Have you ever noticed large black flies somehow getting into your home at the end of summer? While they may look like house flies, you may be dealing with groups of cluster flies that somehow found a way in. Cluster flies get their name because they hibernate in large groups inside walls, and even though they’re harmless, they can still be a nuisance. Lucky for you, it’s pretty easy to get rid of cluster flies on your own! Keep reading for all of the best ways to quickly get rid of cluster flies in your house and prevent them from coming back.


Recognize cluster flies by golden hairs on their bodies.

  1. You’ll usually see large groups of cluster flies together. Cluster flies look like normal house flies, but they’re slightly larger and have wings that overlap over their abdomen. They usually fly a lot slower than standard house flies. If you look closely at the sides of their bodies and see crinkly golden hairs, then you know for sure you’re dealing with cluster flies.[1]
    • Older cluster flies may have rubbed their hairs off.
    • You may find clusters of dead flies near windows and lights as well.
    • The flies may also give off an odor that’s described as “buckwheat honey.”
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Vacuum flies when you see them.

  1. The flies move slowly, so they’re easy to suck up. Cluster flies typically fly aimlessly in circles near windows or other lights, so they’ll be easy to find. Once you find a group of cluster flies in your home, pull out the hose attachment for your vacuum and hoover them up. The flies won’t survive getting sucked through the vacuum, so just empty the bag or filter when you’re finished.[2]
    • Vacuuming quickly gets rid of flies you can see, but there may still be more in the walls or outside that haven’t come in yet.

Make a homemade vinegar fly trap.


Spray the flies with aerosol pesticides.

  1. Pesticides with pyrethroids kill cluster flies on contact. Choose a spray meant to control flying insects inside that contain pyrethroids or pyrethrin. Close any windows and doors in the room so the pesticides are the most effective. Point the aerosol in the air near the flies and spray the mist. The flies will quickly die so you can sweep them up and get rid of them.[7]
    • Indoor aerosol pesticides don’t have a residual effect, so they won’t prevent new flies from coming into your home.
    • Always read the safety label on pesticides you use and follow the instructions carefully.

Apply pesticide dust behind your walls.


Prevent flies from getting in with exterior pesticides.

About This Article

Joshua Bloom
Co-authored by:
Pest Control Specialist
This article was co-authored by Joshua Bloom and by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Joshua Bloom is a Pest Control Specialist and the Vice President of Operations of Standard Pest Management, a pest control company based in New York City. He has over 20 years of experience in the pest control industry and specializes in commercial and large facility pest control management. Standard Pest Control also specializes in ant, bed bug, cockroach, fly, and rodent control. Joshua is licensed by the NYSDEC (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation) for termite control. This article has been viewed 1,901 times.
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Co-authors: 3
Updated: July 14, 2022
Views: 1,901
Categories: Home Maintenance