Are you interested in creating and imagining different scenery? A career in landscaping is well suited for someone who is passionate about planting and maintaining various trees and plants to create visually appealing landscapes. While a landscaping career is physically demanding and requires working with the elements, it is also very rewarding. You may pursue a degree or gain valuable work experience combined with certifications to pursue a professional career.[1]

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Gaining Experience

  1. 1
    Get a high school diploma. While you may become a landscaper without official accreditation, a high school diploma may be a minimum requirement based on your location and experience. You may always receive on-the-job training to help you obtain a career as a landscaper.[2]
  2. 2
    Understand what the work entails. Landscapers need to utilize the space and land to make an attractive setting. You must work with the conditions, resources, materials, and practices you have to bring about the best arrangements. Your responsibilities will typically include:[3] :
    • Create budgets and bid plans
    • Meeting with clients to discuss the project
    • Plan and work with garden designers or landscape architects
    • Order the supplies
    • Prepare the interior soil or the outdoor grounds
    • Preparing and correctly installing hydraulically accurate irrigation systems
    • Seed and turf lawns
    • Prune and plant shrubs and trees
    • Plant new plants
    • Install features such as rock gardens, water features, paving, and pathways
    • Construct gardens with water and rock borders
  3. 3
    Find a focus. The title Landscaper may apply to a number of positions including maintenance worker, groundskeeper, landscape architect, landscape gardener, landscape designer, and landscaper. Research the difference between titles and the requirements for each. You may find that you are passionate about only one area of landscaping and you can focus your time and resources fulfilling the requirements.[4]
    • You may also specialize in interior landscaping such as shopping centers or office buildings.[5]
  4. 4
    Learn a range of skills. If you are able to find an entry level job, learn as much about landscaping as you can. You may also research online or find landscaping groups via social media. Learn things like trimming, planting, and operating machinery. Check with your local community college, University extension program, or State Department of Agriculture for continuing education classes on landscaping and gardening. You can even join a gardening club.[6]
    • Remember that there’s no substitute for experience so if you can’t find something paid immediately, try volunteering your time in exchange for a learning opportunity.
  5. 5
    Get formally educated. Research what schools offer programs related to landscaping. Depending on the school, you may earn a certificate or a degree in horticulture, landscape design, or other related fields. You may need a certificate or degree if you want to move up to a management position.[7]
    • Make sure you have the time and money to complete the program. You can also take classes part-time. Most employers and clients will expect some level of knowledge and experience in horticulture. Depending on your location, you may be able to get a diploma in a variety of Horticultural subjects at a local college. Look into accelerated curricula and schools with strong job placement networks, such as local community colleges and trade schools.[8]
    • It’s easier to get formal education to understand design drawings, improve your knowledge of plants, and learn how to manage projects. You must learn these skills in addition to field practice if you are pursuing a career in landscaping.[9]
  6. 6
    Get certified. There are various certifications that your are able to get from a number of organizations depending on your location. Research online what is needed in order to obtain a professional accreditation.[10]
    • For example, you may receive a Tree Care Industry Association Certificate if you are focusing on safety, regulations, and professionalism for tree care. The Professional Landcare Network (PLANET) also offers a certification for numerous areas of landscaping including managers, interior/ exterior specialists, and technicians.
    • If you are in the US, look into getting state licensed. Many states now have strict requirements for licensing that supersede any certification you may receive. Check your state's licensing requirements to see if you qualify.
    • Depending on your location, you may get certified in Practical horticulture or horticulture.[11]
  7. 7
    Improve your employability. You should be able to follow directions and complete projects on your own and as part of a landscaping team. You should also strengthen your body and stamina because you need to be physically able to handle the rigours of landscaping. Be motivated, able to work well with others, organized, dependable, and detail oriented.[12]
    • Be diligent about thinking ahead and staying organized during a project. This is extremely helpful for completing a job efficiently and effectively. Those skills will bolster your reputation and bring you more work in the future.
  8. 8
    Find an apprenticeship. There are apprenticeships available in different areas. Research online or ask local nurseries or landscaping companies if they participate in an apprenticeship or mentorship program.[13]
    • Make sure that you learn skills in garden design, how to understand garden design drawings, gain knowledge about the environment, deep knowledge of plants, how to meet deadlines, how to keep organized, how to work with tools, how to work with others and on your own, and how to work as part of a business or become self-employed.[14]
  9. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Starting a Landscaping Business

