Is your MP3 player a mess of songs that don't go together? Can you find R&B music right before country? It's time to organise your MP3 player...


  1. 1
    Sync your MP3 player to a computer.
  2. 2
    Look at the settings section. You will probably be able to clear your MP3 player completely, load only selected songs and lots of other things.
  3. 3
    Clear your MP3 player of all of your songs.
  4. 4
    If you have unwanted songs on it, set the MP3 player only to load selected songs.
  5. 5
    Move your songs into relevant playlists; e.g. rock music, pop music, R&B music, country music or, songs for jogging, songs for parties, songs for relaxing.
  6. 6
    Sync the songs you'd like on your MP3 player through your computer. While you're doing this, it should be charging, too.
  7. 7
    Unplug the MP3 player, and it should be a little bit more organised than before!
  8. Advertisement


  • If you share earphones with a friend, make sure they're clean, and don't share if either one of you has an ear infection or similar.
  • Be careful with your MP3 player. If using it when walking or jogging, remember to pay attention to traffic and other pedestrians.
  • Don't use your MP3 player for too long, or at too loud a volume. Remember, it's not worth damaging your ears just so you can listen to your favourite song a bit louder than usual!
  • Make sure your head/earphones are comfortable.
  • Don't turn volume too loud, may be harmful your ear.
  • If anything goes wrong with your MP3 player, take it back to the shop and see if they can fix it. Do not use it if they tell you not to!
  • Some MP3 players may only let you sync to one computer. Before charging or reorganizing your MP3 player, make sure you've got the right computer or laptop.

Things You'll Need

  • An MP3 player or iPod
  • A computer to sync to
  • Some songs to put on the MP3 player
  • Head/earphones for the MP3 player

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 12 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 40,045 times.
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Co-authors: 12
Updated: February 22, 2022
Views: 40,045