Are you seeing an error about a file in System32 called ntoskrnl.exe being missing or corrupt? This common Windows XP error might look scary, but it'll be easy to fix with this simple tutorial!


  1. 1
    Before trying the steps below, you can test to fix this error by following these 2 quick tips: Boot your Windows into Last Known Good Configuration (press F8 at startup to do so) or disconnect any PS/2 or serial keyboards you may have and try again.
  2. 2
    If the above doesn't work, boot into the recovery console from your installation disk (if you don't have your installation disk, check the Tips section below for alternatives), if you are unsure how to do this check out the Microsoft Knowledge base article ID: 314058 for a quick guide.
  3. 3
    Once in run chkdsk /r and once done reboot. If this doesn’t work, boot into the recovery console once again and try the following:
  4. 4
    From the prompt type attrib -R C:\boot.ini followed by enter
  5. 5
    Then del C:\boot.ini followed by enter
  6. 6
    With the boot.ini gone, it’s time to rebuild it type bootcfg /rebuild followed by enter
  7. 7
    When prompted to search for installed OS’s entery
  8. 8
    When prompted for the load identifier enter the name of the installed OS, for exampleMicrosoft Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition followed by enter
  9. 9
    When prompted for the load options enter type /fastdetect followed by enter
  10. 10
    Next enter fixboot C: followed by enter
  11. 11
    Now to give it a whirl, reboot and see if it’s fixed
  12. 12
    If none of the above worked hop into the recovery console once again and enter fixmbr C: followed by enter and then reboot.
  13. 13
    If nothing from above worked, you may need to run this command to replace the ntoskrnl.exe file itself: expand D:\i386\ntoskrnl.exe C:\Windows\system32 or try to run bootcfg /rebuild
  14. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I access the recovery console?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You need a recovery disk. Ask your manufacturer for one or just get the ISO from the Windows website and put it on a CD or USB key and boot from that.
  • Question
    What do I do if my boot critical file c:\windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe is corrupt and these steps don't correct the problem?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Reinstall Windows or insert a recovery disk to reinstall and repair the missing or corrupt files.


  • Running a Windows repair should be relatively safe but it is worth noting that you should read around the topic if you feel a repair is necessary.

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Updated: January 29, 2022
Views: 319,708