  1. 1
    Check your area's requirements to legally work as a landscaper. Different countries, states or provinces, and regional governments may have different requirements for a landscaper to legally operate. Check with your national, state or provincial, and regional governing bodies to get a complete understanding of what is required for you to work as landscaper in your area.
    • Look into factors such as licensing, liability and workman's compensation insurance requirements, tax breakdowns, and local governing boards and registrations for landscapers.
  2. 2
    Create a schedule. You will need to work enough hours in the field to cover the cost of doing business, in addition to business administration and equipment maintenance. For many people, starting their own landscaping company means working long hours 7 days a week. Expect to spend a considerable amount of money upfront to purchase the essentials like a lawnmower. The beginning of your business will be filled with long hours as you try to cover the initial expenditures so be prepared to balance the rest of your schedule around your work.[15]
    • Some larger, more expensive pieces of equipment can be leased. Look into renting equipment such as trenchers, skid steers, and excavators for individual jobs instead of buying these outright.
  3. 3
    Plan for winter. Depending on your location, there may be cold seasons of several months that you will be unable to work. Make sure you have done enough work during the rest of the year to cover these lean months.[16]
    • For example, if you live somewhere with cold climates, you may only want to rent your more costly equipment so they don’t collect dust during the winter. You may also want to adapt to year round service by offering driveway shoveling or Christmas tree delivery and disposal.
    • Two thirds of the U.S. has downtime during the winter so you must market aggressively to maintain a healthy April through October. The winter will shift to services including raking leaves, winterizing lawns, installing holiday lighting, setting up seasonal greenhouses and hanging baskets, and establishing new clients and revenue streams.
  4. 4
    Purchase your tools. Purchase your tools depending on the scale of your business. For example, if you will be landscaping yourself, you may only want to purchase a single lawnmower. You may also want to apply for a bank loan or use your credit card to make these initial expenditures as you will only have to pay a very small amount to maintain them throughout the years.[17]
    • Work with your local tool store or dealer to get a line of credit or an account. Talk to your supply company rep extensively for recommendations regarding the best tools for your work and your region, and see what resources they can provide to help you as you get started.
    • Make sure to do your research to purchase quality tools and equipment. You don’t have to purchase top of the line equipment unless you have the capital and know that you will be able to cover the cost within a reasonable amount of time. Find equipment and tools that are durable and capable of accomplishing what you need. You don’t want to waste money on extra functions that will never be used. For example, you won’t need to purchase a riding mower if your clients don’t have large properties. A walking mower is significantly cheaper, easier to transport, and cost less to maintain.[18]
    • Make sure to get damage waivers on any equipment you rent. This way, you won't be financially responsible for things like equipment failures or flat tires.
    • Don’t purchase expensive office equipment. Instead, direct your funds to things you’ll use everyday. You may use your home printer or commit to working out of a shared office space once a week. Landscapers are expected to be constantly on location so don’t worry about leasing an office space or setting up an elaborate home office. You’ll basically need a computer, printer, and a filing system to organize invoices and other administrative collateral.
  5. 5
    Sharpen your landscaping skills. If you want to command market value or above, you must be more adept at landscaping than your potential clients or competitors. Investing in classes for gardening basics, computer aided drafting (CAD), and landscaping techniques can pay dividends later. Learn basics like pruning, trimming, and mowing.[19]
    • There are certifications and even degrees that you can achieve. Depending on your location, you may need certifications to handle things like heavy machinery.
  6. 6
    Have self-discipline. Landscaping is usually done outdoors which means you will enjoy the sunshine. Don’t be tempted to get in a round of golf or take your family to the lake unless you have budgeted for that time off. You must be diligent when you attend to your clients’ needs to ensure their loyalty. You don’t want to unexpectedly lose a client and any potential referrals they might give.[20]
    • Like any service industry, your landscaping business will be built on your reputation. If you work hard and put your clients’ needs first, you can reap the rewards of referrals and sustained business.
    • Clients can be particularly demanding in this industry, asking you to focus solely on them and make time during their days off. Be polite but firm when you cannot accommodate them, and suggest alternatives to meet their needs. If, for example, they want to talk on your day off, let them know that you will not be in the office that day, but you can meet them on Monday during their lunch hour.
  7. 7
    Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Landscaping can be hard on your body especially if you’re lifting heavy equipment and moving awkwardly shaped rocks and trees all day. Take care of you health by tending to any aches and pains. A nagging injury can develop into something much worse. [21]
    • While you think you can work through the pain to make money in the short term, you may lose everything in the end if it develops into chronic pain that’s debilitating. There are official workplace protocols that may need to be followed when operating heavy machinery or hazardous chemicals. Make sure you completely understand the proper procedures and follow them exactly as stated. Always prioritize the safety of you and your employees, especially when dealing with something for the first time. You not only want to avoid injury to yourself but you also want to avoid damage to your client's property.
  8. 8
    Develop your business acumen. If you’re working on your own, you may need to learn marketing strategies, targeted advertising, cash flow administration, and budgeting software. You may be able to hire a staff immediately or outsource things like accounting if you have the initial capital to cover these costs. Don’t be afraid to take classes or hire a consultant as the initial expenditure will be worth the investment.[22]
    • While trial and error can work, you don’t want to waste valuable time and resources especially when working in a competitive market.
  9. 9
    Know your market. There are many different clients who seek landscapers and lawn care professionals, and many companies who are willing to meet those needs. Think about what you will do to set yourself apart from other landscapers in your area. A successful startup landscaping business can typically have between 20 to 30 residential clients a week. These clients may receive anything from fertilizing, chemical application, and landscape installation, to mowing and lawn maintenance.[23]
    • Potential landscaping clients will include: homeowners who want you to design their landscaping because they don’t have the tools or creativity that you possess, new homeowners who want to update their landscape, homeowners who are looking to sell and want to enhance their home’s curb appeal, both residential and commercial builders without an in-house landscaping team.
    • Potential lawn care clients include: homeowners who travel frequently, retirees who don’t have the capacity to care for their lawn themselves, “snowbirds” who leave for warmer climates during the cold months, golf course managers, rental property or condominium association managers who need property upkeep, and facilities managers of public green spaces. Public green spaces include cemeteries, universities, government entities, and universities.
  10. 10
    Devise your service plan. You may offer a variety of services but be sure that you have enough resources to cover everything you offer. For example, if you offer pest control, you may need special certification for animal handling. This certification will require additional training and you may not have the money and time to cover it. Look into people in your area that specialize in other services that you may not offer, and talk to them about developing a mutually beneficial subcontractor relationship.[24]
    • Services may include: lawn maintenance/mowing, hydroseeding, sod installation, landscape care, weeding, fertilizing, landscape maintenance, pest control, landscape design, landscape architecture, or contracting services. Most begin with mowing and begin to add other services as they gain more experience.
  11. 11
    Set your prices. Come up with an hourly rate for both you and your employees to establish a baseline for your services. This will not be shared to your clients but will help you give your estimates for any requested service. You may want to talk to your mentors or other trusted professionals in your area to get a reasonable sense of competitive pricing. It may also help to take a few business classes through your local community college or University extension program.[25]
    • You may ask friends and family to contact competitors to see how much they offer their services for and then set your prices to compete. You may also figure out how much it would cost you to complete a project and then divide the price of the materials with the amount of hours it would take you to complete the project.
    • You may also figure out your rates based on how much you want to make in a year. For example, if you want to make $40,000 to start, this will roughly be $3,334 a month. Next, divide that by the number of hours you want to work in a month. So if your want to work 35 hours a week in a four week month you would be working 140 hours with a rate of $23.81/hour. You can add a profit margin. The cost of doing business, including tools, administrations, and materials, is billed to your clients on top of your hourly rate.
    • Your rate must, at the very least, cover the bills of your business and personal expenses including food, mortgage, medication, etc. This will allow you to survive but will not give you any profit for savings or investing back into your business.
  12. 12
    Estimate your jobs. Clients will want to know the upfront cost of your service. There are software packages including CLIP and LandPro that can help you with this tricky proposition. You don’t want to give an estimate that’s too high that it seems unreasonable, or too low that it makes the project seem like a waste of your time and resources.[26]
    • You must determine what your costs will be including material and labour. Then you can add your profit margin after you have covered the resources. Materials may include topsoil, mulch, and plants. You may be able to find these at wholesalers that will give you greater value. You can then mark up the price to gain a profit. You may also work with subcontractors and rent equipment if it allows you to work with more clients and offer different services. Keep in mind business overhead as well. For example, take into account the cost of gas as you must drive from location to location.
    • Your estimate includes the exact services that you will be providing, the materials needed, and any other details specific to the project. It is the landscaping industry standard to provide an estimate as a free service.
    • Try to avoid the trap of selling your next job to pay for the one you are finishing now. Be diligent about appropriately planning your budgets and estimates to cover the cost of the job.
  13. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Landscaping Like a Professional

