negative things, such as injuries, rips, and time. Let your mom know you're ready committed to taking gymnastics.
    • Let your parents know you're ready to juggle school, gymnastics, activities, family, and friends, and still have time . If your mom knows that, then she'll trust you more and understand that you're ready for it.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Finding Solutions

  1. 1
    Help to save money so your mom is less likely to say "no." If the reason your mom won't let you join gymnastics is because they don't have enough money right now, find ways to make gymnastics more affordable.
    • Money is likely the biggest hurdle. Be realistic that sometimes the issue of money is something your parents cannot control. [3]
    • You may find more affordable gymnastic classes if you shop around and find out what is available in your city. Consider classes through a local YMCA.
    • See if there are ways that you can contribute to the costs, such as giving up some of your allowance, or not doing another activity that may be costing money.
    • Ask your gym if there are ways that you can supplement your tuition fees. Some gyms will allow students or parents to clean, organize, or help out in another way to make tuition more affordable.
  2. 2
    Talk openly about any safety concerns. Your mom may be concerned because studies show that gymnastics injuries are as common as those in soccer, basketball, and hockey. [4] Collect the information and provide her with ideas about how to stay safe and put her at ease.
    • All sports can have some risk of injury, but many facilities and trainers will have clear safety guidelines. Consider having your mom talk with the gymnastics center about any concerns.
  3. 3
    Do activities that are similar to gymnastics. Gymnastics requires flexibility and coordination of the body. Consider other types of sports and activities that you can do at home, or a class that your mom may approve of.
    • Look into other sports and activities like dancing, ballet, track and field, yoga, and cheerleading.
    • See if your school may have any afterschool programs that are similar to gymnastics.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    My dad wants me to do soccer instead of gymnastics because he likes soccer. But, I like gymnastics. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It’s hard to disappoint your dad in his dream of raising a soccer player, but ultimately you are the one who will be attending practices, games, team meetings, and tournaments. If this is not how you want to spend your time, then you will have to let your dad know. Talk to him about how similar soccer is to gymnastics in that they are both extremely athletic and aerobic sports, and that you will be learning about hard work, team work, and dedication no matter which you choose.
  • Question
    What if my mom says that she thinks I am not a gymnastics person, but I want to do it. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Let her know that no one is born a gymnast, but that they are made through hard work and dedication. Tell her you’d like to show her how important this is to you, and that you’ll commit to training for at least a year before you decide to continue or not. You can present this to her as a ‘trial time’ or ‘experiment’ in which you both can see how well you like it and whether or not you are a ‘gymnastics person.’
  • Question
    My mom made me quit gymnastics unless I joined the team, but I'm not good enough for the team and don't want to compete. What do I do once I did quit and want to start back up?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Discuss with your mom about your reasons for continuing gymnastics, but for not continuing as part of a team. Be honest with your mom about your concerns about being on the team, but that you will have a passion for gymnastics.


  • Do not keep annoying your mom repeatedly in a short time. She will likely get upset. Not all requests may work out, but finding alternatives may help.

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177 votes - 72%
Co-authors: 31
Updated: June 7, 2019
Views: 58,333