Caresses can be an amazing way to bond, experience pleasure, or enjoy some foreplay. You may have already heard that sensual caressing feels great, but maybe you're stressing out over other unanswered questions. Like, for instance, how should you initiate a caress? Or, how exactly are you supposed to touch them? Don't stress. We've got you covered! For everything you need to know on how to caress, read on.


Move your fingers slowly at first.

  1. A quick tempo can make caressing more distracting than pleasurable. In the beginning, you should caress at a soft, gentle speed, because the both of you are still getting comfortable. If you’re worried about going too fast, play it safe. Down the line, you can start experimenting with your caress's pace. [1]
    • Try outlining a large circular shape with your fingers at a slower rate.
    • Or, caress in a smaller pattern and pick up your speed.
    • This is a process of mutual exploration. As long you're both enjoying yourselves and communicating consent, that's what matters most.

Touch the other person softly at the beginning.

  1. Most people enjoy gentle, light caresses using the fingertips. Before the two of you start communicating what you like and don't like, it’s best to start with a crowd-pleaser. Soft, sensual caresses are generally appreciated across the board. Be mindful of your fingernails, though. It's easy to accidentally scratch when you're not paying close attention.[2]
    • Avoid grabbing at the other person’s body. Instead, use your fingertips or an open palm to lightly feel around.
    • If you’re feeling stuck, try softly moving your fingertips in small, circular shapes, figure eights, or simply back and forth.

Continue caressing if you notice positive responses.

  1. Nonverbal cues can signal how different caresses feel for the other person. Facial expressions, physical cues, and body motions can send important messages. For instance, positive body language can tell you that this person absolutely loves the way you're touching them. Just remember that no matter what signs you’re seeing in their physicality, it’s much more important to listen to what they tell you.[3]
    • Closed eyes, pleasant expressions, and heavy breathing are all great signs. In this case, keep your sensual caresses exactly the same.
    • Watch out for head nods and eye contact. This is another signal that your caress is working magic.
    • With platonic caresses, a simple smile should tell you everything you need to know. It’s also more likely that your friend would simply tell you.

Ask if they like what you’re doing.

  1. Communication leads to a better physical experience almost every time. It may feel daunting to ask for feedback, but trust that it’s worth it. Naturally, it's so much easier to give someone what they want when you're sure about what that is. Plus, you'll notice that when the other person feels great, you'll start to have more fun, too. You can ask generally or for some specifics:[4]
    • “Do you like this? Is there anything I can do differently?”
    • “How does it feel when I move my fingers like this?”
    • “Do you like it when I move my fingers this slow?”

Adjust your caresses based on their feedback.

  1. Verbal cues can help you find the perfect speed, location, and intensity to caress. If the other person is responding positively, keep doing what you're doing. Sometimes, when you ask what someone likes, they may be happy to “coach” you through your caressing. Other people may offer commentary here and there but with fewer specifics. Listen carefully, don't take feedback personally, and do your best to adjust.[5]
    • Someone may respond with a phrase like, "That's great. Just like that." When you get a positive response, try to keep your movements exactly as they are.
    • Other times, someone might ask you to adjust your sensual caressing. They might ask you to touch them lighter, harder, in a new place, or in a new way.
    • Listen and adjust to their preferences. This way, you can fine-tune your caresses to exactly what the other person likes best.

Continue to explore together.

  1. In nearly every area of the body, a positive caressing experience is possible. Stay communicative, get consent, and enjoy a fun, intimate experience connecting through physical touch. The two of you can decide together where you want your caressing to take you. But if you need some ideas, there are so many spots that are great for pleasure and comfort:[6]
    • For pleasure, try caressing the chest, inner and upper thighs, navel, buttocks, and finally, the groin.
    • For platonic comfort, go with the back, knees, face, hair, and even feet.

Maintain eye contact.

