This article was co-authored by Alisa Rassin. Alias Rassin is an Exotics Veterinarian and the Owner of The Exotic Animal Hospital of Pennsylvania in Lansdowne, Pennsylvania. With over a decade of experience, she specializes in treating reptiles, birds, and small mammals. She holds a Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris from The University of Pennsylvania and a BS in Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences from Penn State University. She was also certified by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
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Hedgehogs are very good at cleaning themselves.[1] Every once in a while, though, your hedgehog may get some bedding, dirt, or other debris stuck in his quills.[2] If you notice his quills looking a little dirty, and he’s not able to clean them well himself, you will need to clean them. Fortunately, hedgehogs tend to like bath time, so cleaning his quills can be fun for both you and him!
Setting Up the Bath Area
1Decide whether to use shampoo. Shampoo is not necessary to clean your hedgehog’s quills. In fact, some veterinarians and hedgehog breeders have recommended using only water to clean a hedgehog.[3] If you decide to use shampoo, choose one that will not be harsh on your hedgehog’s skin.
- Cat shampoo is a good choice for cleaning your hedgehog’s quills.[4]
- Tear-free baby shampoo is another good option.
- Since hedgehogs are prone to dry skin, oatmeal shampoo would be a great choice. Oatmeal nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Look for a pet-specific oatmeal shampoo at your local pet store.
2Organize your supplies. Other than shampoo, you will need a soft-bristled toothbrush and a few clean hand towels. As an alternative to a toothbrush, you could use a human nailbrush.[5]
- The toothbrush or nailbrush are small enough to give your hedgehog’s quills a good cleaning. In addition, these items would protect your hands from getting pricked during cleaning.
- Make sure the toothbrush or nailbrush is dedicated to only cleaning your hedgehog.[6]
- Nailbrushes are available at your local pharmacy.
- If you are cleaning your hedgehog’s quills in a sink, you will also need a rubber stopper.
- Place your supplies by the bathing area (either the tub or sink) so you will have everything close by when you need it.
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3Run some water in a sink or tub. Use lukewarm, not hot, water, to clean your hedgehog’s quills. Before filling the sink or tub, test the water temperature by running it over your hands. Once the water feels comfortably warm on your hands, fill the sink or tub with two to four inches (5 to 10 centimeters) of water.[7]
- Clean your sink or tub before adding the water.
- Be mindful that hedgehogs tend to urinate or defecate during bath time. If you are using a sink, choose one where you will not be preparing food.
- Make sure to use shallow water only in your hedgehog's bath. If the hedgehog rolls up in deep water, then he may drown.
- After the bath, disinfect the sink or tub.
Cleaning Your Hedgehog’s Quills
1Bring your hedgehog to the bath area. In general, hedgehogs are not very cuddly animals and do not always like being handled. Therefore, you should pick up and handle your hedgehog carefully. After reaching into his cage, scoop him up with both hands under his belly.[8]
- Scoop up some shavings in your hands as you pick him up. This will lessen the chance of you getting pricked by his quills.
- When you have lifted him up, slowly work the shavings out of your hands. This will allow your hedgehog to feel your skin on his belly and begin to relax by lying his quills back down.[9]
2Place your hedgehog in the water. Slowly lower your hedgehog into the water, face up. Although he may like bath time, he might try to get out of the water at first. Keep a gentle but firm hold on him until he settles down. He is unlikely to panic or become stressed about the bath.[10]
- Let him soak in the water for a few minutes before you start cleaning his quills.[11]
- If you're using shampoo, pour about an ounce of it into your hand and then onto the hedgehog. This is equivalent to about a dime-size dollop.
3Examine your hedgehog’s quills. Check your hedgehog’s quills for things that might have gotten stuck in them, like bedding or dirt. Since hedgehogs sometimes sleep in their droppings, there may be feces stuck in his quills. If you see feces, it would be a good idea to wear gloves to clean his quills.
4Pour water over your hedgehog. To get your hedgehog wet, fill up a cup with lukewarm water and pour it over his body. Be careful not to get water in his face, ears, or eyes.[12]
- Don't hold your hedgehog underneath a running faucet; your hedgehog may get burned if the water is too warm.
5Clean your hedgehog’s quills. Dampen the nailbrush or soft-bristled toothbrush in the water. Starting at the front of his body and working towards his backend, use the nailbrush or toothbrush to clean his quills gently in the direction of their growth.[13] [14] Pay special attention to the trouble spots where things have gotten stuck in his quills.
- Use extra shampoo in the trouble spots.[15]
- Cleaning your hedgehog’s quills in the opposite direction of their growth could be painful for him.
6Rinse off your hedgehog. You should rinse off your hedgehog in clean water. Pick him up out of the water and set him to the side, preferably on a clean towel. Drain the bath water and refill the sink or tub.[16] When you place him back in the sink or tub, rinse him off by either holding him under lukewarm water from the faucet or using a cup to pour lukewarm warm over his body.
- Rinse him off in the direction of the growth of his quills to ensure all of the shampoo and dirt is rinsed away.[17]
Drying Off Your Hedgehog
1Dry off your hedgehog with a towel. To make your hedgehog feel extra comfortable after you clean his quills, dry him off with a warm towel.[18] To warm up the towel, you can place it in your dryer and let the dryer run for a few minutes. After taking the towel out of the dryer, let it cool down a bit so it won’t feel hot against your hedgehog’s skin.
- Drying off a hedgehog is difficult, since it is challenging to get in between all of his quills.
2Let your hedgehog dry off completely. Your hedgehog should be completely dry before you put him back in his cage. This could take a while, so do not rush the ‘drying off’ process. When the first towel becomes damp, replace it with another warm, dry towel. You will probably need several times to dry him off as completely as you can.
- Allow at least a few hours for your hedgehog to dry off. Think of this as good bonding time with him. Wrap him up snugly in a towel and let him rest in your lap while you watch TV.[19]
- Snuggle sacks, which resemble tiny fleece sleeping bags, are available for hedgehogs. You could place your hedgehog in a snuggle sack while he dries off.
3Place your hedgehog back in his cage. When your hedgehog is dry, place him back in his cage where he can continue to rest. If you still feel areas of dampness on his body, place a towel in his cage on which he can lay to continue drying off. Check on your hedgehog after about 10 minutes, and remove the towel if it is damp—your hedgehog will not want to lay on a damp towel.
- Hedgehog quills are sharp. Be careful as you are handling your hedgehog to avoid getting pricked.⧼thumbs_response⧽
- Although hedgehogs are typically not aggressive,[24] they are capable of biting.⧼thumbs_response⧽
- Cleaning your hedgehog’s quills in the opposite direction of the growth can hurt him.⧼thumbs_response⧽
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about bathing hedgehogs, check out our in-depth interview with Alisa Rassin.
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About This Article
Before you clean your hedgehog’s quills, you’ll need a toothbrush, clean hand towels, and a sink with 2 to 4 inches of lukewarm water. To begin, lower your hedgehog face up into the water. Keep a gentle but firm hold on your hedgehog until it settles and you can put it down. Then, fill a cup with water and pour it over your hedgehog’s body, but be careful to avoid its face, ears, and eyes. Dampen the toothbrush, then clean its quills gently in the direction of growth starting at the front of its body. Then rinse it in clean water. For more advice from our Veterinary co-author, including how to use shampoo to clean your hedgehog, keep reading!