If all your Facebook friends are offline but you want to chat with someone, you can make more friends by video chatting on Omegle. Omegle is a chat service that connects you, one-on-one, with a random stranger. There are both text and video chat options, but video chatting is much more reliable. Many people are suspicious about Omegle as it is often used by people with dubious intentions, but this article will help you avoid any sketchy, suspect, or potentially abusive users and instead make good friends through Omegle Video Chat.


  1. 1
    Protect yourself before you begin chatting. Update your antivirus software and firewalls so you don't have to worry about strangers sending virus or malicious software to you. Make sure you're dressed appropriately - err on the side of modesty if you're nervous - and make sure there is no personal information such as a phone number or full name visible in the background behind you, as this could be caught by your webcam while chatting.
  2. 2
    Enter an interest on the title page. Choose a genuine interest, but choose a fairly specific one like "classical musicals" or "cross-country skiing." Avoid general, ambiguous interests like "movies," and never put anything even remotely sexual, as this will attract precisely the wrong kind of people.
  3. 3
    See if the stranger is using simulated or recorded webcam. Omegle warns you if the stranger is using a simulated or recorded webcam, and most people who do this are some kind of troll or are otherwise untrustworthy. Instead, opt to chat with someone using an authentic, real-time webcam, as this will allow you to have an actual conversation and make friends.
  4. 4
    Know when to leave the conversation. If the stranger swears or abuses you verbally, asks you to strip or perform a sexual action, offers to do so himself, or does so without asking, leave the conversation and report the user immediately. If anything they say makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, even if it's not explicitly abusive, leave the conversation immediately.
  5. 5
    Do not ask for personal details like age and location at the beginning of the conversation. If the person you're talking to is worth making friends with, chances are they'll also be worried about internet safety. Asking for (or giving) personal information like age and location can make you seem rash and suspicious. Instead, focus on getting to know them and having a casual conversation. If it goes well, you can trade contact information at the end of the conversation, so you don't need to ask for this information until then.
  6. 6
    Have a long conversation before giving away any personal information. Chat with them for a considerable amount of time - more than an hour - on Omegle Video Chat. Try to get to know them before becoming friends. Make sure there are no red flags during the conversation - make sure they seem like a normal, safe, reliable person. If at the end of the conversation you feel that you want to be friends with them, find another way to contact them. Give them your IM screen name, email address, or, if you really want to, your Facebook account. But be very careful before giving them your full name, and never give your address or phone number to someone you met online.
  7. 7
    Verify their information before accepting friend requests. If they want to connect on Facebook, take steps to make sure it's safe before accepting their friend request. Look through their pictures and recent statuses or other posts, and make sure everything looks safe and trustworthy. For example, they should have plenty of friends and pictures of them in various settings, with various other people. If you're trading screen names, do a quick Google search to see if anything suspicious pops up.
  8. 8
    Continue the conversation with your new friend on other platforms. Once you've determined that the other person is reasonably safe, take the conversation to another website, email, or chatting platform.
  9. Advertisement


  • Watch out for trolls, perverts and pedophiles who could trick you into giving you your Facebook account links.
  • Do not give out your bank accounts or credit card information even on Facebook.
  • Do not give Facebook account links to those using simulated or recorded webcams. They are using fake webcams and are most likely trolls.

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Co-authors: 5
Updated: April 3, 2022
Views: 35,966
Categories: Omegle