If you're dreaming of slim, trim thighs, you're not alone! While there's not a lot you can do to lose weight from just your thighs (since you can't spot-burn fat), eating healthy and exercising can help you slim down overall. Do cardio to burn calories and try strength-training to tone your thigh muscles, which can help them look more defined. The key is to use low weight or resistance and perform lots of reps, so you don't add muscle. Your goals are totally achievable, and you can do it.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Toning Your Thighs

  1. 1
    Perform reverse lunges to tone your thighs. Your thinner thighs can become a reality thanks to lunges.[1] To do a reverse lunge, step 1 foot backward, then slowly bend both knees to lower your body toward the floor. Stop when your front knee is at a 90-degree angle, with your knee not going out past your toes. Slowly rise back to start to complete 1 rep.[2]
    • Do 1 set of 15 to 24 reps on each leg using just your body weight for resistance.[3] Perform lunges as part of your strength training workout 2-3 times per week.
    • Keep your core and upper body in a straight line at all times.
  2. 2
    Do squats to strengthen your lower body. Squats work multiple muscle groups to help you get the results you want. Spread your feet shoulder-width apart with your toes facing forward. Engage your core to keep your upper body straight, then sit back and slowly bend your knees to lower your body toward the floor. Stop when your elbows are at the same level as your knees and hold for 2–3 seconds. Slowly rise back to the start position to complete 1 rep.[4]
    • Do 2 sets of 15-24 reps each strength training workout with just your body weight for resistance.[5] Perform your strength training workout 2–3 days a week.
    • Keep your weight pressed through your heels.
    • You may not be able to go down all the way at first, and that’s okay. Stop if you feel any pain.
  3. 3
    Try wall sits to target your thigh muscles. Wall sits are fairly easy to do but really challenge your muscles. Stand up with your back against a wall, your feet shoulder-width apart, and your arms by your sides. Engage your core and thigh muscles, then bend your knees to slowly lower your body down the wall. Hold for up to 60 seconds before slowly sliding back up to your starting position.[6]
    • Do a total of 15 wall sits as part of a strength training workout 2 to 3 times per week. Use just your body weight for resistance.
    • You may notice a burning sensation in your thighs during this exercise. That’s totally normal! However, stop doing it if you feel pain.
  4. 4
    Perform inner thigh lifts to work your inner thigh muscles. If you’re worried about inner thigh jiggle, this is the perfect exercise for you! Lie down on your side on an exercise mat. Bend your lower arm at the elbow and prop up your upper body on your forearm. Extend your bottom leg out with the outside of your foot facing down. Bend your top leg at the knee and bring it forward over your lower leg. Engage your core, glutes, and thighs as you slowly raise your lower leg. Hold for 2–3 seconds, then lower it back to the floor to complete 1 rep.[7]
    • Do 3 sets of 15 reps on each leg during your strength training workout 2-3 times per week. Don't use any added resistance since you're not trying to bulk up your muscles.
    • You can lay down on your side instead of propping yourself up if that’s more comfortable for you.
  5. 5
    Do outer thigh lifts to challenge your outer thigh muscles. Firm up your outer thighs with this classic move. Start by lying down on your side on your exercise mat. Bend your lower arm below you and prop up your upper body on your forearm. Extend both your legs and stack your top leg on your bottom leg. Engage your core, glutes, and thighs as you lift your upper leg as high as you can. Hold for 1–2 seconds, then lower your leg back to start to complete 1 rep.[8]
    • Do 3 sets of 15 reps on each leg as part of your strength training workout 2–3 days per week. Don't add any resistance, like ankle weights or a resistance band. This might bulk up your muscles.
  6. 6
    Try scissor kicks to work both legs at the same time. Scissor kicks can be hard at first, but they’re a great exercise for your thigh muscles. Start by lying on your back on an exercise mat with your legs extended and your arms at your sides for support. Engage your core and glutes to raise your legs about 1 in (2.5 cm) off the floor. Then, alternate lifting and lowering your legs, but don’t let them touch the floor until your set is over.[9]
    • Do 2-3 sets of 30 scissor kicks (15 kicks with each leg) as part of your strength training workout 2–3 days per week. You don't need to add any extra resistance, since you're not trying to bulk up your muscles.
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Doing Cardio Exercise

