To build your delts, you’ll want to add exercises to your workout program that activate all 3 parts of the deltoid muscle, which are the anterior deltoid (front delts), the lateral deltoid (side delts), and the posterior deltoid (rear delts). You’ll see the best results if you follow the proper form and technique for each exercise. Building your delts can be a slow process, but if you keep at it, you’ll start to see results sooner than you thought possible.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Activating Your Front Delts

  1. 1
    Work out your front delts by doing overhead dumbbell presses. The overhead press is the most effective exercise at activating your front delts. To do this exercise, grab onto a dumbbell in each hand. Bring the dumbbells to their starting position on either side of your head. Then, raise the dumbbells over your head until your arms are fully extended. Finish by lowering the dumbbells slowly to their starting position.[1]
    • You can do either a seated or a standing dumbbell press to build your front delts.
    • An overhead press with barbells will also activate your front delts, but it is less effective at doing so than a dumbbell press.
    • An overhead dumbbell press will also activate your rear and side delts, but to a lesser extent than your front delts.
  2. 2
    Add an inclined bench press to your workout routine. To do a chest press, set an incline bench so that it is an angle of at least 28 degrees. Lie down with your back on the bench. Start with a pair of dumbbells at your chest and then extend your arms up into the air until they’re fully extended.[2]
    • Push-ups are also good exercises to do to activate your front delts, but aren’t quite as effective as chest and overhead presses.
  3. 3
    Do a goalpost stretch to loosen tight front delts. The front delts have a tendency to get tight, leading to potential injury when you exercise. To loosen them up, try doing goalpost stretches. To do this, sit or stand while holding a yoga strap or jump rope. Then:[3]
    • Hold the strap in both hands and hold your arms straight out in front of you at shoulder height with your palms down and hands about shoulder-width apart.
    • Lift the strap over your head as you inhale, and then exhale as you slowly lower your elbows until you have made a “goalpost” shape with your arms on either side of your head.
    • Straighten your arms again and slowly return them to the starting position. Repeat this stretch 3-5 times.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Building Your Rear Delts

  1. 1
    Do face pulls with a rope attachment to work your rear delts. Set the rope attachment on a cable machine to chest level. Hold the rope attachment so that your hands are above the handles. Then, keeping your back straight, pull the rope toward your face. Pull the rope apart as you’re pulling it to your face. After the rope reaches your face, slowly return it to its starting position and repeat.[4]
    • When you pull the rope back, assume a double bicep pose, as if you’re showing off your biceps in a body-building competition.
    • If you don’t have access to a cable machine with a rope attachment, you can use a resistance band for this exercise.
  2. 2
    Shape your rear delts with rear lateral raises. Start in a bent over position. Position your upper body so that it is just above parallel to the ground. Then, grab a dumbbell off the ground with one hand. Raise your arm as if you were spreading a wing until your arm is level with your shoulder. Finish by slowly lowering the weight at the same speed at which you pulled it up.[5]
    • You can also use a cable machine for this exercise.
  3. 3
    Activate your rear delts with reverse flyes at a reverse pec deck machine. Sit on the machine’s seat so that you are facing the machine. Position the seat’s height so that the machine’s handles are level with your shoulders, and adjust the machine arms so that you can reach the handles with your arms fully outstretched in front of you. Then, grasp the handles with your palms facing one another, and pull the handles back until your arms are spread out to your sides. Return the handles to their starting position in a slow and controlled movement.
    • Keep your feet flat on the ground as you do this exercise.
    • Exhale when you pull the weight and breathe in as you return the weight to its starting position.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Focusing on Your Side Delts

