This article was co-authored by Austin Reinders. Austin Reinders is a Rug Cleaning & Restoration Expert, as well as the President of Simonian Rug Cleaners in San Mateo, California. He specializes in cleaning oriental rugs. Simonian Rug Cleaners has been in the business of cleaning and repairing rugs for almost 70 years.
There are 13 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.
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A messy dorm can be irritating for its occupants, and nobody wants to be rooming in unpleasant living conditions. To keep visitors (and your roommates, and yourself!) from thinking that you live in a dumpster, it's important to clean your dorm. Yes, it's a task that you probably don't want to do and you may not even know where to start, but you'll definitely be pleased with the results when you're done.
Using Cleaning Strategies
1Choose a good time to clean. It's unlikely you're going to want to clean up your dorm right after you've woken up, and roommates or people living in the nearby dorms probably wouldn't appreciate you vacuuming very early. On the flip side, you don't want to throw your sheets in the wash shortly before you go to bed, only to realize you now have to wait for those sheets to be done washing. Try to clean during the day when you have the time and energy.
- Some tasks, such as laundry, are good to do in the morning or the evening, when less students are using the machines.[1] Other tasks, such as vacuuming, should be done outside of the dorm's quiet hours so you don't disturb anybody.
2See if your roommate is willing to help. If you have a roommate, check with them on if they're able to help you clean and if they can help you with any of the tasks. For example, maybe your roommate could do the laundry while you wash the dishes. See if you can come up with a chore system for who cleans what, or trade jobs weekly.[2]
- If you have a messy roommate, use "I" language rather than "you" language to encourage them to clean up, and explain what bothers you and why.[3] For example, you could say to your roommate, "I get nervous when there are liquids right near the computer, because I'm worried they might get knocked onto it. Could you please put your water glasses on your nightstand instead?"
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3Have some cleaning supplies on hand. Keeping spare cleaning supplies makes it easier to clean up your dorm, whether it's during a weekly cleaning or just an unplanned attempt at keeping the microwave meal from staining your carpet. It's recommended to keep:[4] [5]
- Antibacterial wipes
- Dish soap
- Vacuum or mini-vacuum
- A mop, if your dorm has wooden floors
- Paper towels
- Air freshener
4Avoid letting things pile up. If you let a mess pile up in your dorm, it'll feel overwhelming when you actually go to clean it. A good way to prevent this from happening is to schedule a cleaning day, so that clutter doesn't accumulate over a period of weeks.[6] Scheduling what cleaning jobs you do on what days during the month can help you keep things organized.
- Clean up spills as soon as they happen so that you don't end up with stains.
- Throw out old food as soon as possible. Don't put it in your trash bin; take it outside to the dumpster. It can cause your dorm to smell.[7] [8]
- Things like clothes or sheets that smell particularly bad should be washed as soon as possible. A sealable bag is a good idea for storing it until it can be washed.[9]
5Clean the most cluttered part first. If you have dirty clothes thrown all over the room, or a mass of papers lying in a disorganized heap on the floor, clean that up first. If you get the messiest part out of the way first, the room will look much cleaner when you have that part done.
6Try to multi-task. Chances are, some cleaning tasks don't need your attendance the whole time. If another task needs a bit of time (such as allowing a particularly dirty dish to soak), tackle another activity in the meantime that you haven't done yet. This makes for much more efficient cleaning, since you can get more done at once.
- Be smart about your multi-tasking, though. For example, if the washers or dryers in your dorm's laundry room don't lock, it might not be a good idea to leave your laundry unattended while cleaning the rest of your dorm, since someone could steal your laundry.
- Your multi-tasking doesn't even need to be completely cleaning-related. Installing those computer software updates while deep-cleaning your dorm can be a great way to get two things you don't like doing out of the way at once!
7Keep things organized. Having an organizational system will make it easier to keep things tidy. Keep your laundry hamper and trash bin in locations close to where you'll need them,[10] and use folders, desk containers, and bins to keep things in their proper places. A shower caddy tucked into your closet or shelf can keep your hygiene supplies from getting strewn all over the place, too![11]
- If you, like many other college students, are tight on space, try boosting up your bed so that you can store more things underneath it.[12]
Cleaning Up the Dorm
1Gather clothes, towels, and sheets needing washing. Cleaning day is the ideal day to do laundry, so empty your hamper and pull your sheets off your bed. Take these things to the laundry room as soon as they're all gathered so you can wash them. After they've been washed, fold them up so that they don't wrinkle, and put them away.[13]
- Generally, most clothes should be washed after one wear (with the exception of jeans and bras, which can usually take two to three wears); bath towels should be washed every three uses at most, and sheets should be washed every one to two weeks. You should wash these more frequently if someone's been sick.[14]
- Do your laundry at least once a week.[15]
2Wash any dirty dishes. Even if the only dishes you have are a coffeepot and a microwave plate, it's still important to wash them so that they don't grow moldy. If you don't have access to a dishwasher, fill up a sink or dish pan with hot water and use some dish soap and a sponge or dish wand to scrub the dishes. Then let them dry.[16]
- If you don't have access to a sink or dish pan, try using a plastic tub filled with water and some dish soap. You can also try using your dorm's shared bathroom sinks, but if you do, make sure there's no food stuck to the dishes, since food can clog a drain (and is gross for someone else to find).