  1. 1
    Do a HIIT workout if you want to do vigorous exercise. If you're short on time, go with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) so you can burn more calories in a shorter workout. During a HIIT workout, you'll alternate between exercising at your maximum effort and slowing down to recover. You can do HIIT with any type of cardio, such as running or cycling.[10]
    • For an easy option, follow along with a video workout.
    • If you want to choose your own cardio activity, set a time goal for your workout, like 15–20 minutes. After a 5 to 10 minute warm up, do cycles of hard exercise and recovery. If you're a beginner, you might run or cycle at top speed for 20 seconds, then jog or peddle slowly for 2 minutes to recover. Then, try doing 10 seconds of hard cardio and 20 seconds of rest. Work up to doing 20 seconds of challenging exercise with 10-second rest periods.
  2. 2
    Do at least 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous cardio weekly. Cardio exercise can help you get and maintain the body you want, so stick with it. According to the Mayo Clinic, dieting is most important for weight loss, but exercise is necessary to maintain a healthy weight. Choose a cardio workout you enjoy so it's easier to stick to your goals.[11]
    • For instance, you might do a 30-minute workout 5 days a week. If you do vigorous exercise, you may only need to do 15-minute workouts 5 days per week.
    • How many calories you'll burn depends on the type of exercise you're doing and your current weight. For instance, a person who is 160 lb (73 kg) will burn 314 calories while walking 3.5 mi (5.6 km) per hour for 1 hour, while they'd burn 423 calories swimming laps for 1 hour. If you want to eat more, try doing an extra workout to burn off the calories.[12]
    • You can use this calculator to estimate how many calories you burned: https://caloriecontrol.org/healthy-weight-tool-kit/get-moving-calculator/
    • Your workout is considered moderate intensity if you're breathing hard, can talk but not sing, and break a sweat after 10 minutes. Exercise is vigorous if you're breathing rapidly, can't say more than a few words at a time, and start sweating within a couple of minutes of beginning the workout.[13]
  3. 3
    Go for a brisk walk for an easy cardio workout. Put on some music or a podcast and enjoy a nice walk! Walking is a great option because it’s easy on your joints, you can do it anywhere, and it works your legs. Do your walks outside if you enjoy spending time in nature, or use a treadmill for a convenient indoor walk.[14]
    • It’s okay to break your walks into smaller blocks of time that add up to 30 minutes. For instance, you might do a 15-minute walk at lunch and a 15-minute walk after dinner.
    • You might get a pedometer, fitness tracker, or fitness app so you can track how many steps you take each day. Set a step goal to work toward, such as 10,000 steps per day.
  4. 4
    Incorporate stairs into your walking or running workout. Push yourself harder by adding some stairs to your workout, and you might see better results. Climbing stairs challenges your lower body muscles to give you a more effective workout. If you’re a runner, try running up and down the stairs as part of your workout. If you prefer walking, set a goal for how many flights of stairs you want to climb, then go up and down until you reach your goal.[15]
    • You might challenge yourself to walk or run up and down the stairs 20 times as part of your workout.
    • If you don't have stairs in your home, see if your local school has an open track. You can likely use the bleachers. As another option, you might visit a local mall or outdoor shopping center that has a staircase you can use.
    • If you're worried stair climbing will bulk up your thighs, do a mix of exercises to meet your cardio needs instead of relying on stair workouts.
  5. 5
    Perform a dance workout since it'll work your thighs. Dancing is both fun and burns lots of calories, so why not give it a try? Many dance moves incorporate your leg muscles, so dancing is a great cardio option when you’re trying to slim down your thighs. Take a class, follow a video dance workout, or turn on your favorite songs and let the music move you.[16]
    • Gyms usually offer dance classes, but you can also go to a dance studio.
    • You can find dance workouts online on sites like YouTube, as well as on fitness websites.
    • If you want to keep it simple, make an upbeat playlist and dance inside your home.
  6. 6
    Play recreational sports if you want a fun workout. Feel like a kid again while also meeting your fitness goals. Sports are a great way to burn calories and boost your fitness level. Look for a recreational sports team at your local community center or check the community board at your local park for flyers. You could also try playing a pick-up game with your friends or family members.[17]
    • For example, you might join a recreational soccer league.
    • You could also challenge a friend to a tennis match.
  7. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Losing Weight by Dieting

