A list of ideas for finding your lost TV remote

Have you lost your television remote? There's a good chance that it hasn't gone far from your couch or television! Look everywhere you can think of, and ask the other people in your household to see if they have any leads. Have you checked between the couch cushions?

Things You Should Know

  • Look in obvious places as well as non-obvious places, like the freezer and underneath coats, for your lost remote.
  • After you've exhausted looking for the remote around your house, ask anyone you live with if they've seen it.
  • As a preventative step, get a tracker for your remote if you're prone to losing it.

Retrace your steps.

  1. Think about where you've been. Perhaps you carried the remote out of the room, set it down while your mind was on something else, and accidentally left the remote in a strange place. Consider whether you might have left the remote somewhere en route to the bathroom, your bedroom, the kitchen, or the front door.
    • Check the fridge. If you had something to eat or drink during the past few hours, you might have left the remote in the fridge while grabbing your food.
    • Maybe you took a phone call recently, while you were watching television, and you set the remote down while you were on the phone. Perhaps you answered the door during your favorite show, carried the remote out of the room, and set it down in your entryway.
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Ask around.

  1. Ask other members of your household. If anyone else has used the remote recently, he or she might be able to give you a lead as to its location. Perhaps this person placed the remote in a spot where you don't normally leave it. Perhaps he or she absentmindedly left the device in a part of the house that you do not often visit. Even if you don't find the remote right away, asking someone else can help you decide where not to look. They can help find the controller.
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Specify a spot.

  1. Try designating a specific place to put the remote. Don't ever put the remote anywhere other than this place. It might be on the coffee table, next to the television, or in a dedicated "remote control holder" that is attached to your couch or table.
    • If you regularly lose the remote, consider buying a remote control holder so that you have a set place to put it.
    • Apply a Velcro strip to the back of the remote, then attach the matching "opposite" Velcro strip to the TV. Keep the remote firmly attached to the Velcro strip on the TV when not in use.
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Buy a replacement.


Use a tracker.

  1. Attach a tracker to your remote. Several companies now sell small, relatively inexpensive tracking devices that link up to a smartphone app, like Tile or AirTag.[3] Clip the tracker to your television remote in case you ever lose it again. You can set your smartphone to beep when the remote is nearby or the tag itself will beep until you find it. Some apps will even try to find your remote when it is far from you.

Community Q&A

  • Question
    What should I do if a toddler hid the television remote?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If the child is too young to speak or show you where the remote is hidden, look around the places the toddler has been and can reach.
  • Question
    What should I do if my little sister won't tell me where the remote is, and no one else has seen it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Well, you could try a bribe, but the most effective method may be to get your parents involved. Adults have a way of getting information kids don't have the power to.
  • Question
    How do I find a remote that someone hid?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try asking the person where they hid it. This might involve bribing them, ie: if they tell you where the remote is, you will buy them ice cream. If they don't tell you, then you will have to search for the remote. Consider the person's height while doing this: a child won't be able to hide a remote in the top kitchen cabinet because they won't be able to reach it.


  • You may have to buy a new one if you can't find it. Look for one that matches any TV, or buy a universal remote until you find your lost one.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 78 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 449,289 times.
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Co-authors: 78
Updated: March 17, 2023
Views: 449,289
Article SummaryX

To find a lost TV remote, try retracing your steps around the house to see if you left it somewhere else. For example, if you went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, you might have left the remote on the counter or even placed it in the fridge! Check in hidden places, like under couch cushions or behind and under the furniture. Lift up any items that might be hiding the remote, like blankets or clothes. If you still can't find your remote, ask a friend or family member to help you look, and try to make a game out of it. You might agree that whoever finds the remote first gets to choose what to watch! Read on for tips on asking your family members and housemates if they've seen the remote!

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