Mice are naturally timid and fearful creatures. They have many predators, so being wary of new things increases their chances of survival. Gaining the trust of your pet mouse is key to avoid frightening it! You and your mouse are both getting acclimated to each other, so it may take time to become comfortable with each other. Avoid frightening your mouse by letting it get used to you, gently teaching it to accept you, and keeping it de-stressed.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Letting Your Mouse Get Used to You

  1. 1
    Allow your mouse to adjust before initiating direct interaction.[1] Give your mouse some time to adjust to its setting and to you. This may be anywhere from three days to a week.[2]
    • You can start by sitting close to your mouse’s cage to allow it to get used to you and your scent.
  2. 2
    Give your mouse something of yours. You may give them something like a cut sock, since they may use it as a nest or shelter. Mice have poor eyesight, so they heavily rely on scent. Giving them something of yours will help them become acclimated to your scent. Just be sure to change it often so your scent is still present.[3]
  3. 3
    Hold out your hand to see if it will climb in. After feeding it a few times, feel free to stick your hand out to your mouse without food to see if it will approach you.[4] If it feels comfortable, your mouse will sit in your hand for a few minutes.
  4. 4
    Speak to your mouse gently so they become accustomed to your voice. Calmly speak to your mouse and call them by name. Do this during times when they are awake and active, and reward them with treats when they respond.[5]
    • Mice are incredibly intelligent creatures. They can even recognize and respond to the sound of their names.[6]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Training Your Mouse

  1. 1
    Move slowly around your mouse so you don’t startle it. Mice are easily frightened creatures since they are used to being food for many predators.[7] Mice have sensitive whiskers which allow them to detect sudden movement, so reassure your mouse that you mean no harm and don’t use jerky and sharp movements in its presence.[8]
  2. 2
    Offer your mouse treats so it will approach you. Start by offering treats through the cage bars. Once your mouse is comfortable taking treats through the bars from you, feed it treats from your hand through the cage door. After it feels comfortable approaching you, consistently feed your mouse directly from your hand by putting food and treats in the palm of your hand and gently offer it to your mouse.[9]
    • Work slowly. You may have to use a lot of treats, but patience is key.[10] Mice eat around 15 to 20 times a day, so there will be plenty of times to practice![11]
    • Give them unsweetened yogurt from the tip of your finger for a tasty treat.[12]
  3. 3
    Hold your mouse carefully everyday. To hold it, pick it up and carry it in the palm of your cupped hand. Always pick them up slowly, and if they appear scared, immediately put them down.[13] Never pick up your mouse by the tail if you’re not experienced since it can break.[14]
    • If your mouse is not yet tame, carefully guide it into something that can be picked up, like a toilet tissue roll or a paper cup.[15]
    • A word of caution, mice can and will jump, so don't hold it up too high. Certain heights can be dangerous.
    • Picking up your mouse and proving that no danger has come to it is the best way for it to trust you, so handle it with great care.
  4. 4
    Play with your mouse for half an hour every day. Mice, being the intelligent creatures they are, will begin to associate playtime with you.[16] They learn like humans, so play with them for about 30 minutes a day repetitively. In order for your mouse to remember who you are and that you’re not a threat, consistent play is good.
    • Don’t wear long sleeves so it can smell you better if it decides to climb onto you.[17]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Preventing Stress

  1. 1
    Keep your mouse company with other mice. Mice, like humans, are extremely social creatures.[18] Having a mouse live by itself stresses it out, so keeping your mouse happy will include making sure it has at least one other companion.
    • Make sure only female mice are kept together.[19] Male mice are best kept alone, as they may fight with unfamiliar males or rapidly procreate with female mice.[20]
    • If you have a lonely mouse, give them lots of human attention and affection.[21]
  2. 2
    Prevent exposure to bright or flashing lights. Mice have poor eyesight, so bright and flashing lights can hurt their eyes and startle them. They prefer dark places, so it may be best for their cages to be in a room without TVs and harsh sunlight. [22]
    • Mice tend to be more active at night since they perceive there is the least amount of danger present to them at this time. This is especially so in an environment with humans.[23]
  3. 3
    Refrain from exposing your mouse to the sounds of predators. Keep them away from other pets, especially cats and dogs. Mice have an acute sense of sound.[24] This is why mice are terrified of loud, abrupt sounds as well as high-pitched sounds, unable to be heard by humans.
    • Predators of mice include cats, owls, dogs, and snakes.
    • Mice produce high-pitched sounds that warn other mice when there is danger present.
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About This Article

Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
Co-authored by:
This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. This article has been viewed 12,046 times.
21 votes - 85%
Co-authors: 2
Updated: September 16, 2021
Views: 12,046
Categories: Mice and Rats