Do you find it difficult to focus when saying your Islamic prayers? Do you often make mistakes or become confused in prayer? Do you forget how many units (rak'ah) you've prayed and end up repeating them? You might be disturbed by the devil, Shaytaan (Satan). Shaytaan tries to distract you from praying in an attempt to misguide you and deprive you of your good deeds.[1] It is important to have concentration in prayer because Allah rejects your prayer if you do not perform it with the presence of your mind, or khushoo as it is known in Islam.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Preparing to Pray

  1. 1
    Identify the factors that distract you in your prayers (salah, singular salat), then try to eliminate them. For example, if you are always distracted by the noise outside of your house, go to the nearest Masjid (mosque) instead of praying in your own home. If you are unable to go outside, try to limit the distractions and cut them off as much as possible.
    • Maintain a clean and quiet corner in your home dedicated for prayer.
  2. 2
    Learn the meaning of prayer. Try to understand the exact meaning of the words that you are reciting. Think about the meaning as you recite the verses. This will keep your mind focused on your prayer. What you are saying won't just be a bunch of Arabic words anymore; their deep and spiritual meaning and significance will become apparent.
    • Memorize your favourite surahs from the Qur'an and recite these in your prayers.
  3. 3
    Try your best to pray together with other Muslims. In Islam, this is known as jama'ah. You will ultimately feel a sense of unity and belonging. Men might want to pray at the local Masjid with other brothers. Offer to shake their hands or even start a conversation with them. Try joining the after-prayer study group in which the Imam or knowledgeable people at the Masjid will teach you more about Islam.
    • It is considered closer to the Sunnah for women to pray at home, though they may pray alongside other women, behind the men, in the masjid if they choose to.
  4. 4
    Learn to perform your prayer according to the sunnah of our blessed Prophet (peace be upon him). The Prophet (peace be upon him) guides all of mankind how to worship Allah and his example is perfect. Don't just do the bare minimum and only the obligatory acts of worship; strive to go above and beyond the minimum requirements by following the sunnah and performing additional optional prayers, fasting, making dua, dhikr etc.
    • Closely following the Islamic dress code is an act of worship. For salah, men and boys should cover their head with a cap and women and girls should extend their hijab to cover their hands.
    • Look into performing additional sunnah and nafl (voluntary) prayers and commit to making these part of your daily routine if you are able.
  5. 5
    Give your mind a break for a few minutes before praying. Take time out from your tasks and relax. Instill calmness in your mind. Prepare the mind by thinking about your upcoming salat. Remind yourself that Allah is waiting for your salat and will listen attentively to every word you say. Concentrate on the translation of what you are reciting. This will help ensure focus during prayer.
    • Use the ritual of wudhu (ablution) to help you prepare your mind for the upcoming salat.
    • Praying two rak'ah after wudhu is a sunnah.
  6. 6
    Relieve yourself from your mental stresses. During your salah, you are communicating directly with Allah. After you pray you will be a more humble and peaceful person. This effect stimulates the mind to pay more attention to what you are doing.[2]
    • Draw your focus towards Allah and nothing but Allah, the One that has created and maintains us, the One that will decide whether we enter Jannah (heaven) or Jahannam (Hellfire).
  7. 7
    Put on good prayer clothing. You should dress in a similar manner as if you were to meeting with a religious leader. The Qur'an says "Take your adornment at every place of worship.[3] Do not pray at the mosque in dirty or smelly clothing, as this is disliked.[4] . Avoid eating garlic, onion or any other food that has a strong smell.
    • Women may wear a special prayer abaya, designed to be easily put on for salah.
  8. 8
    Plan which surahs and du'as you are going to recite beforehand by keeping a journal to set out your plans in advance. Understand the meaning of your surahs. Learn them well so that you do not risk invalidating the prayer by forgetting or misreading them.
    • Try to vary which surahs you recite during your salat, as this helps to keep them fresh and special.
    • Make sure that you recite with correct pronunciation (tajweed) as well as passion.
  9. 9
    Make the intention that you are praying to Allah Almighty and only for His sake. Focus on the significance of the prayer you are making. The clearer you are in your intention, the better your attention and concentration.
    • Avoid praying solely for your own benefit, for showing off to others about the strength of your faith or to get your mind off things.
    • Remember that completing the five daily prayers has been prescribed for the simple reason that Allah has decided that this is best for us.
    • Remember that Allah originally prescribed 50 prayers every day until agreeing through His mercy to reduce it to just 5 when asked by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

