Indie stands for independent and can extend to many different things including music, acting, and designing. It’s defined as a break from conformity or the status quo. In music, for example, being an independent artist can mean that you’re signed to a smaller independent label, or it can mean that your music is different than what’s available in the mainstream.[1] While there are no strict set of guidelines for being indie, there are things you can do to break away from conformity and have others perceive you as such.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Acting Indie

  1. 1
    Break free from conformity. One of the most critical aspects to being indie is not adopting other people’s views without evaluating the situation yourself. Going with the crowd is never something that an indie person would do, so make sure that you are making independent decisions when it comes to music, clothing, and your opinions.[2] Do your research on different topics to help inform your opinions.
    • If you like a band or musician, but everyone else thinks they are bad or weird, then you should stand up for your views.
    • Don’t watch reality TV or get involved with celebrity gossip. Concentrate on other things like finding new music or watching movies from independent filmmakers.
  2. 2
    Always be accepting of different people. Contrary to popular belief, being indie does not mean being a member of an exclusive club. The entire purpose of being indie is to be yourself, regardless of what is popular in society. Being around other indie people will most likely mean that you will interact with people who are vastly different than you. Instead of judging them, take the time to get to know them and base your opinion off their character and intentions.
    • Posers will often ridicule other people who don’t conform to their belief systems. This is not being indie.
    • You don’t have to like everyone, but you need to give everyone a chance. Allow people time to show you that they are good people.
  3. 3
    Be open and willing to change. Being indie does not mean maintaining a static personality for your entire life. A great aspect of being indie is the exposure you get to different cultures and opinions. Always be open to new things, and if you find yourself liking something different, don’t be afraid to change. This can include your taste in music, the style of clothes you wear, or even how you treat other people.
    • Indie bands like Modest Mouse have changed the sound of their music over the past two decades.
  4. 4
    Listen to indie music. There are many smaller independent labels like Kill Rock Stars and Sub Pop Records that have been around for decades.[3] Artists like Elliott Smith, Nirvana, Xiu Xiu, and Beach House have been featured on these labels. Do your research and find music labels that have bands that you enjoy listening to. If there’s one band you like, chances are they have other artists that you will enjoy.
    • Other indie labels include Father/Daughter Records, Orchid Tapes, and Double Double Whammy.[4]
    • There are indie bands and musicians in every genre of music, including hip-hop, rock, folk, and even classical.
    • Don’t listen to top 10 lists or watch MTV, as these are the most popular artists in the world.
  5. 5
    Watch independent films. Independent films is a somewhat vague term that could have multiple definitions. Some people consider any film that's not made by a big movie studio like 20th Century Fox, Columbia Pictures, Paramount Pictures, or Universal Pictures an independent film. Others argue that the term "indie film" relates more to the substance and conventions that the writers, director, editors, and producers take when creating it.[5] Look at the subject matter of the film and read reviews to see if it's different or innovative. If it fits this criterion and a major studio didn't produce it, there's a chance it could be an indie film.
    • Some popular indie films include Pulp Fiction, American Beauty, and Thirteen.[6]
  6. 6
    Follow and appreciate indie art and design. Much like indie music and indie movies, indie artists and designers are those that don't follow mainstream trends or traditional fashion. Some of this includes installation art or art that uses unique, non-traditional materials. Try to find local indie artists and designers by visiting art galleries in your area. Find artists that you can appreciate and follow their work.
    • Indie artists and designers are also not likely to paid by a large corporation, and make their money by selling their art directly to a collector or gallery.[7]
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Dressing Indie

  1. 1
    Wear whatever feels comfortable to you. While there is no definite style for an indie guy, you shouldn’t be concerned with the newest clothing trends. Instead, figure out what kind of clothes you feel confident and comfortable in. This could be a t-shirt and jeans, a knitted sweater and slacks, or a striped button down and converse shoes.
    • Some indie people prefer to wear black, similar to musicians in the 1980’s like The Cure and The Banshees.[8]
    • Wear t-shirts with your favorite indie bands.
    • Avoid brands like Hollister, Banana Republic, Abercrombie and Fitch and Aeropostale.
  2. 2
    Be open to wearing unique and new things. There might be a chance that there’s a style you like, but you haven’t seen anyone else wear it in your town. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things.
    • Sometimes going to a thrift store and buying clothes from a decade ago can help you achieve your indie style.
    • A common style for indie guys is to grow out their beard.[9]
  3. 3
    Duplicate styles from indie bands and artists. Visit the social media or blog of your favorite musicians to get an idea of what kind of clothing that they like to wear. Some indie artists may support independent designers for clothes. If you’re clueless about fashion, this is a great way to create a starting place for your style.
    • Copy styles from classic indie artists like Bob Dylan, Gregory Isaacs, Johnny Cash, and Andre 3000.[10]
  4. 4
    Wear accessories that complement your style. An old fashioned watch, sunglasses, or bracelet, may make you stand out from other guys. While wearing accessories isn’t mandatory to being indie, it will help you look unique apart from other people.
    • Ray Ban Wayfarers are common sunglasses for indie guys.[11]
  5. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Getting Into the Indie Scene

  1. 1
    Go to music shows in your area. Attend local venues and check out bands from your area. Supporting the local independent music scene is a great way to watch independent artists at a low cost. Some of these shows will be at small cafés or bars and may not even have an entrance fee.
    • Some popular indie venues in New York City include The Silent Barn, Secret Project Robot, and the Palisades.[12]
    • Find venues in your town that host local musicians regularly.
  2. 2
    Go to festivals where your favorite indie bands are playing. There are indie musical festivals that take place all around the world. Some of the most popular include Field Day in London, Benicàssim in Spain, and Coachella in the United States.[13]
    • Festival tickets and fees can sometimes cost you thousands of dollars. Make sure to save up before going to them.
    • Outdoor festivals can sometimes go on for days, so make sure you're prepared to rough it outside.
  3. 3
    Hang out at coffee shops or bars where other indie people go. Try to locate a bar or coffee shop in town that has other people that like indie music. Good places to look are locations that host poetry nights or open mic nights. Socialize and try to have fun with other people that are into indie music.
    • Some good indie coffee shops across America include, Boxcar Coffee Roasters in Denver, Toby's Estate Coffee in Brooklyn NY, and Blue Bottle Coffee in San Francisco.
  4. 4
    Put yourself out there and make indie friends. As you surround yourself with other people that are into indie things, you need to make sure to put forth an effort to become friends with people. Surrounding yourself with people that have similar interests means that you’ll have something to bond over, beyond your indie image.
    • Make it a point to introduce yourself to people of both genders.
    • If you find someone pretentious or annoying, you don’t have to be their friend.
  5. 5
    Attend indie film festivals. Going to an indie film festival will not only help you find critically acclaimed indie films but will also surround you with people in the indie scene. Try to get tickets to an indie film festival close to you. If you can't afford tickets or can't make the trip, try to watch it on TV or see if it's streaming online.
    • Some indie film festivals include the Cannes Film Festival, New York Independent Film Festival, LA Indie Film Fest, and the Sundance Film Festival.[14]
  6. 6
    Connect with other independent artists. Join online groups or meetups to link up with other local indie artists. Reach out to artists via social media and try to collaborate with them. If you play music, try to form an indie band. If you're an artist or designer you could work on a body of work together. Make a large circle of indie friends so you can better immerse yourself in the scene.
  7. Advertisement

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47 votes - 53%
Co-authors: 24
Updated: March 23, 2023
Views: 100,379
Categories: Nonconformist Styles