A well-stocked bar can really take your event to the next level. But there needs to be someone tending the bar who knows what they’re doing and can make everyone’s favorite drinks, without over-serving folks. You need a bartender to help keep the party going responsibly. Hiring a bartender for an event is actually really easy, and you have multiple options. You can use a bartending service to hire a full-service company to handle everything or a bartender to manage the bar. You could also find your own bartender or have a friend tend to the bar if your local laws allow for it.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Using a Bartender Service

  1. 1
    Choose a full-service bartending company for convenience. A full-service bartending company will offer a variety of packages that you can choose from at different price points. They’ll provide bartenders, mixing and serving equipment, ice, coolers, glasses, and drink mixers. You will need to provide the beer, wine, and liquor, but they will handle everything else.[1]
    • They will also hold any required alcohol licenses that your area or venue may require.
    • Bartender services also often clean up afterwards.
    • A full-service bartending service will be able to handle everyone’s drink requests, will use your alcohol more efficiently than allowing people to pour their own drinks, and they’re less likely to over-serve guests.
  2. 2
    Hire a bartender from a bartending staffing agency for a cheaper option. If you choose to hire just a bartender from an event staffing agency, you will need to provide all of the supplies and equipment, but they are much more affordable than hiring a full-service bartending company. You will also still get a professional bartender who will be able to serve your guests their requested drinks.
    • Look online for event staffing companies near you that you can hire a bartender from.
    • You may need to provide a tip to the bartender after the event.
    • Professional bartenders will also have a liquor license that allows them to legally serve drinks in your area.
    • A bartender is less likely to overserve your guests as well.
  3. 3
    Use a ratio of 1 bartender per 75 guests for your event. In order to properly serve drinks and keep your bartenders from being overwhelmed, you need to make sure you have enough bartenders working for the event. A good ratio to use is to have 1 bartender for every 75 guests that you have at your event.[2]

    Tip: If you’re only serving beer and wine, you can have fewer bartenders, but if you’re serving a full bar with liquor and mixed drinks, you may need to have 1 bartender for every 50 guests.

  4. 4
    Contact a bartending service company and ask about pricing. Look online or ask your event venue if they recommend any local bartending services. Call a few of them and ask about their prices so you can compare and choose the best option for your event.
    • Tell them the date and time of your event so they can see if they have bartenders available.
    • Ask if the service needs to coordinate with your event venue to organize their materials.
    • See if they have a list of supplies they will need you to provide.
  5. 5
    Have all of your alcohol ready at the event. Before your bartenders arrive, make sure that you have all of the alcohol and supplies they’ll need ready to go at the event or event venue. Organize all of your drinks and supplies so your bartenders know where everything is located and can find things easily.
    • Drinks that need to be cold should be chilled at least 1 hour before the event starts.
    • If you’re using a venue for your event, make sure they can store and keep drinks cold. You may need to provide ice chests and ice for cold drinks.
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Finding Your Own Bartender

  1. 1
    Figure out what drinks you plan to serve at your event. If you’re planning on serving one cocktail from a punchbowl or just beer and wine, then you may not need to hire many bartenders. If you’re not selling any alcohol or your event doesn’t need a license to serve alcohol, then you may even be able to pay a friend to serve your guests drinks from the bar.
    • Ask the bartender you plan to hire what supplies they’ll need to run the bar.
    • Keep a basic stocked bar so your bartender has a variety of options to choose from.
  2. 2
    Decide on a dress code that the bartender will need to follow. The way your bartender is dressed will help set the tone for the event as a whole. If you’re planning a very formal celebration, then you may want your bartender to wear a white dress shirt and possibly a tie. If it’s more casual, then your bartender could simply wear jeans and a collared shirt.
    • Make sure your bartender has good hygiene as well!
  3. 3
    Choose a bartender with experience. Go to local bars to ask if the bartenders do any freelance work. Many bartenders do work on the side and may be willing to work as a bartender for your event. Check out a few local bars and ask a bartender that you like if they’re interested in working your event.[3] [4]
    • Make sure you have the date, time, and location of the event set so they can see if they’re available then.
    • A bartender will already have a license to serve alcohol since they’re already working as a bartender.
    • Ask the bartender what their policy is for people who drink too much, along with tricky teens who might try to sneak a drink.[5]
    • Clarify if the bartender will bring their own garnishes, ice, and tools, and if you'll need to provide anything.[6]
  4. 4
    Post online to look for a bartender. You can use social media or an online classified advertisement site like Craigslist to make a post that says that you’re seeking a bartender for your event. People can respond to you and you can compare pricing and choose a bartender that you like.[7]
    • Include the date, time, and location of your event in the post.
    • If your venue requires a licensed bartender, make sure you mention in the post that they must have a license to serve alcohol.
  5. 5
    Use a friend to bartend for your event if it isn’t at a venue. If you’re not holding your event at a venue, you may not need to have a licensed bartender and you can pay a friend to tend the bar. If you’re not selling drinks, you may not need a liquor license. Find a friend that you trust and ask them if they’re interested in bartending your event.[8]
    • Check online to see if your area has licensing requirements for someone to serve alcohol at your event.
  6. 6
    Agree on how much you will pay your bartender before your event. Before you select your bartender for your event, you should start discussing payment. An average hourly rate for events is in the range of $40-$55 an hour. Depending on the experience level of the person you plan to hire, discuss and decide on the rate before your event.
    • Consider allowing the bartender to keep any tips as well.
  7. Advertisement


  • Your area may have laws regarding serving alcohol at events. Be sure to check online or call your local government before you plan your event to make sure you’re following the law.
  • Please drink responsibly and never drink and drive.


About This Article

Ivy Summer
Co-authored by:
Certified Wedding & Event Planner
This article was co-authored by Ivy Summer. Ivy Summer is a Certified Wedding Planner and the Owner of Voulez Events. Ivy has over 10 years of experience consulting, planning and coordinating weddings around the globe. She has also created a DIY online wedding planning workshop for couples, called "Plan Your Wedding Like A Pro." She currently resides in Greece where she continues to work with a worldwide network of planners and wedding professionals. This article has been viewed 5,934 times.
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Co-authors: 4
Updated: August 19, 2021
Views: 5,934
Categories: Party Planning