  1. Holding someone's gaze can help you signal interest and connect. When you lock eyes with someone, both your bodies experience arousal, which may help increase sexual tension. Eye contact can also be a great way to bond. That's great news for you! Feeling connected to someone can make sensual caressing feel even more powerful and exciting. Plus, holding long eye contact can be a great way to send a subtle message: I’m interested in getting physical.[7]
    • If you’re interested in friendly, non-sexual caressing, eye contact can still foster a connection.

Caress the person's face and hair.

  1. You may want to start with casual, romantic caresses. Touching the face and hair is a perfect way to set a romantic tone, raise the sexual tension, and create a connection between you two. Try softly brushing hair behind the ears, holding the face gently, and lightly using your thumb to brush affectionately over the jaw and cheek. These gestures can feel so sweet and comforting; the other person may ask you to never stop![8]
    • If creating sexual excitement is your goal, focus on the ears as well. While you're playing with the hair, lightly brush your fingertips over them.
    • If you’re just friends, this can also be a sweet way to bond. Focus on the same gentle movements as mentioned above and consider stroking their hair as well.

Touch their hips, sides, and navel.

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  • Question
    How do I touch my boyfriend?
    Stefanie Safran
    Stefanie Safran
    Dating Coach & Matchmaker
    Stefanie Safran is a Dating Coach, Matchmaker, and the Owner of Stef in the City, a Matchmaking and Dating Coaching business focused on an honest and hands on approach. Stefanie labels herself as “Chicago's Introductionista®” as she has over 15 years of experience in the matchmaking industry. Her work has been featured on various media such as: ABC7, NBC5, CBS2, WGN, FOX, The Chicago Tribune, The Chicago Sun Times, The HuffPost, and Refinery29. She holds a MBA in marketing and branding from Loyola University in addition to her BA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
    Stefanie Safran
    Dating Coach & Matchmaker
    Expert Answer

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    This depends on where your boyfriend likes to be touched. However, if you're on a first date with a guy that you aren't an item with yet, a quick hug at the end of the date is usually considered appropriate.
  • Question
    This boy and I like each other, but we just met last week. So, we're going to be friends for now. But he told me he caressed my hip and I didn't notice. What does it mean if he does? that?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This means that he softly touched your hip with his hands or fingertips. Caresses can be friendly or romantic, so you may need to ask him about his intentions.
  • Question
    What if my friend hugs and caresses the side of my breast?
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    If it's unintentional, you can simply let them know that it's happening. If you're worried that it might be intentional, consider having a conversation with them about the importance of consent.

About This Article

Stefanie Safran
Co-authored by:
Dating Coach & Matchmaker
This article was co-authored by Stefanie Safran and by wikiHow staff writer, Caroline Heiderscheit. Stefanie Safran is a Dating Coach, Matchmaker, and the Owner of Stef in the City, a Matchmaking and Dating Coaching business focused on an honest and hands on approach. Stefanie labels herself as “Chicago's Introductionista®” as she has over 15 years of experience in the matchmaking industry. Her work has been featured on various media such as: ABC7, NBC5, CBS2, WGN, FOX, The Chicago Tribune, The Chicago Sun Times, The HuffPost, and Refinery29. She holds a MBA in marketing and branding from Loyola University in addition to her BA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This article has been viewed 525,551 times.
8 votes - 80%
Co-authors: 39
Updated: July 29, 2022
Views: 525,551
Article SummaryX

Caressing your partner’s face or body is a sensual way to show your affection. Start by rubbing your hands together to warm them up so that your hands aren’t too cold on your partner’s body. Romantic partners tend to respond better to touch when your hands aren’t ice cold! Next, move your hand slowly down your partner’s face or body, at a rate of around 1 inch per second. Be gentle and slow, making sure to exert very slight pressure from your fingertips. Finally, ask your partner how the caressing feels and respond accordingly. If you can tell that your partner enjoys being caressed in a particular way, repeat that motion. For more advice on how to caress, like how to caress a friend as a form of greeting, read on!

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