Ideas and scripted examples for creative, personal baby shower book messages

Many baby showers nowadays invite attendees to bring books instead of cards, but what kinds of personalized, heartfelt messages can you write in the baby book? If you’re searching for some inspiration, look no further! You can write plenty of different messages to make the baby shower book a treasured keepsake for both parents and child. Read on for a guide to crafting your message, complete with plenty of examples.

Things You Should Know

  • Write a cute personal message addressed to the new baby. You can also include a quote from a famous author or reference the book you got them.
  • Acknowledge your connection to the new baby if there’s a familial relation, and welcome your new cousin, niece or nephew, grandchild, and so on.
  • Add a little humor to the message and tell a good-natured joke. Include a brief note for the parents, too, if you’re giving a book in place of a card.

“Think of your wonderful journey ahead!”

  1. Craft a message that specifically references the book you bought. If you picked out a particular book because it’s special to you or you love the message it sends, include that reasoning in your note. For example, the above message (“Think of your wonderful journey ahead!”) is a fitting note to write Dr. Seuss’s Oh, The Places You’ll Go!'[2]
    • “Just like this hungry caterpillar, I hope your appetite for life and love only grows with time!” (The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle)
    • “Let this book remind you that there’s no place like home, sweet child!” (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum)
    • “Remember that friends are the most valuable gifts you can get in life. Treasure them—and go on many fun adventures!” (Winnie the Pooh by A. A. Milne)

“Baby, if you can dream it, you can be it.”

  1. Borrow inspiration from writers and use a famous book quote. It’s okay if words aren’t your strong suit; luckily, there’s a long history of writers who have already put pen to paper. The above quote is from Emily Winfield Martin, and there are many others to choose from. Inscribe a quote from a famous author inside the book![3]
    • “Wishing you many nights of bedtime stories and sweet dreams.” – Jane Dyer
    • "Wonderful baby, wish upon a star. Never forget you are loved for who you are." – Amy Krouse Rosenthal
    • “The journey of a lifetime starts with the turning of a page.” – Rachel Anders
    • “Don’t just fly, soar” – Walt Disney
    • “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always. As long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.” – Robert Munsch
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“May every story you read bring you joy.”

  1. Include a sweet note referencing books and the joys of reading. Since you’re getting the baby a book, why not write a cute little note about why books are the perfect gift? Share your hopes that all these baby shower books instill a lifelong love of reading in the new baby and your hopes that the baby will love the story you’ve picked out.[4]
    • ”I hope this simple book will open up your heart to the world of literature.”
    • “Never underestimate the power of a good book. May it help your imagination soar!”
    • “Grow your imagination and never stop dreaming, learning, and living.”
    • “Here's to a life full of love, a world full of adventure, and shelves full of books!”
    • “Be the hero of your own story, sweet baby, and never give up!”

“Welcome to the family!”

  1. Write a heartfelt familial message if you’re related to the new baby. Get a little more personal if the new baby is joining your family. Talk about your connection to the baby and reference something the whole family does together—or simply express excitement that the family is getting a little bigger.[5]
    • “I can’t wait to experience family reunions with my amazing new cousin!”
    • “Your parents are some of my favorite people, so I know you’ll be an amazing little niece!”
    • “May you grow up to be just as smart and funny as your wonderful parents!”
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“Tiny hands, tiny feet, and lots of mischief!”

  1. Craft a humorous message (with some sentimentality mixed in). Jokes are a fun way to make the parents (and their child, eventually) chuckle when they open up the book. Just be sure your jokes are appropriate for kids! A good way to craft your joke is to combine humor and heart since this is still a special occasion to celebrate.[6]
    • “May you cause your parents many sleepless nights and many more magical moments full of love!”
    • “Sleep may be overrated, but babies aren’t!”
    • “Some people call babies bundles of trouble. Good thing they’re also bundles of love!”

“May God bless you, precious light.”

  1. Add a faith-based message if the baby’s family is religious. Religion-based messages can be a really sweet way to show the new baby some love, so long as it matches the family’s religious beliefs. Share a quick passage from their religion’s holy book in your message. Religion can be a delicate topic, so only share religious messages with close family and friends.
    • “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. —John 14:27”
    • “Do not fear, for I am with you. —Isaiah 41:10”
    • “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. – Psalm 127:3”
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“Darling girl, you are bright, beautiful, and full of life.”


“You’ve chosen an amazing family. Congratulations!”


“Enjoy every moment with your new little one!”

  1. Include a quick aside addressed to the parents in lieu of a card. Most of the time, notes written in baby shower books are intended for the baby. However, since many people nowadays are getting books in place of cards, you could always leave a note congratulating the new parents alongside your note to the baby.[10]
    • “Congratulations on adding a new member to the family!”
    • “You’re going to be amazing parents. So happy for you!”
    • “Parenthood is one of the most beautiful things in the world. Congratulations!”
    • “Babies make days longer, nights shorter, and homes infinitely happier!”
    • “Congratulations to my dear friend. I’m so excited to meet your little one!”
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“Here’s a little something extra.”

  1. Books can also be used as packages to contain other small gifts. If you plan to give another gift, be it money, a gift card, a piece of jewelry, or something else small, you can always tuck it into the book and leave a line about it in your baby shower book message. Depending on the subject of the book, you could even get something a little bigger for the baby, like a stuffed animal.[11]
    • “I chose a book I hoped you’d love, but I’m including extra funds to expand your bookshelf!”
    • “Enclosed is a little something extra for your parents. Congratulations!”
    • “This book is for you, and the gift card inside it can hopefully help your parents give themselves a little extra TLC. Enjoy!”

About This Article

Glenn Carreau
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Glenn Carreau. Glenn Carreau is a wikiHow Staff Writer, currently based in Los Angeles. With over four years of experience writing for several online publications, she has covered topics ranging from world history to the entertainment industry. Glenn graduated with honors from Columbia College Chicago, earning a B.A. in Interactive Arts and Media and a minor in Professional Writing. Today, Glenn continues to feed her lifelong love of learning while serving wikiHow's many readers. This article has been viewed 78,055 times.
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Co-authors: 4
Updated: March 26, 2023
Views: 78,055