Since Mobile Legends is a game of teamwork, communication is important throughout the game. If you are initiating a team fight or announcing backup on the bottom lane, you may need to use the battlefield signals in the game. This wikiHow article will help you properly use battlefield signals for clear-cut communication.


Hold one of the signals to get Smart Battlefield Messages.


Quick Chat with your team.

  1. If you press the quick chat button, you'll select some messages if you can't chat quickly. All of the messages are to be sent in different situations but can explain what the team has to do now. Additionally, holding the button will allow you to quickly send an emote (if you have any).
    • For example, put "Well Played" to praise an ally, "Push First" to remind allies to destroy turrets, and "On My Way" to tell allies that you are going to a certain location.
    • Select Quick Chat interactions (Launch Attack/Attack the Lord/Wait) will give you an option to press the Thumbs Up button, assuring you will follow the allies command.

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Co-authors: 2
Updated: March 25, 2023
Views: 565
Categories: Online Games