Just like when you started at a new school when you were younger, the first few days, weeks, and months of any new job can take some adjusting. Whether it’s your first professional job or a new step along your career path, there are lots of ways you can make adjusting to your new role smoother. Below, we’ve put together some of the top tips and tricks you can use to help you settle in at your new place of work.


Brush up on your professional knowledge.


Strive to make a great first impression.

  1. Looking and acting professional shows that you take the job seriously. Show up to your first day of work dressed well, on time, and with a positive attitude. Keep your personal phone away and focus 100% of your attention on your new job. Take notes and make an effort to remember people’s faces and names.[2]
    • If you’re naturally more of an introverted person, try to push yourself out of your comfort zone when you first start a new job and be a little more extroverted until you feel settled in. It may be a bit uncomfortable at first, but you’ll appreciate the effort later on!

Talk to your boss about expectations.

  1. It's easier to adjust if you know exactly what you need to do. Set up a meeting with your new boss or manager as soon as possible. Ask them about basic things like how they want you to communicate, especially when it comes to problems and decision making.[3]
    • You can also ask your boss to work with you to develop 30-day and 90-day plans for your success. These plans can lay out expectations about what you should learn how to do and what you should accomplish during your first month and first quarter at your new job.
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Adapt to your boss’s working style.


Ask lots of questions.

  1. You’ll learn the ropes faster and feel more engaged. If you aren’t sure how a process or tool works, ask a co-worker or your supervisor for help. Ask questions in meetings to show you’re paying attention and gain a better understanding of things.[5]
    • If you’re feeling overwhelmed with all the new tasks you have to learn how to do, ask your boss or manager to assign you a “buddy” or a mentor on your team to help you adjust to the new job.
    • Don't worry about communicating too much with your boss or co-workers. The more you communicate, the fewer misunderstandings and miscommunications there will be.[6]
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Study how the internal organization works.

  1. Get a feel for everyone’s roles and how you fit into the picture. Examine any internal documents and organizational charts to help you understand the organization and the duties of its members. Watch the interactions between different leaders and managers to get a feel for the daily interactions and power dynamics between them.[7]
    • Try to draw conclusions about who the most respected and influential people within the organization are. These are people to keep in mind when you’re building relationships later on.

Observe the company work ethic.

  1. Try to settle into the normal pace and flow of things. Pay close attention to things like how early people show up for meetings, what people do on their lunch breaks, what hours people work, and how much socializing people do at work. Do your best to adapt your work style to the new company’s culture, as long as it doesn’t affect your work-life balance.[8]
    • Never compromise who you are or what your work ethic is just to fit in at your new job. If you are only contracted to work 8 hours and people regularly work 9 or 10, don’t feel bad going home when the clock strikes 5!
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Aim to make 3 key contributions early on.

  1. Early wins establish your credibility as part of the team. Anything that helps your team or the company succeed can be considered a key contribution. Aim to tick at least 3 things of your list of goals early on, or volunteer to help out a teammate or take on extra work when you have free time.[12]
    • For example, if you’re working in a new sales job and your team has a goal of hitting $30,000 in sales by the end of the month, try to make at least a couple solid sales during your first week or 2 at work.
    • Or, if you see there are a couple members of your team that have to stay late at the end of the day to finish entering some date into a database, offer to stay and help to make it go faster for everyone.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What can I do if the new job training provided is done very quickly with no chance to write it all down or practice it?
    Community Answer
    If you felt that the training was not adequate, let your supervisor know you feel like you need more training. Be sure to mention specific areas that you would like help understanding, and write down any questions you may have. While doing your job, if you have any questions, make it a point to ask a coworker or your supervisor as soon as you can.
  • Question
    How do I establish good relationships with new coworkers?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Visit neighboring cubicles or offices and introduce yourself. Greet everybody you meet with a warm smile. Over a few weeks, you will be able to identify people who appreciate your friendly gesture and from there get to know them better.
  • Question
    How do I perform well at the beginning of the job when there is no official training and I have no experience with this new position?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Ask questions on how to do your job, read the employee manual, observe and do what your coworkers are doing.


  • Don’t compare how things are done at your new company to how they were done at your old job. This can make it harder to adjust to new processes and tasks.[16]

About This Article

Lauren Krasny
Co-authored by:
Executive, Strategic, & Personal Coach
This article was co-authored by Lauren Krasny. Lauren Krasny is a Leadership and Executive Coach and the Founder of Reignite Coaching, her professional and personal coaching service based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She also currently coaches for the LEAD Program at Stanford University Graduate School of Business and is a former Digital Health Coach for Omada Health and Modern Health. Lauren received her coaching training from the Coach Training Institute (CTI). She holds a BA in Psychology from the University of Michigan. This article has been viewed 404,669 times.
7 votes - 85%
Co-authors: 34
Updated: August 25, 2021
Views: 404,669