Parents feel better if their child is involved with something productive like sports in your yearbook. They want you to have experiences that’ll help you with college or your future career. If you do extraordinarily well in sports and extracurriculars, you may have chances to gain scholarships for university. However, it is still possible to be a good student and do other things after school. Plus, you’ll be able to do the things you want on the weekends.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Communicating with Your Parents

  1. 1
    Ask your parents why they want you to be involved with extracurriculars. Ask them for a practical reason, and be a part of the solution. Your parents may have specific reasons they want you involved in a particular activity. If you figure out this reason, you'll be better able to find an alternative solution. For example, your mom may want you involved in basketball because she wants you to have a healthy lifestyle where you're physically active. This insight will give you ideas of how to compromise. You need to figure out ways other than basketball to be physically active.[1]
    • If you're already involved in too many after school activities, compromise with them. Ask the why behind what club or sport they want you to be involved in.
    • If they want you to get money or scholarships for college, consider getting a job related to your desired major now to save up for it.
    • If they want you to gain valuable experiences, volunteer for fundraisers or organizations that you’re interested in learning about.
  2. 2
    Talk with your parents daily to earn their trust. Tell them honestly about your daily activities. This makes your parents feel important and in the know about what’s going on in your life.
    • Remember that they don't need to know every little detail, like you getting reprimanded in history class.
    • Give thorough details about school assignments, what you’re learning, and projects in your classes.
    • Tell them about your friends. Make sure you parents are involved with most of your life.
  3. 3
    Help out at home to demonstrate your responsibility. Do something meaningful in the time that would be used for extracurriculars. Be the son or daughter your parents are proud to have.
    • If you use your extra time to watch TV for hours, your parents are going to think you need structure. If you use it to do something productive like doing your homework or helping out around the house, they'll see that you’re responsible and care about helping others.[2]
    • Tell your mom you’re going to wash the dishes that night.
    • Clean up around the house.
    • Cook dinner for your parents.
    • Visit your grandparents on the weekends.
  4. 4
    Exercise and eat a balanced diet. One reason why parents pressure their children to participate in sports is so their children will be healthy. Make sure to eat your vegetables, and keep a balanced diet of proteins, fibers, dairy, and fruits. Stay healthy, and keep your body in check. Demonstrate to them that you don’t need a coach or a sport to stay in shape.
    • Run on the treadmill or exercise outside daily.
    • Play sports with your parents, and encourage them to exercise with you.
    • Read or review notes while you exercise. This will score you multitasking and bonus points with your parents.
    • Drink plenty of water, not just juice, sodas, or sports drinks.
    • Opt for a fruit instead of the chocolate bar.
  5. 5
    Complete all of your school work on time. Work for grades that’ll convince your parents you don’t need their advice in extracurriculars. When they see you are doing well in school, they will know you are focused and responsible.
    • Stay ahead in your classes. Try your best in school, and get As.
    • Keep a rigid studying schedule so you don’t fall behind in your classes.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Getting a Job

  1. 1
    Prioritize your values. Do you want to work somewhere to gain experience for your future career? Or would you prefer finding a job where you can gain some extra allowance?
    • Talk to your parents about getting serious about your future. Ask them what kind of job you’d be good at.
    • Ask yourself, what skills do you want to learn now before you go off to school?
  2. 2
    Apply for jobs. Research different jobs for people your age, and be the person for the job. Make sure you learn about the age requirements for jobs in your state or country.
    • Obtain a permit if you’re younger and would like to start working.
    • You may consider babysitting for your neighbor, raking leaves or mowing grass for your neighborhood, working as a receptionist, or getting a gig at a restaurant.
    • Ask your parents if they or their friends would need extra help with paperwork in their businesses or offices.
  3. 3
    Work hard and smart. Be successful at your job.[3] Don’t slack off! You first job will help you develop a good work ethic and give you a taste of what it will be like in the future.
    • Always arrive on time, about 10-15 minutes before your official start time. Be the first one to clock in.
    • Appear professional in appropriate work attire.
    • Ask for help from your boss and coworkers, and learn to do things right the first time around.
    • Commit to staying at your job for at least 6 months or more.
  4. 4
    Save your money. This will allow you parents to see that you’re responsible, and that you know what to do with your money. It'll also help you save up for college and start thinking about your future.[4]
    • Make a savings goal for college. Do your best to save as much as you can to pay for books, tuition, room and board.
    • When receiving your paycheck, don’t spend it all on one visit to the store.
    • Learn to save at least 20% of your income.
  5. 5
    Treat your parents to show your appreciation. When Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or birthdays roll around, don’t forget to appreciate your parents for all the things that they do for you. Show them you’re a responsible human being that knows how to share and give back.
    • Take them out to a fancy dinner. They know you're still in school, so you don't need to go overboard on treating them.
    • Treat them to a night at the movies.
    • Buy them gifts or gift cards.
    • Write them a card.
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Volunteering Outside of School