  1. 1
    Avoid using a lawn mower bag. Instead of collecting the grass clippings in a regular bag, you can leave it on the lawn for microbes and earthworms to eat. This can help keep your lawn healthy and green. You can also collect the clippings and place them into compost.[27]
    • Rake up a light layer of leaves and go over them with your lawn mower. Leave the discards on your lawn to limit popping up weeds as the leaves break down.
  2. 2
    View your landscape from inside the house. Take different perspectives to view your landscape. After you view your landscape from the street you should also view it from inside the home to make sure it looks well groomed from multiple angles. You should also view it from rooms with large windows that look out to it.[28]
  3. 3
    Don’t overstock your space. Allow your plants and flowers to have adequate space to grow and flourish. Don’t try to cram every inch of your landscape because you will find it extremely difficult to prune and weed next spring.[29]
  4. 4
    Choose the right mulch. Red mulch has been found to have harsh chemicals, including arsenic that is harmful to pets and children. Don’t let harsh chemicals contaminate your soil. Read labels and choose organic or natural fertilizers.[30]
  5. 5
    Find the right nutrients. Local agricultural agencies are able to test your soil to see what nutrients it needs if you send a sample to them. Collect two cups of soil in a sample bag by digging about six to seven inches deep into the soil. Research your closest agricultural agency and send your sample.[31]
    • There will be a charge to send the sample. Be sure to contact them before hand to ensure you know the proper procedures and wait time.
  6. 6
    Buy multiple types of your favourite flower. If there is a particular flower that you like you should buy several and plant them in groupings. You may plant them in clumps of five or seven in one area, or create a unified look by planting these odd numbered clumps throughout your landscape.[32]
  7. 7
    Space your planting beds correctly. Don’t make your planting beds too narrow. Make sure not to place them too close to the house by placing them around a third to two thirds the height of the house.[33]
  8. 8
    Avoid laying weed fabric. Weed fabric can be a waste of time and money because weeds will continue to grow on top of it in the long term. No matter how many layers of weed fabric you lay down you will still have weeds grow in the long term, so don’t waste your resources.[34]
  9. 9
    Use the right lawn fertilizer correctly. Avoid using lawn fertilizers that have 30 percent nitrogen. Use time-releasing water-insoluble nitrogen only twice a year. Your lawn will need less fertilizer if it is older and well-irrigated.[35]
    • For example, only use fertilizer on Memorial Day and after Labor Day.
  10. 10
    Avoid invasive species. Do your research and make sure not to include any invasive species in your garden. Talk to nurseries and research online to be sure that you don’t include any species that will spread and kill other plants.[36]
    • For example, nurseries still sell purple loosestrife. It is inexpensive and produces a lovely flower but will spread and choke out your other plants.
  11. 11
    Water your lawn correctly. Water your lawn with one inch of water every week. Depending on your soil and the heat, you may need to water your lawn once every five days. Create a stronger plant with infrequent watering that forces the roots to grow deeper to find ground water, or look into installing a more comprehensive irrigation system.[37]
    • Learn about creating irrigation systems and hydraulic theory. Look into classes on planning and installing irrigation systems. This can help you plan systems that will help maintain a landscape without you having to be there frequently to water it.
    • Remember to check water restrictions during extreme heat.
  12. 12
    Choose garden flowers based on a colour wheel. Use a colour wheel to determine opposite colours. Choose what colours work best together and find the flowers that match.[38]
    • For example, purple and yellow work well together.
  13. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Does it require a degree?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No. I have been doing landscaping for over 20 years. I was taught by an employer who used old school methods (and I did take a few seminar classes along the way). Work with someone who has experience and do some research online and you will be all set.