  1. 1
    Do lateral raises with dumbbells to build your side delts. Stand and grab a dumbbell with each hand. Then, slowly raise your arms up to shoulder level. Bring your arms down in a slow and controlled movement. Don’t let gravity do the work of lowering the weights for you!
    • Use moderate weights for this exercise. If you use heavier weights, you’ll put a lot of stress on your shoulder joints, which may lead to an injury.
  2. 2
    Use a cable machine to do lateral raises. Doing standing lateral raises with a cable machine will work your side delts just as well as if you use dumbbells. To use a cable machine for this exercise, stand with your side next to the cable machine, grab onto the handle with the hand furthest from the machine, and slowly raise your outstretched arm to shoulder level. Then, lower your arm in a slow and controlled movement to the starting position.[6]
    • When you’re doing lateral raises, keep the back of your hand even with your arm.
    • Don’t lift your arm above your shoulders.
    • Try to keep your elbow in line with your upper arm throughout the movement.
    • Using a cable machine instead of dumbbells to do lateral raises will put less stress on your shoulder joints and give you more consistent tension throughout the movement.
  3. 3
    Try doing upright rows with dumbbells or a rope attachment. To do this exercise, stand up with a dumbbell in each hand. Then slowly pull the weights up until your hands are level with your chest. Finish by lowering the weights in a slow and controlled movement.[7]
    • Make sure not to raise your elbows above your shoulders when doing this exercise. Doing so will put undue stress on your shoulder joints.
    • Keep your hands outside of your shoulders when doing this exercise.
    • Avoid using a straight bar to do your upright rows. Doing so can force your wrists into an unnatural position, which, over time, can lead to injury.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Developing a Workout Plan

  1. 1
    Perform an isolated shoulder workout about 2 times per week. A consistent shoulder workout schedule is key if you want to build your delts. Doing a specialized workout focusing on your delts 2 times a week will allow you to make steady progress without putting too much strain on your shoulders.[8]
    • If you’re just starting to workout, doing a dedicated shoulder workout 1 time a week should be sufficient.
  2. 2
    Do 8 – 12 reps per shoulder exercise. If you’re just starting to work out, start by doing 8 reps per exercise to avoid putting too much strain on your delts and shoulder joints. If you decide to add reps to an exercise, do so gradually.[9]
    • An example workout may include 1 set of 8 – 12 reps for your rear delts, 1 set for your front delts, and 1 for your side delts per workout.
    • Talk to a trainer at a gym to develop a workout plan best suited for your strength, experience level, and goals.
  3. 3
    Aim to do 30 – 60 reps of isolated shoulder exercises per week. The number of reps you decide to do will depend on your fitness goals and weight-lifting experience. Try to spread the reps evenly between exercises designed to activate your front, rear, and side delts.[10]
    • The exercises you do to build other muscles will also activate your delts, so you don’t need to do too many isolated shoulder exercises to build your delts.
  4. 4
    Use slow and controlled movements when lifting weights. Slow and controlled movements will put constant tension on your delts, which will optimize the process of building muscle. Try to avoid relying on the momentum of the weights, and be especially careful not to let gravity help you when you lower the weights.[11]
    • A good rule of thumb is to lower weights at the same speed at which you raised them.
  5. 5
    Avoid lifting too much weight to minimize stress on your shoulder joints. How much weight you lift for a specific exercise will depend on your strength and weight-lifting experience. Choose a weight that you can lift for 8 – 12 reps, using slow and controlled movements.[12]
    • If you’ve selected a proper weight, you should struggle slightly to finish the last rep of a set.
    • If you decide to add weight to an exercise, do so gradually.
  6. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    What kind of exercises help you strengthen your delts?
    Dean Theriot
    Dean Theriot
    Personal Trainer
    Dean Theriot is a Personal Trainer and the Owner of Timberline Fitness in Houston, Texas. With over 25 years of experience in the fitness industry, Dean specializes in personal, group, and sport-specific training. Dean holds a BS in Exercise Physiology from LSU. Dean combines resistance and cardiovascular training with pilates exercises for comprehensive workouts for his clients. His sport-specific training includes football, basketball, and baseball.
    Dean Theriot
    Personal Trainer
    Expert Answer
    Try doing dumbbell overhead presses, dumbbell side raises, barbell upright rows, front raises, and posterior raises.

About This Article

Dean Theriot
Co-authored by:
Personal Trainer
This article was co-authored by Dean Theriot. Dean Theriot is a Personal Trainer and the Owner of Timberline Fitness in Houston, Texas. With over 25 years of experience in the fitness industry, Dean specializes in personal, group, and sport-specific training. Dean holds a BS in Exercise Physiology from LSU. Dean combines resistance and cardiovascular training with pilates exercises for comprehensive workouts for his clients. His sport-specific training includes football, basketball, and baseball. This article has been viewed 19,969 times.
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Co-authors: 3
Updated: January 14, 2021
Views: 19,969