  1. 1
    Choose an area of interest. Whether it’s helping a cultural group, mentoring younger kids, or volunteering at the local stable, choose a position and topic you’re interested in.
    • If you need ideas, ask your school’s guidance office for help in finding something beneficial to do outside of school.
    • Volunteering can range from donating your used clothing to planting trees for Arbor Day.[5]
    • Consider teaching computer skills to the elderly or coaching a youth sport’s team.[6]
  2. 2
    Research the organization. Once you've found an area of interest, you can look into organizations that explore that area. For example, you may find a local animal shelter to volunteer at if you love animals. You should do a little research to figure out how to volunteer. You should also make sure the company's ethics match your personal passions.
    • Learn about the volunteer process. How does one become a volunteer? Is there a training session? Do you have to be a certain age to volunteer without a parent? Can anyone volunteer, or do you have to meet specific requirements.
    • Also, make sure the organization is a place you would be happy to donate your time to. Not every organization will match with your values. Returning to the animal shelter example, maybe you feel strongly against euthanasia. You would not want to work for a kill shelter if this is the case.
  3. 3
    Volunteer consistently. Most colleges and hiring managers like to see consistency and commitment when it comes to volunteer work. Stay at the organization for at least 6 months to two years.
    • Work volunteering into your weekly schedule. If you're quitting a sports team or club to volunteer, you can use the time freed up to volunteer. For example, if you no longer have hockey practice on Tuesday afternoons, maybe you can use that time to do some volunteer work.
    • Commit to the mission of the organization, and learn all you can in your time there. You'll want to be informed about an organization to come off as an active volunteer. Ask founding members about how the organization has grown and changed, and what their main missions and goals are.
    • Get to know the people there, and keep in contact with them after you leave. You can use people you worked with as references down the road.
  4. 4
    Get a letter of verification from the organization. Often times, colleges or jobs will need letters of recommendation or proof that you were where you said you were. Ask someone who supervised you for a letter.
    • Most organizations will understand the need for a letter of verification, so don't be shy about asking. Simply approach the manager of the organization and say something like, "If you have time, could you write me a letter of verification proving I worked here?"
    • If you need the letter for a particular application, make sure you ask well in advance. Volunteer supervisors may be busy, and you want to make sure you give them enough time to compose the letter.
    • By the end of your time with the organization, make sure you get your letter on official paper with the manager or your advisor's signature and dates of your service.
  5. Advertisement



Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about talking to your parents about important things, check out our in-depth interview with Veleké Brown.

About This Article

Veleké Brown
Co-authored by:
Educator, Organizer, and Social Innovator
This article was co-authored by Veleké Brown. Veleké Brown is an Educator, Organizer, and Social Innovator, as well as the Founder of E-RoadMap, a non-profit that offers youth development programs. Through Veleke's 15 years of dedication and relentless pursuit to succeed, ERM's work today catalyzes viable change that has driven individuals to become self-reliant, own and elevate their situation, develop a healthy relationship with food, and share learned knowledge with their children and others. ERM takes a transformative approach to address food inequality and insecurity issues for BIPOC throughout Florida. Veleke's work centers around philosophies, principles, and practice. These pillars govern her approach as she strives to create capable, confident, compassionate youth and communities working together using skills to solve problems not just for themselves, but for the world. She holds a BA in Public Administration and Social Service Professions from Virginia State University, as well as a Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion from Cornell University. This article has been viewed 49,018 times.
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Co-authors: 20
Updated: March 14, 2023
Views: 49,018