Crazy Redd is a character that will visit your town in Animal Crossing: New Leaf once a week. You will see him in a tent at the bottom-right corner of your town plaza. Inside, Redd has four different pieces of art displayed, and he tells you that you can only buy one. These are unique opportunities to buy art. However, many of his pieces are fakes! The museum will not accept fakes as donations, so it’s important that you only purchase the authentic pieces.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Learning the Basics of Checking Art Pieces

  1. 1
    Know your art. All the art that Redd sells in his tent are based on real pieces of art from our world. This means you’ll see things like Vincent Van Gogh’s Sunflowers painting. Thus, if you’re familiar with some pieces of art, you’ll be able to tell which pieces are fake.
    • For example, a fake Venus de Milo has hair that goes down to her shoulders as opposed to the genuine hair cropped just above her ears.
  2. 2
    View the art piece properly and carefully. Redd displays his art in the four different corners of his tent. This means, at first glance, it can be very difficult to scrutinize the paintings and statues. Keep in mind, though, that you can change the camera’s angle inside the tent by pressing the directional buttons on the D-pad.
    • For example, pressing the right directional button will cause the camera to move to the left, enabling you to better see the painting in the upper-right corner of the tent.
    • Considering that seeing the piece of art is crucial to determining whether or not it’s a fake, you should do your best to use the directional buttons on the D-pad to get a good view.
  3. 3
    Familiarize yourself with Redd’s art pieces. Do be aware that Redd does not refer to any of his art pieces by their actual names. Instead, they will have names like “Perfect Painting.”
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Knowing the Genuine Paintings

  1. 1
    Get The Hunters in the Snow. This painting by Peter Bruegel depicts a number of hunters who have reached a snowy village. In the game it is called Scenic Painting.
  2. 2
    Get Apples and Oranges. This painting by Paul Cézanne depicts a bunch of apples and oranges on top of pedestals and white tablecloth with a purple background. This painting is referred to as Perfect Painting in-game.
  3. 3
    Get Liberty Leading the People. This painting by Eugène Delacroix depicts a war victory with someone standing in the middle with the French flag. In Animal Crossing, the painting is called Worthy Painting.
  4. 4
    Get Arearea. This painting by Paul Gaugin depicts a number of dark-colored women with a dog in the front. Redd calls this painting Fine Painting.
  5. 5
    Get Sunflowers. This painting by Vincent Van Gogh depicts a vase filled with sunflowers. In Animal Crossing: New Leaf, it is called Flowery Painting.
  6. 6
    Get The Clothed Maja. This painting by Francisco Goya depicts a woman lying in repose with black hair and yellow sleeves. In the game it's Warm Painting.
  7. 7
    Get A Bar at the Folies-Bergère. This painting by Édouard Manet depicts a woman in the center at a bar with a party going on in the background. It is called Proper Painting by Redd.
  8. 8
    Get Young Flautist. This painting by Édouard Manet depicts a young boy standing and playing the flute. It is called Nice Painting in Animal Crossing.
  9. 9
  10. 10
    Get The Sower. This painting by Jean-Francois Millet depicts one man sowing seeds on a farm. It is called Moody Painting in New Leaf.
  11. 11
    Get A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte. This painting by Georges-Pierre Seurat depicts a number of people out enjoying an afternoon in the park. It is called Calm Painting in the game.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Knowing the Paintings that Require Checking