  • Be careful when working outdoors and lifting heavy objects. Landscaping can be very physically demanding so be sure to always take the proper safety precautions.
  • Landscaping can mean a number of physical hazards. Be sure to wear durable clothing and bring along all necessary personal safety equipment including thick gloves and boots to keep yourself as safe as possible.

About This Article

Anthony "TC" Williams
Co-authored by:
Experienced Landscaper
This article was co-authored by Anthony "TC" Williams. Anthony "TC" Williams is a Professional Landscaper in Idaho. He is the President and Founder of Aqua Conservation Landscape & Irrigation, an Idaho Registered Landscape Business Entity. With over 21 years of landscaping experience, TC has worked on projects such as the Idaho Botanical Garden in Boise, Idaho. He is a Idaho Registered Contractor and a previously Licensed Irrigator in the State of Texas. This article has been viewed 40,219 times.
9 votes - 89%
Co-authors: 22
Updated: September 15, 2022
Views: 40,219
Categories: Occupations | Landscaping
Article SummaryX

If you want to become a landscaper, join a gardening club to learn basic skills like trimming and planting. Additionally, look up landscaping groups on social media to find out more about the different career options, like landscape designers, groundskeepers, and landscape architects. Once you have a clear idea of what you want to do, decide whether to apply for a certificate or degree in subjects such as horticulture or landscape design. For tips on how to find an apprenticeship with a local landscaping company, keep reading!

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