3Throw your trash in the trash bin. Don't allow a food-wrapper collection to build up on your desk or for there to be a congregation of empty boxes in the corner - throw those away as soon as possible. You should always take out the trash as soon as it's full, regardless of whether you're doing a full-room cleaning or not.[17]
4Make your bed. It's recommended to make your bed every day, since it will make your room look tidier.[19] [20] You don't need to have a fancy comforter or have more pillows than your mattress can handle, but you should at least keep the sheets from becoming a rumpled heap.
- If you pulled off your sheets to wash them, remake your bed when you have fresh sheets.
5De-clutter your desk. If you have papers and writing utensils strewn across your desk, clean them up and put them back where they belong. Don't forget about any drawers in your desk, too - it's easy to shove things in there and forget about them, but drawers can be even more of a hassle to clean than the top of your desk, especially if they're unorganized.
6Make sure your food is still good. If you keep any food in your dorm, go through it and throw away any food that's expired, stale, or is growing mold. Make sure to clean out containers of food after the food is gone, and toss any leftovers that have been sitting in your fridge for a long time to prevent excessive bacteria buildup.[21] [22]
- If your fridge itself needs to be cleaned, you can wipe the interior with dish soap and warm water.[23] However, if it's gotten moldy, you'll need to do a deep-cleaning with baking soda or vinegar.
7Clean off reflective or glass surfaces. Mirrors and windows can get smudged or splattered on, so it's best to clean these off with glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth. If you don't have glass cleaner, mix a few drops of dish soap into water and use that as an alternative.[24] It's a good idea to clean them every one to two weeks.
- Avoid spraying down things like TV screens or computer screens. Normally it's best to use a lint-free cloth to clean off screens, but if you don't have one available, using a coffee filter will work.
8Wipe down other surfaces. Use a duster or antibacterial wipes to clean off non-glass surfaces, such as your desk, nightstand table, or windowsill. This prevents dust from accumulating and should be done every week or two.
9Open your windows, if it's warm enough. Airing out your dorm room can allow any residual smells to get out, which is especially helpful if something in your room was beginning to reek. It also makes it possible to hang things such as rugs or bedding out the window to air them out.[25] Just be careful not to let anything fall out the window!
- If you can't open the window, but your room smells bad, use air freshener. Spare dryer sheets will also work if you have one; tape one onto your AC or a fan and run it to spread the scent of the dryer sheet.
10Vacuum or mop your dorm. You'll usually need to do this about every one to two weeks, taking into consideration how messy your dorm tends to get. Make sure to move any rugs or floor items out of the way, and then vacuum or mop up, making sure to get the corners and the hard-to-reach spaces.[26]
- If you have a rug in your dorm, make sure you vacuum it, since crumbs and dust can easily gather in a rug (even if you don't have carpeting anywhere else).
Expert Q&A
QuestionHow do you get rid of dents in carpet?Austin ReindersAustin Reinders is a Rug Cleaning & Restoration Expert, as well as the President of Simonian Rug Cleaners in San Mateo, California. He specializes in cleaning oriental rugs. Simonian Rug Cleaners has been in the business of cleaning and repairing rugs for almost 70 years.
Rug Cleaning & Restoration ExpertAnd so when you have the dents or furniture marks, basically, it's just kind of squishing down all the fibers. My actual recommendation is to do a very thorough vacuuming or have it professionally cleaned. If you're still seeing the dents, you can use a paper clip or any other object that's small and hard to fluff up each individual dent. -
QuestionWhat removes wine stains from carpet?Austin ReindersAustin Reinders is a Rug Cleaning & Restoration Expert, as well as the President of Simonian Rug Cleaners in San Mateo, California. He specializes in cleaning oriental rugs. Simonian Rug Cleaners has been in the business of cleaning and repairing rugs for almost 70 years.
Rug Cleaning & Restoration ExpertThe best thing to do is to take a dry towel and dab it over the wine spot until you don't see any more transfer to the towel. Then, add a little bit of dish soap or a professional rug cleaner and rinse with water. Finish by adding white vinegar or lemon juice to make the wine spot turn light pink and rinse again. Repeat the process until you remove the spot. -
QuestionCould this article also help me clean my bedroom?Community AnswerOf course. Just use the instructions to help you tidy your surroundings, whatever they may be.
- Check with your roommates before cleaning up any of their belongings. Some roommates don't want their items being touched.⧼thumbs_response⧽
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about cleaning college dormitories, check out our in-depth interview with Austin Reinders.
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About This Article
To clean your college dorm, start by gathering up any linens, like bedding or dirty clothes, and putting them in the wash so they’ll be done by the time you’re finished cleaning the rest of the room. Next, throw out any trash or old food and take the garbage bag out to a dumpster. Then, clean windows or mirrors with glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth to get rid of dust and smudges. To remove both dirt and germs, wipe down all surfaces with antibacterial wipes. Finally, mop the floor or vacuum the carpet every week to avoid build-up of dirt. For tips on how to keep your dorm room organized so it’s easier to clean, read on!