Cleaning your jewelry regularly can preserve their appearance. To clean a gold chain, start by choosing which type of cleaning solution to use. Soak your chain in the solution. Then, gently scrub the chain with a toothbrush or soft cloth to remove any dirt or grime. Rinse off the chain with water and repeat as necessary. If you need additional assistance or if your chain is an antique, consult a jeweler.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Doing a Routine Cleaning

  1. 1
    Place dishwashing liquid in a small bowl. Mix a few drops of mild dishwashing soap into a bowl with club soda or seltzer water. Make sure that the water is room temperature or warmer. If you are worried about spillage, place a towel under the bowel before setting it down.
    • Club soda or seltzer water can help to remove stubborn spots on gold due to their carbonation.[1]
    • You can also use dishwashing detergent. Just make sure that it is labeled as mild. Harsh detergent can ruin your jewel.[2]
  2. 2
    Soak the chain. Take the chain and immerse it into the bowl. Take your time to avoid damaging the jewelry and to limit any spillage. Move the chain around so that it is not balled up or overlapping overly much. Leave the chain in the bowl for 2-15 minutes. Soak it again, if necessary, to remove particularly stubborn dirt or grime.
    • You can also place your chain into a metal strainer and then lower the strainer into the bowl until it is submerged. Then, you can remove the chain by simply lifting the strainer. This is a good method to use if you are concerned about dropping the chain.[3]
  3. 3
    Scrub with a toothbrush. Get out a soft bristled toothbrush. Pull your chain out of the bowl. Dip the toothbrush into the cleaning solution and gently stroke over the chain. Use quick, light strokes and make sure to never scrub heavily. To get in between the chain links, push some of the toothbrush tines into these spaces. Make a clockwise, circular motion and repeat anticlockwise. This ensures the dirt to loosen up or remove altogether.
    • Going with a medium or hard bristled brush could make it easier for you to scratch your jewelry. It is also best to keep a brush set aside specifically for jewelry cleaning. This is at your own risk since it can spoil the jewel if it is delicate or sensitive.
  4. 4
    Rinse with water. When you are finished running your toothbrush over the chain, place your chain back into the strainer. Then, run some warm water over the chain and strainer. If you feel as if there is a chemical residue on the chain, you may want to move it a bit under the water.
  5. 5
    Dry with a soft cloth. Place your chain onto a cloth and gently pat it dry. Continue to do so until you can lift it up without feeling wetness or grease. Keep polishing in small motions until the shine is restored. Your jeweler can give you a polishing cloth to use or you can get a simple microfiber cloth.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Removing Dirt and Grime

  1. 1
    Use rubbing alcohol. This method can be a bit abrasive, so it is not suggested for antique or fragile gold chains. Create a 50/50 mixture of rubbing alcohol and warm tap water in a bowl. Soak your jewelry for a few minutes. You do not need to rinse the chain again with this method, although you can if you prefer.[4]
    • One good thing about using rubbing alcohol is that it will disinfect the chain while also cleaning it.
  2. 2
    Use ammonia. In a small bowl, make a mixture of 6 parts warm tap water to 1 part ammonia. Leave your chain soaking in this mixture for a minute maximum. Ammonia is a very powerful cleaner, so you should only use it for newer, undamaged gold chains. You will also want to rinse the chain out thoroughly under water when you are finished.
    • Using ammonia as a regular jewelry cleaner can break down the pieces over time. Therefore, it is best if this method is only used on occasion and for deep-set grime and residue.[5]
  3. 3
    Use beer. With this method you’ll need to pour a bit of beer onto a soft cloth. Place the chain within the cloth and rub up and down the links. You can also dip a soft toothbrush into beer and use it to lightly scrub the chain. You can use any beer with the exception of dark ale.[6]
  4. 4
    Use toothpaste. This is a cheap, all-purpose approach to cleaning jewelry. Place a small dot of toothpaste onto a soft bristled toothbrush. Then, gently scrub at the chain until you start to see results. Reapply the toothpaste as needed. When you are finished, thoroughly rinse the chain off under warm water.[7]
  5. 5
    Use a professional cleaning solution. You can also purchase a specialty gold cleaning solution from your jeweler directly or from a jewelry site online. Check the label to verify that it is okay for use on gold chains. Follow any additional instructions carefully, including any safety warnings.[8]
  6. 6
    Use an ultrasonic cleaner. If you want professional results without messing with cleaning solutions, you can purchase an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner. You will place your gold chain inside the machine which will clean it through the use of small, fast vibrations. This is best used for sturdier, thicker chains without any embellishments.[9]
    • Before you use an ultrasonic cleaner, it may be a good idea to talk with a jeweler to see if it is appropriate for your type of gold chain. Otherwise, it could result in damage to the chain.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Avoiding or Managing Any Difficulties

