Need help sewing something? Whether you're sewing by hand or working with a sewing machine, wikiHow’s Sewing category has got you covered. Our easy-to-follow articles can help you learn how to sew garments, like scarves, jackets, and leggings, as well as other fabric projects like oven mitts, valences and more!
Featured Articles

Hem a Dress by Hand

Make a Bean Bag
Articles about Sewing

Measure Your Waist

Hem a Dress by Hand

Sew Pants Pockets

Sew Elastic

Sew a Suit

Sew Jacket Lining

Sew a Hook and Eye

Sew a Jacket

Make a Cloak

Put Eyelets in Fabric

Make a Bean Bag

Sew Webbing

Use a Serger

Sew Velcro by Hand

Sew Suspender Buttons

Make a Bed Skirt

Make a Fanny Pack

Cut a Dress Pattern

Sew a Lining in a Bag

Make Harem Pants

Sew Leggings

Sew Robes

Sew Box Corners

Sew a Scarf

Top Stitch

Sew Spandex

Sew a Medical Mask

Sew Stretchy Fabric

Sew Fake Leather

Make a Chair Cover