  1. 1
    Recognize that you can't lose weight in one area of your body. It’s totally normal to have areas of your body you want to change, so you’re not alone in wishing your thighs were smaller. Unfortunately, it’s not possible to target 1 area of your body for weight loss. However, you should notice positive changes to your body if you get regular exercise and eat well.[18]
    • Don’t give up just because you don’t see the results you want immediately. If you stick to your goals, you’ll eventually start to see results.
  2. 2
    Take in fewer calories than you burn so you can lose weight. Losing weight is tough, but it's totally doable! According to the Mayo Clinic, the best way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories than you burn.[19] Use an online calculator to find out how many calories you need every day. Then, track what you eat so you can make sure you’re consuming fewer calories.[20]
  3. 3
    Fill up on lean protein, vegetables, whole grains, and fruit. You don’t need to starve yourself to lose weight, so don't worry about going hungry. Instead, choose healthy foods that are low in calories and packed with nutrition. Lean meat, vegetables, and whole grains will keep you full and help you meet your nutritional needs. At snack time, reach for healthy options like fruit, vegetables, and nuts.[21]
    • For instance, you might eat oatmeal with cut-up banana for breakfast, salad with grilled chicken at lunch, apple with peanut butter for a snack, and grilled salmon with brown rice and steamed broccoli for dinner.
    • Stock up on foods that are low in calories. This might include things like salads, tuna, broth-based soup, and fresh vegetables. This way you can easily plan your diet on days you're busy.
  4. 4
    Limit processed foods and sweets because they contain empty calories. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying an occasional treat, but eating sweets and snack foods too often can hold you back from your healthy goals. These foods usually have high calories and little nutrients. Save them for a special occasion.[22]
    • Don’t ban foods that you love because that’s a recipe for disaster. Just eat them in moderation.
  5. 5
    Don't starve yourself for a quick fix. You might think that not eating will result in rapid weight loss, but this is very harmful to your health. When you don’t get energy from food, your body starts breaking down your tissues to get it—including your muscles. If you want real results, stick to healthy eating and follow a workout plan.[23]
    • Keep healthy snacks around in case you get hungry. Things like pickles, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, baby carrots, and rice cakes are very low in calories, so you can easily fit them into your calorie goals if you need something extra.
  6. Advertisement

How Do I Quickly Slim Down My Legs?

Sample Diet Tricks and Exercises to Get Thinner Thighs

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do I get thinner thighs?
    Julian Arana, M.S.eD., NCSF-CPT
    Julian Arana, M.S.eD., NCSF-CPT
    Certified Personal Trainer
    Julian Arana is a Personal Trainer and the Founder of B-Fit Training Studios, a personal training and wellness set of studios based in Miami, Florida. Julian has over 12 years of personal training and coaching experience. He is a certified personal trainer (CPT) by the National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF). He has a BS in Exercise Physiology from Florida International University and an MS in Exercise Physiology specializing in strength and conditioning from the University of Miami.
    Julian Arana, M.S.eD., NCSF-CPT
    Certified Personal Trainer
    Expert Answer
    While you can't spot train certain areas of your body, a good balance of cardio, strength training, and eating fewer calories will help you lose weight.
  • Question
    How do I slim down my muscular thighs?
    Michele Dolan
    Michele Dolan
    Certified Fitness Trainer
    Michele Dolan is a BCRPA certified Personal Trainer in British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002.
    Michele Dolan
    Certified Fitness Trainer
    Expert Answer
    In order to slim down muscular thighs, I recommend trying jogging for 30 minutes each day.
  • Question
    How do you get skinny in a day?
    Michele Dolan
    Michele Dolan
    Certified Fitness Trainer
    Michele Dolan is a BCRPA certified Personal Trainer in British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002.
    Michele Dolan
    Certified Fitness Trainer
    Expert Answer
    This is not achievable. Changes to your body shape take time and perseverance over weeks and months.



About This Article

Julian Arana, M.S.eD., NCSF-CPT
Co-authored by:
Certified Personal Trainer
This article was co-authored by Julian Arana, M.S.eD., NCSF-CPT and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA. Julian Arana is a Personal Trainer and the Founder of B-Fit Training Studios, a personal training and wellness set of studios based in Miami, Florida. Julian has over 12 years of personal training and coaching experience. He is a certified personal trainer (CPT) by the National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF). He has a BS in Exercise Physiology from Florida International University and an MS in Exercise Physiology specializing in strength and conditioning from the University of Miami. This article has been viewed 2,308,649 times.
7 votes - 54%
Co-authors: 110
Updated: September 30, 2022
Views: 2,308,649
Categories: Personal Fitness
Article SummaryX

To get thinner thighs, focus on exercises that tone your thighs and help you burn body fat overall. To strengthen and tone your thigh muscles, do exercises like reverse lunges, squats, and wall sits. Target your inner thigh muscles with inner thigh lifts and your outer thighs with outer thigh lifts. To slim down overall, do medium-intensity cardio exercise for at least 150 minutes per week, or high-intensity exercises for at least 75 minutes a week. Walking, jogging, dancing, and playing sports like soccer are all great ways to get cardio while strengthening your thigh muscles. Eat a healthy, balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. Talk to your doctor or a nutrition specialist about cutting calories from your diet in a healthy way. To learn about other lifestyle changes that can transform your thighs, read on.

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