In Hindu yogic philosophy, chakras are the invisible energy centres of the human body, and blockage in these areas may connect to physical and emotional issues. To help unblock the chakras you can do the following meditation, using the Western adaptation of the chakra system.[1]


  1. 1
    Know your chakras. Chakras are compared to discs that lie horizontally in your body and spin. They correspond with different glands and their hormones, so some traditions say that there are actually more than seven Chakras according to the number of glands in the human body. Each Chakra bears so many attributes that they can't be listed here, so here's just a short overview:[2]
    • Crown Chakra (pituitary gland): on top of the head, purple. Consciousness, spirituality.
    • Third-Eye Chakra (pineal gland): forehead, indigo blue. Perception, intuition, willpower.
    • Throat Chakra (thyroid gland): throat, blue. Communication, inspiration.
    • Heart Chakra (thymus gland): heart region, green. Love, compassion, healing.
    • Solar plexus Chakra (Langerhans-islets, adrenal glands): navel, yellow. Personality, power, wisdom.
    • Sacral Chakra (ovaries, testes): genitalia, orange. Sexuality, creativity.
    • Root Chakra (gonads, adrenal medulla): anus, red. Survival, instinct, stability.
  2. 2
    Choose the correct environment. Make yourself comfy in a room or a place outside where you are alone and where it is silent (aside from natural sounds). Switch off your phone and your door bell so you won't get disturbed. Make sure your clothes aren't too tight or scratchy. Close your eyes so you can concentrate on your body.
  3. 3
    Relax. Some experts recommend to stand up during this meditation, but you may as well lie down on a blanket or sit on a cushion. Take deep slow breaths and relax your muscles.[3]
  4. 4
    Go through the chakras from bottom to top. This is necessary to determine which chakra is blocked or otherwise not alright. Sometimes it's obvious beforehand, but some issues can be related to different chakras. Always start with the root chakra and end with the crown chakra as this means going from the most "primitive" part of the body (survival) to the highest developed one (consciousness).[4]
  5. 5
    Re-energize each chakra. Imagine the chakra as discs or lotus flowers. Breathe in and visualize light flowing into the chakra, making it glow with energy. Breathe out and imagine all your stress flowing out of the chakra. Repeat if necessary, then move on to the next chakra.
  6. 6
    Align chakras. In the simplest terms, aligning chakras means getting them all to rotate clockwise. A chakra that stops spinning or spins the wrong way could be associated with physical ailments, or with telling lies. One way to re-align a chakra like this is to meditate and visualize it turning clockwise, correcting the flow through your body.[5]
  7. 7
    Come back slowly. After energizing the crown chakra, continue taking deep breaths. Open your eyes slowly and calmly return to your everyday life.
  8. Advertisement
Method 1
Method 1 of 1:

The Deep General Approach

Chakra meditation can be pretty daunting at first for the beginner. If you feel you need guidance on it first before you can do it on your own, you should consider getting guided chakra meditation from apps, online meditation websites or even podcasts. [6] But remember to use resources from trustable and reliable sources so as to lean how it is done the right way. Here is a simple and easy way to do chakra meditation.

  1. 1
    Get fairly comfortable. Look for a quiet and fairly comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Sit with an erect spine and cross your legs in front of you. Place your hands loosely on your knees. If that feels too much to do, use a meditation cushion.
  2. 2
    Take deep breaths. With your eyes closed, breathe in and out in a much deeper way to help you relax and focus.
  3. 3
    Focus on your chakras. Starting with the root chakra all the way to the crown chakra, create a mental image of an energy center that has energy flowing through it. Make sure you understand each of the chakras in terms of the colors they are associated with.[7]
  4. 4
    Take your time with each chakra. Give yourself enough time with each chakra and ensure in your visualization, you see energy moving and flowing through.
  5. 5
    See the whole chakra system in action. Go through each chakra doing the same and once you are done with all of them, visualize the whole chakra system and see energy flowing from the root chakra to the crown chakra seamlessly while leaving an effect in your body.
  6. 6
    End your meditation session. Now as you come to a close, slowly open your eyes and take note of your feelings and the energy in your body.
  7. Advertisement

Expert Q&A
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  • Question
    How can you use crystals to balance and unblock your chakras?
    Emily Christensen
    Emily Christensen
    Spiritual Advisor & Founder of Rainbow Raaja
    Emily Christensen is a Shamanic Spiritual Advisor, Reiki Master, and the Founder of Rainbow Raaja based in Southern California and now King County, Washington. Emily has over six years of experience as a Massage Therapist and in using tarot cards, crystal therapy, light work (reiki, light codes, energy therapy), and shamanic healing. She received Reiki Master training from the Hands on Healing Institute. Emily is also a certified Bodywork Therapist by the California Massage Therapy Council and an Ordained Shamanic Minister with the Universal Life Church.
    Emily Christensen
    Spiritual Advisor & Founder of Rainbow Raaja
    Expert Answer

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    A practitioner chooses crystals based on any ailments or blocks and whether the crystal feels responsive to the blockage. Although you can read every crystal book on the market, crystals (like humans) are unique and they "speak" when you listen. There are generic crystals well known for certain chakras or health concerns, but to be truly effective, you have to learn to listen to your own intuition and the crystal itself without second guessing yourself.

About This Article

Emily Christensen
Co-authored by:
Spiritual Advisor & Founder of Rainbow Raaja
This article was co-authored by Emily Christensen. Emily Christensen is a Shamanic Spiritual Advisor, Reiki Master, and the Founder of Rainbow Raaja based in Southern California and now King County, Washington. Emily has over six years of experience as a Massage Therapist and in using tarot cards, crystal therapy, light work (reiki, light codes, energy therapy), and shamanic healing. She received Reiki Master training from the Hands on Healing Institute. Emily is also a certified Bodywork Therapist by the California Massage Therapy Council and an Ordained Shamanic Minister with the Universal Life Church. This article has been viewed 123,072 times.
18 votes - 79%
Co-authors: 29
Updated: July 23, 2022
Views: 123,072
Categories: Chakras
Article SummaryX

According to Hindu yogic philosophy, chakras are energy centers that run up and down the body. There are seven chakras that fall along the spine: the root chakra, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the third-eye chakra, and the crown chakra. Some people believe that chakras can become blocked, causing different physical and emotional problems, and that meditation can help unblock them. To meditate on your chakras, find a quiet, comfortable spot and sit with your legs crossed and back straight. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax. Then, focus on one chakra at a time, starting with your root chakra and working your way up. As you focus on each chakra, try picturing it in your mind. Imagine energy moving and flowing through it. Once you’ve meditated on one chakra, move on to the next. After going through all of them, visualize the whole chakra system in your body and imagine energy flowing from your root chakra all the way up to your crown chakra. When you're finished, slowly open your eyes and note how your body feels.

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