During the Prayer

  1. 1
    Instill self-discipline. Stand upright with a softened heart. Think of your prayer as your last prayer[5] . Remember that Allah is by your side and awaiting your prayer. Be as quiet and still as possible and do not to fidget. Unnecessarily fidgeting invalidates the prayer. Keep your eyes open and look down straight to where your head will be when you prostrate (sujood).
    • Remember that self-discipline is a characteristic of all good Muslims and the discipline of salah should be extended throughout our lives to help us stay within Allah's limits.
  2. 2
    Don't pray hastily. Perform every part of every prayer with care and in a focused manner. The Qur'an says that the successful believers are those "who are humble in their prayers".[6]
    • Pray every salah as if it is your last, for it may be just that, and never forget the importance of completing it on time.
    • Pray with a feeling of awe and submission to Allah.
  3. 3
    Remember that you are communicating with nobody but Allah. Pay attention to your recitation. Pause at the end of each verse to reflect on it. Recite slowly and with Tajweed; there should be no rush. Try to read with melody (tarteel), as the Qur'an says "recite the Qur'an in slow, measured rhythmic tones".[7]
    • Adopt your own way of reciting aloud, but softly without disturbing others.
    • Make the required movements slowly and carefully as the Prophet Muhammad (peace be unto him) has taught. Pay attention to the contact points when in prostration (sujood).
    • When in sujood a beautiful feeling of complete submission to Allah's will should be experienced, which should be used to help develop a feeling of closeness to Allah.
  4. 4
    Bring the mind back when ever you feel that focus has been lost. Recite the ta'wudh (seeking refuge with Allah from Shaitaan):
    • A'udhu billahi minash shaitaan nirrajeem
    • Remember that Shaitaan's mission is to separate us from Allah and that one of his favorite tactics to do this is to try to make us lose concentration in salah.
    • Never forget that Hellfire (Jahannam) is the destiny of those who do not pray correctly, in the way that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has taught us.
  5. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Completing Your Session of Prayer

  1. 1
    Do not rush away immediately after the prayer. Sit for a while for contemplation and make dhikr (remembrance of Allah) and du'a. Evaluate whether the prayer has softened your heart and brought you closer to Allah.
    • Plan out your personal duas beforehand and make sure that you leave sufficient time to say them all.
  2. 2
    Implore Allah earnestly to accept your prayers and have faith that He will do so. Recite the following supplication after each prayer:
    • Allahumma a 'inni 'ala dhikrika wa shukrika wa husn 'ibadatika
    • "O Allah, help me in remembering You, in thanking You and in worshiping You in the best way."
  3. 3
    Recite dhikr after salat as prescribed by the Prophet (peace be upon him).
    • Allahumma antas salamu wa minkas salam, tabarakta ya dhal jalaali wal Ikram (O Allaah You are the Flawless One, and from You comes peace and security. Exalted are You, O Possessor of Majesty and Honour)
    • Subhan Allah "Exalted is Allah" (33 times), Alhamdullilah "Praise to God" (33 times), Allahu Akbar "God is the Greatest" (34 times)
  4. 4
    Seek refuge from the Hellfire, especially after Fajr and Maghrib. Recite Allahuma ajirnee min an-naar, which means "O Allah, save me from the Fire". The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to recite this seven times after each prayer.
    • Spending a few moments after each salat contemplating the reality of the Fire will drive you towards the obedience of Allah and away from sin.
    • Remember that Allah has prepared the Fire for those that refuse to believe in Him or to live their lives in the way that He has prescribed.
    • Never forget that only Allah can save us from the Fire, so we must obey Him and place all our hope in Him.
    • There are many passages throughout the Qur'an describing the Hellfire, for example it's inhabitants, levels, entrances, food, drink and punishments, which every Muslim should familiarize themselves with,
  5. 5
    Send peace and blessings upon the Prophet (peace be upon him). Recite the Durood.
    • Allah humma salli 'ala muhammadin wa'ala ali muhammadin,kama sal'layta 'ala ibraheema wa'ala ali ibraheema innaka hameedum majeed. Allah humma baraka 'ala muhammadin wa'ala ali muhammadin, kama barak ta 'ala ibraheema wa 'ala ali ibraheema innaka hameedum majeed
    • O Allah, let Your Blessings come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious.
    • Repeat durood as many times as you can every day as it will bring great reward.
  6. 6
    Make du'a (supplication). The best time to make du'a is after the obligatory prayers. Abu Umamah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that that Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) was asked, "O Messenger of Allah, which supplication is heard (by Allah)?". He said the end of the night and at the end of the obligatory Salah.[8]
    • Make dua praising Allah, acknowledging his wisdom, power and majesty, and thanking Him for His blessings, especially for bringing you to Islam.
    • Ask Allah to strengthen your faith and for help with any specific difficulties you or your family, friends or others may be experiencing.
    • Implore Allah to inspire and help you to acquire religious knowledge (ilm) and grow your connection with the Qur'an.
    • Acknowledge each and every one of your sins, however seemingly small, sincerely promise not to repeat them, ask Allah for forgiveness and protection from punishment.
    • Always remember that our only hope for forgiveness lies with Allah, but only those who truly repent will receive His mercy.
  7. Advertisement
Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Outside the Prayer

