If you're worried about getting mugged, one way to prepare is to carry a mugger's wallet. This is a decoy wallet that you're prepared to give away, so once it is taken, your real wallet won't be in jeopardy of being stolen anymore. It needs to be realistic enough to convince the muggers that they've got what they've after. Filling your mugger's wallet with a little cash and some expired IDs is the best way make it seem believable. Next time you're at the ATM, you can rest easy that your mugger's wallet will keep you relatively safe.


  1. 1
    Put cash in your mugger's wallet. It should be enough that if muggers thumb through it, they won't suspect you're pulling one over on them. However, don't put in an amount that is too large, that you would regret losing to a mugger. Some people put a bigger bill in front of many smaller bills so that a hasty mugger thinks there's a lot of money in there. If possible, consider mixing fake money in with real bills. However, remember not to spend the fake bills, as this is considered counterfeiting and is punishable by jail time.
  2. 2
    Add an ID card which has already expired, or which can be easily replaced. Any mugger will be skeptical if there is no form of ID in your wallet.
    • A photo ID library card is good because it doesn't have your address and can be easily replaced. Plus, the mugger can't use it if he or she should decide to rack up overdue fees on your behalf for revenge.
    • An old driver's license with an old address is convincing as well, but keep in mind that someone might be living in a house by that address.
  3. 3
    Add an expired credit card. When the muggers sees this, they might think they've hit the jackpot, and might hurry off to charge things before you report the card as stolen. Make sure that the account is closed, and write "Please see ID" clearly in the signature box in the back. A credit card with photo ID is preferred. Or if you have a realistic looking card from a credit offer, use that.[1]
  4. 4
    Add filler. Remember, you want this wallet to appear authentic, so shove any of the following in it:
    • old receipts
    • coupons
    • business cards
  5. 5
    Use the mugger's wallet for minor expenses. This is especially important if you pay for something in public. Muggers might be watching, and you'll want them to see you using the decoy wallet, not your real one.
  6. 6
    Tuck your real wallet in a less accessible and noticeable place, like the inside of your jacket, or elsewhere underneath your clothes. Another good place is in your front pocket instead of your back pocket - you are much more likely to notice someone getting into your front pocket. Keep it light and streamlined. Some people purchase a money belt, or put their money and a credit card in a sock.
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I make a fake credit card?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Use a credit card that's expired. You could also buy toy cards at stores.
  • Question
    How do I make the fake wallet seem convincing?
    Top Answerer
    Your fake wallet should look as much like your regular wallet as possible. If your real wallet is a good-quality leather item and you're usually well presented, a mugger won't be convinced by a cheap fabric wallet stuffed with old receipts. How you act when getting mugged is as important as how convincing the wallet is: hand over your fake as if it really does contain all your money and cards.


  • Some people are tempted to leave taunting notes in the wallet, like "Nice try." Not only is this unnecessary, but it's also dangerous if the mugger finds it while you're still around. It can also make for a worse encounter should you ever bump into this mugger again.
  • An expired ID will give the muggers your name and possibly address. When they realize the wallet is fake, they could seek revenge.
  • Please consider the risks of doing this before attempting it. It is a very real possibility that the muggers will stand there, with you held hostage by a weapon, and look through it thoroughly enough to see through the flimsy facades suggested. If they discover that they have a fake, you may be at the mercy of a very angry person -- a person already desperate enough to become a criminal.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 36 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 288,230 times.
164 votes - 89%
Co-authors: 36
Updated: November 3, 2022
Views: 288,230