Discover a whole new kind of delicious with these secret menu items from Chipotle

Is it even possible to make the mouth-wateringly delicious meals at Chipotle somehow better? Yes, yes it is. Thanks to some innovative Chipotle lovers and enthusiasts, a whole list of secret menu items and nifty hacks was born. Keep reading for a list of unique and tasty (and sometimes odd, but we love them anyways) secret menu items that will take your Chipotle order to a whole new level.



  1. It’s a burrito, but the tortilla is a cheesy quesadilla (gasp). If you thought your burrito couldn’t get any better, you haven’t yet experienced the heavenliness of the quesarito. This secret menu item has been common knowledge among Chipotle enthusiasts for a while now, so if you ask a Chipotle worker to make you a quesarito, many will know exactly what to do.[1]
    • The quesarito will cost you an extra $3.50 to order.
    • If your server has absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, don’t worry! Just ask them to swap out the tortilla for a cheese quesadilla and then proceed to construct your burrito as you normally would.
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Double Decker

  1. Your standard taco, but with an added shell and even more cheese. Let’s be honest, cheese is one of those things that you can never get enough of, and the double decker taco is here to satisfy your cravings. Start by ordering a standard taco (soft or hard shell), then order a soft shell taco that just has cheese in it. Wrap it around your taco and bam! Now you have a delicious double decker delight.[2]
    • You can either ask your server to wrap your tacos together for you, or you can keep them separate and do the construction yourself.


  1. Burrito fillings sandwiched between gooey cheese and grilled to perfection. While it might sound like a similar item to the quesarito, the burritodilla is all the deliciousness of the quesarito but with less of the mess. Whereas a quesarito is a burrito wrapped in a quesadilla, the burritodilla is a burrito with half the amount of filling surrounded by lots of cheese and all melted together in the warmer.[3]
    • If your server is in-the-know about this secret menu item, just go ahead and ask them for a burritodilla.
    • If they don’t happen to know, start by ordering a burrito and ask them to place a handful of cheese on one side. Order about half the amount of ingredients you’d put in a normal burrito, then ask for more cheese on top. Finally, have them fold it in half and place it on the warmer for a few minutes to get it nice and crispy.
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  1. A cost-effective option for your favorite menu items. Chipotle ranks its ingredients using points depending on how expensive they are to serve. Items that are more expensive are worth 2 points (single serving of meat, guacamole, sour cream, and cheese), and everything else is 1 point.[4] So if you order an entrée that adds up to just 3 points, you’ll likely be able to save a bit on your meal.[5]
    • For example, a burrito bowl that just has rice, beans, and lettuce will add up to 3 points. Another option would be a burrito with just chicken and rice. As long as you follow the point system, make whatever combination fits your taste.


  1. Substitute the rice in your burrito bowl for some crunchy tortilla chips. It’s kind of hard to believe that nachos aren’t a main item on the Chipotle menu. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make your own if you find yourself with a sudden craving for them. Just ask your server to substitute the rice in your burrito bowl with chips and go about ordering as you normally would.[6]
    • Consider ordering a side of queso to pour over your nachos to help hold all the toppings together and also add some ooey-gooey cheesy goodness.
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Dragon Sauce

  1. Sour cream with a spicy kick. Along with having a really awesome name, Chipotle’s dragon sauce is a super tasty hack that not many people know about. Just ask your server for a side of sour cream and a side of the tomatillo-red chili salsa. Mix them together and pour your newly-created dragon sauce on your burrito, bowl, or taco.[7]
    • The “quesadragon” got a special shout out from a Chipotle employee on TikTok, who took his helping of dragon sauce and dipped a quesadilla into it. Thus, the quesadragon was born.

Stirred-Up Burrito

  1. Mix up all the ingredients in your burrito for a consistent taste throughout. If you find eating the ingredients in your burrito layer by layer to be rather boring, just ask your server to mix up the ingredients in your burrito before they wrap everything together. Now every bite you take will have a little bit of everything.[9]
    • Another option is to order a burrito tortilla on the side (an extra $0.50)[10] when you order a burrito bowl so that you can stir up your ingredients yourself and assemble your own burrito.

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4 votes - 75%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: March 6, 2023
Views: 3,335
Categories: Fast Food