  1. 1
    Get Summer. This painting by Giuseppe Arcimboldo depicts a person with a face made out of produce. In New Leaf, the painting is called Jolly Painting.
    • It is genuine if the person’s nose is made out of a green vegetable, a cucumber.
    • It is fake if the nose is made of a carrot with green leaves coming out of it.
  2. 2
  3. 3
    Get Basket of Fruit. This painting by Caravaggio depicts a basket of fruit. Is is called Neutral Painting by Redd.
    • It is genuine if the big green leaf in the top left of the basket has no holes in it.
    • It is fake if the big green leaf in the top left of the basket has holes in it.
  4. 4
    Get The Blue Boy. This painting by Thomas Gainsborough is a full-length portrait of a boy dressed in all blue with a nondescript backdrop. It is called Basic Painting in the game.
    • It is genuine if only one of his arms is bent. His left arm is bent, which means that when you look at it, the arm on the right side of the painting should be bent. The other should be relaxed at his side.
    • It is fake if both of his arms are bent.
  5. 5
    Get Great Wave Off. This painting by Kanagawa Hokusai depicts a large wave cresting with Mt. Fuji in the background. This painting is called Dynamic Painting in-game.
    • It is genuine if Mt. Fuji is small.
    • It is fake is Mt. Fuji is large and nearly reaches the wave.
  6. 6
    Get Beauty Looking Back. This painting by Hishikawa Moronobu depicts a Japanese woman in a kimono. It is called Graceful Painting in the game.
    • It is genuine if her head is facing the right side of the painting.
    • It is fake if her head is facing the left side of the painting.
  7. 7
    Get Otani Oniji II. This painting by Toshusai Sharaku depicts a Japanese manservant with a leering face. This painting is referred to as Scary Painting by Redd.
    • It is genuine if all of his fingers are sticking out.
    • It is fake if he is only pointing one finger of each hand.
  8. 8
    Get Wind God and Thunder God. This painting by Tawaraya Sotatsu depicts two Japanese gods, one of each side of a yellow panel. Redd calls this painting Wild Painting.
    • It is genuine if the light grey God is on the left and the dark grey God is on the right.
    • It is fake if the dark grey God is on the left and the light grey God is on the right.
  9. 9
    Get Las Meninas. This painting by Diego Velasquez depicts a number of persons and a dog inside a room, socializing with one another. There is a blonde girl in the center of the painting. It is referred to as Solemn Painting within the game.
    • It is genuine if the blond girl is nearly the same height as the brunette girl to her left.
    • It is fake if the blond girl is twice as tall as the brunette girl to her left.
  10. 10
    Get Girl with a Pearl Earring. This painting by Johannes Vermeer is a portrait of a girl wearing a pearl earring. This image is called Wistful Painting by Redd.
    • It is genuine if her head wrap is blue.
    • It is fake if her head wrap is red.
  11. 11
    Get The Milkmaid. This painting by Johannes Vermeer depicts a milkmaid working inside the kitchen and pouring out milk near a number of bread rolls. In Animal Crossing: New Leaf, it is called Quaint Painting.
    • It is genuine if she is wearing a white hat.
    • It is fake if she is not wearing a hat.
  12. 12
    Get Mona Lisa. This painting by Leonardo Da Vinci depicts a woman from the waist up with a nature background. This is named Famous Painting in the game.
    • It is genuine if her right arm is crossed over her left arm and thus her fingers point to the bottom right corner of the painting.
    • It is fake if her left arm is crossed over her right arm and thus her fingers point to the bottom left corner of the painting.
  13. 13
    Get Lady with an Ermine. This painting by Leonardo Da Vinci is a portrait of a woman holding an ermine (a type of weasel). You will see this called Serene Painting in New Leaf.
    • It is genuine if she is holding an ermine (again, a type of weasel; it has white, short fur).
    • It is fake if she is holding a fluffy white cat.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Knowing the Sculptures that Require Checking

  1. 1
    Get David. This is a statue of a bare man standing. This is called Gallant Statue in the game.
    • It is genuine if he is completely bare.
    • It is fake if there is cloth hanging down one of his shoulders.
  2. 2
    Get Venus de Milo. This is a statue of a topless woman who is wrapped in cloth from the waist down. As we know it today, the statue is missing its arms. This is called Beautiful Statue by Redd.
    • It is genuine if her hair only covers her ears.
    • It is fake if her hair goes down to her shoulders.
  3. 3
    Get Nike of Smothrace. This is a statue of an angel wrapped in cloth. As we know it today, the head is missing. In the game, it is called Valiant Statue.
    • It is genuine if it has feathery angel wings.
    • It is fake if it has bat wings.
  4. 4
    Get Discobolus of Myron. This is a statue of a man participating in discus (throwing a heavy disc). Expect it to be called "Robust Statue" in the game.
    • It is genuine if he is holding a flat, smooth disc.
    • It is fake is he is holding a different object with bumps on it.
  5. 5
    Get Bust of Nefertiti. This is a bust of Nefertiti, an Egyptian woman. New Leaf calls this Mystic Statue.
    • It is genuine if her hat is cylindrical.
    • It is fake if her hat is spherical.
  6. 6
    Get Dogu. This is a statue of an animal figurine, originating from prehistoric Japan. It is called Ancient Statue by New Leaf.
    • It is genuine if its eyes are closed.
    • It is fake if its eyes are open.
  7. 7
    Get Captoline Wolf. This is a statue of a wolf and two children below it. You will find it called Motherly Statue in the game.
    • It is genuine if there are two children.
    • It is fake if there is only one child.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Is the beautiful statue okay?
    Top Answerer
    The beautiful statue is called Venus de Milo. If it is real, her hair goes up to her ears, if it's fake it goes down to her shoulders.
  • Question
    How can you tell if the calm painting is real or fake?
    Top Answerer
    In Animal Crossing: New Leaf, the calm painting at Redd's is always real, no matter what.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 13 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 35,177 times.
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Co-authors: 13
Updated: December 3, 2022
Views: 35,177