  1. 1
    Don’t treat prayer as an isolated act of worship, but part of your being. Keep in mind that every aspect of your life will have an effect on your prayer (and vice versa).
    • Organise your daily routine around the five salah times, rather than trying to squeeze them in when you can. Always be prompt with your salah and say them at the start of the appointed time.
    • Consider what other acts of worship will help you develop your relationship with Allah, for example, voluntary prayers, reciting the Qur'an, dhikr (remembrance of Allah), fasting and Islamic study. Work these into your schedule around the five salah.
    • The stronger your daily routine of worship, the easier you will find it to concentrate during salah, the more rewards you will accumulate and the easier time you will have on the Day of Judgement.
    • The natural state of mind for every Muslim should be an awareness of Allah's constant presence combined with a fear of incurring His displeasure.The Qur'an warns of severe punishment for those who neglect their salah and pursue their lust.
  2. 2
    Keep your lifestyle pure and clean. All forms of sin, whether committed in public or private, are recorded and will take away the joy of concentration in prayer. Unclean thoughts should be quickly dismissed though there is no punishment in Islam if they are not acted upon.
    • Study the Shariah and try to understand the rationale for the laws set out by Allah in the Qur'an and Sunnah, as well as the penalties (hudud) that are prescribed to deter us from straying anywhere near to sin.
    • Learn to control your worldly desires, which include love of wealth, greediness, lust (outside of marriage) and jealousy. Instead commit yourself to a life in the service of Allah within the limits that He has set.
    • Thoughts of the Afterlife should always be uppermost in your mind - every choice you make should be based on whether it will help you to reach Jannah (Heaven) or leads to Jahannam (Hellfire).
  3. 3
    Schedule your work around your prayers. Let your employer know that you will require a break for fardh salah and a longer break on Friday noon (for Muslim brothers). Try to find time to fit in additional voluntary shares. Avoid night shift duty, if possible.
    • If your employer refuses to accommodate you and no solution can be found, then it may be necessary to take legal action or seek alternative employment, perhaps in an Islamic environment.
    • Although it can be hard for young children to concentrate, they should be taught about the need for khushoo soon after they start learning salah at age 7 and may need to be disciplined after age 10 if they are neglectful with their prayer, just as Prophet Muhammad (peace be unto him) has taught us.
  4. 4
    Try to go to bed early so that you do not miss your morning prayer (Fajr). Set an alarm for a few minutes before Fajr so that you can make wudhu and join the congregation at the masjid.
    • Read the morning adhkar prescribed by Prophet Muhammad (peace be unto him) every day between Fajr and sunrise.
    • Allow 30 minutes or so in the evening before bed to say the evening adhkar, recite Surah al-Mulk, and making extensive dua to Allah.
    • Establishing a strong and consistent daily routine of worship based around the five fardh salah is the key to improving khushoo.
    • Praying tahajjud (the voluntary night prayer) is considered by many to be the key to establishing consistency in the fardh salah.
  5. 5
    Too much engagement in worldly affairs hinders the mind from being attentive when in prayer. During prayer, your mind should be free of all unhealthy matters, such as gossip or lust.
    • Always prioritize seeking the pleasure of Allah above all else. Thoughts of Allah are never far away from the mind of a good Muslim. Even activities such as sexual intimacy within a halal marriage are considered acts of worship if they are undertaken with the right intention, for example to grow the Ummah, rather than for selfish reasons.
    • Use the hours spent engaged in routine tasks such as cooking, cleaning, traveling or shopping to make dhikr. Continuous recitation of beautiful phrases such as "SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah, wa la ilahaillAllah wa Allahu akbar" is one of the acts of worship most beloved by Allah.
    • Listening to Surah Bakarah recited in a beautiful voice is a great way to bring peace and tranquility to the home.
    • "Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction."[9]
  6. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Is it true that Ramadan helps you focus better during prayers?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, it does. You have to be committed to praying your best. Ramadhan helps a lot if you want to turn over a new leaf. Make a lot of dua and read ta'awwuth before beginning your Salaah; you yourself have to CHANGE. If you want a major change in your Salaah, then understand it and what you are saying, it WILL change your life completely.
  • Question
    How can I tell if my Salat is spoiled?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    First of all,it is the matter between us and Allah. It is wrong to say that your Salah is spoiled. Try your best in saying Salah, and pray for Allah to accept my Salah in better way. No doubt, HE is the most Merciful.
  • Question
    How do I help my family member to pray if he doesn't want to?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can't force him to pray. Instead, set a good example by praying yourself, and remember him in your prayers as well.


  • Praying without concentration may make the salat invalid. If you feel that your concentration has lapsed then pray for forgiveness and repeat the salat.
  • Saying the five daily prayers is commandment of Allah, the One who created us and everything around us, and is not just an activity is done only on weekends and during auspicious days alone.
  • Our record of prayer is the first thing that will be examined on the Day of Judgement and will play a major part in deciding our destiny in the Afterlife.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 43 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 229,357 times.
6 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 43
Updated: January 10, 2023
Views: 229,357
Categories: Muslim Prayer
Article SummaryX

If you’re finding it difficult to concentrate on Salah, try to relax and focus on the meaning of the prayers. Take a few minutes to relax before you start and set an intention to connect with Allah. Approach the prayer as if it were your last, which should help you focus. Try to think about the meaning behind the prayer and not just the words. If you can, pray with others as often as possible, which will help you connect with Allah and his teachings. For more tips, including how to apply Salah to your life outside of prayer, read on!

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