  1. 1
    Make any repairs prior. In a brightly lit room, raise your chain to eye level and carefully inspect all of the links, the clasp, and any embellishments. If the clasp is already loose, then you may damage it beyond repair by cleaning it. If any gemstones are damaged, then they may fall off during the cleaning process.
    • You can take your gold chain to a jeweler and ask them to repair the damage and give it a thorough cleaning as well.
  2. 2
    Test out a small area. If you are unsure about how your cleaning solution will affect your chain, then take a q-tip, dip it in a bit of solution, and apply it to one link. Observe to see if the link shows any discoloration as a result. If you see any discoloration or problems developing, rinse the chain out under warm water right away.
  3. 3
    Block off the drain. It is quite common to lose a piece of jewelry down a drain as a result of the cleaning process. Before you start to clean, block off the sink drain with a cover. Or, place a mesh strainer over the drain to ensure that your chain is safe to handle, even if dropped.[10]
  4. 4
    Take care of any precious stones. If your gold chain includes gemstones, such as diamonds or pearls, you will want to carefully consider how a cleaning solution or process could impact them as well. Some solutions that are fine for gold alone, such as ammonia, could prove overly abrasive to an embellishment, like a freshwater pearl.
    • Also, make sure to keep your scrubbing gentle. Or, you could accidentally snag and pull a gemstone out of its setting. Some gemstones can even lose color if scrubbed too hard.[11]
  5. 5
    Consult with a jeweler. When in doubt, go to a jewelry store and talk with a professional jeweler. They can suggest cleaning methods and even offer advice regarding possible cleaning solutions. This is especially important if your gold chain is antique or especially delicate.
    • If you bought your gold chain from a national jewelry chain, you might also be able to contact customer service for cleaning advice.[12]
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  • Question
    Do you have to clean gold jewelry?
    Kennon Young
    Kennon Young
    Master Gemologist Appraiser
    Kennon Young is a Master Gemologist Appraiser and the Owner of Vermont Gemological Laboratory in Burlington, Vermont. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Kennon and his team specialize in handmade engagement rings, wedding bands, and custom jewelry. He attended the Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts, the Gemological Institute of America, and the Rhode Island School of Design Extension. He is a Jewelers of America (JA) Certified Bench Jeweler Technician and received the highest credential in the jewelry appraisal industry, the ASA Master Gemologist Appraiser, in 2016.
    Kennon Young
    Master Gemologist Appraiser
    Expert Answer

    Support wikiHow by unlocking this expert answer.

    In some cases, it might not be a good idea to clean your gold jewelry at all. Gold only tarnishes after 50-60 years. If you have gold that's old enough to be tarnished, removing that tarnish will most likely devalue the gold, as the tarnish is showing the antiquity of the piece.

wikiHow Video: How to Clean Gold Chains


  • Be aware that exposing your gold chains to household cleaning products, steam, or chlorine can cause damage that is not fixable with a cleaning.

Things You’ll Need

  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Club soda or seltzer water
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Ammonia
  • Beer
  • Toothpaste
  • Small bowl
  • Towel
  • Metal strainer
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Toothbrush
  • Ultrasonic cleaning machine

About This Article

Kennon Young
Co-authored by:
Master Gemologist Appraiser
This article was co-authored by Kennon Young. Kennon Young is a Master Gemologist Appraiser and the Owner of Vermont Gemological Laboratory in Burlington, Vermont. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Kennon and his team specialize in handmade engagement rings, wedding bands, and custom jewelry. He attended the Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts, the Gemological Institute of America, and the Rhode Island School of Design Extension. He is a Jewelers of America (JA) Certified Bench Jeweler Technician and received the highest credential in the jewelry appraisal industry, the ASA Master Gemologist Appraiser, in 2016. This article has been viewed 169,793 times.
1 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 10
Updated: March 23, 2023
Views: 169,793
Categories: Gold | Cleaning Jewelry
Article SummaryX

To clean a gold chain, fill a small bowl with club soda or seltzer water and a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Carefully immerse the chain in the liquid and try to spread it out a little at the bottom of the bowl. Let it soak for 2-15 minutes, then lift it out of the bowl. Dip a soft-bristled toothbrush in the cleaning solution and gently brush the chain with it using light, circular strokes. Try to get the bristles into the spaces between the links to clean out stubborn dirt. When you’re done, place the chain in a fine mesh strainer and rinse it with warm, running water. Finally, pat the chain dry with a soft, lint-free microfiber polishing cloth. Gently polish it with the cloth to restore shine. For tips on cleaning stubborn dirt and grime with stronger solutions made of alcohol or ammonia, read on!

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