There are many different kinds of relationships in this world. Each one if very important. You may not notice it at first, but relationships really do matter in life. It can sometimes be hard to understand how special relationships can be, here's a quick guide.


  1. 1
    Never ignore a caring person. Firstly, never ignore a person who really cares for you. In this day and age, it really is quite hard to make time and prove to people that you really do care about them. Whoever that is trying to care for you is going out of their way to do so. Don't ignore them and don't hurt their feelings. This person is worth your time.
  2. 2
    Make time.[1] How many times have you heard, "Sorry, I can't come out sightseeing with you, I've got no time". The person that asks you to hang out with them has the time, so why don't you? If your day is filled with activities that are really quite useless, get rid of them and make time for your partner. Try going for a walk to somewhere really beautiful with them. They'll appreciate it and so will you.[2]
  3. 3
    Help your children. Instead of just ignoring your children and letting them get on with life alone, help them up when they fall. Go into their rooms at nighttime, tuck them in and read them a bedtime story.[3] Let them fall asleep to the sound of their mother's/father's voice. If they need help with their homework, talk them through it, don't just tell them to ask a sibling.[4] They want you to help them. Also, let them tell you their silly gossip stories from school, it helps them build a close relationship with you.
  4. 4
    Be humble. This step applies quite well between workers and bosses but can easily be carried across to all the other types of relationships. Being humble doesn't only mean being kind. It means helping people out in a time of need, it means talking to others when they need to tell you their issues and it means trying to make sure that everybody is happy. If you are humble with others, people are most likely going to be humble with you.[5]
  5. 5
    Be a good friend. Everybody needs friends in their life. Friendships are one of the best kind of relationships. It can be hard to find a good, sincere friend these days but that doesn't mean that they're non-existent. When you do find a friend that is good to you, you must be good back to them to keep them as your friend. If you don't ever help them and just ignore them, they won't want to be your friend for much longer. Always be there for your friend when they need you and they'll surely return the favor.[6]
  6. 6
    Listen. Whether it's your mum, your dad, your teacher or your friend, to understand the importance of a relationship you must listen to their opinions and respect them. Without listening to them, you won't ever get to maintain a relationship long enough to fully understand how your relationship with them will affect your and their lives. Always keep your ears and your mind open to new ideas.[7]
    • Good listening skills are also an important part of developing a romantic relationship with somebody.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do I make my partner feel valued?
    Jan & Jillian Yuhas
    Jan & Jillian Yuhas
    Relationship Coaches & Boundary Specialists
    Jan Yuhas and Jillian Yuhas are Relationship Coaches & Boundary Specialists and the Founders of Entwined Lifestyle. They specialize in helping individuals and couples work on effective communication, healthy boundaries, and lifestyle wellness. They have also been featured on media outlets such as Yahoo Lifestyle and Bustle. Jan and Jillian both hold a BA in Psychology from The University of Illinois at Chicago and an MA in Marriage and Family Therapy from The Adler School of Professional Psychology.
    Jan & Jillian Yuhas
    Relationship Coaches & Boundary Specialists
    Expert Answer
    Take time to communicate openly and honestly with them. Show that you're listening to what they have to say, and make quality time for your connection to grow. Above all, you can show your partner you value them by accepting them for who they are and loving them according to their love language.
  • Question
    I think that I don't value people enough, even though they love me, respect me, and want to be in my life. I really want to love them back and value them highly. How can I do that?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Write a list of the best qualities of the people in your life and look over this list regularly as a reminder. Imagine how much emptier and lonelier your life would be if you didn't have these people in it and be grateful for them. Go out of your way to do something nice for someone each day.
  • Question
    I have done everything this said to do, but they still cant realize I am a good friend. Everyone else can see it, but my best friend. How do I change that?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Take things slowly, and don't try to rush things. Being too aggressive, or seeming very desperate, can really make your chances of connecting worse. Since they're your best friend, think back on what you guys did that you both enjoyed, and go off of that. Do things that they would appreciate, or act nice around them more than usual.



About This Article

Jan & Jillian Yuhas
Co-authored by:
Relationship Coaches & Boundary Specialists
This article was co-authored by Jan & Jillian Yuhas. Jan Yuhas and Jillian Yuhas are Relationship Coaches & Boundary Specialists and the Founders of Entwined Lifestyle. They specialize in helping individuals and couples work on effective communication, healthy boundaries, and lifestyle wellness. They have also been featured on media outlets such as Yahoo Lifestyle and Bustle. Jan and Jillian both hold a BA in Psychology from The University of Illinois at Chicago and an MA in Marriage and Family Therapy from The Adler School of Professional Psychology. This article has been viewed 75,261 times.
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Co-authors: 9
Updated: June 17, 2022
Views: 75,261