Lesbian erotica can be a beautiful thing, and there are a few simple steps to follow to learn how to do it properly.


  1. 1
    Create your characters. Brainstorm your characters' physical traits, personalities, and backgrounds by using your favorite creative writing technique such as free writing, mind mapping, or character questions. Determine the sexuality and gender identity of your characters as well as any information about their sexual history and preferences that might be useful in building your story. If you are writing a novel, of course, you will need to do a more thorough brainstorm than for a short story. Either way, though, the first step to creating a good story is developing round, believable characters. Asking yourself questions about the characters can also help you develop the plot if you are looking for something to make your story or novel unique.[1]
    • The average audience is more interested in hearing about characters that are different from the standard ones.[2]
    • They want more diversity or variety. You can look at the existing stereotypes and twist them for diversity.[3]
    • For example, Captain Holt in Brooklyn 99 is a black man who is also gay. He is not like any black or gay stereotypes that you can imagine. He is the exact opposite.[4]
  2. 2
    Make you characters actual people with real lives. Flat characters never go far, but when it comes to crafting convincing and interesting character relationships in erotica, you truly have your job cut out for you. While charming characters provide for excellent romance and passionate love, they aren't enough to keep the plot moving forward. Consider the aspects that you find most entertaining, and then come up with a list: Characters who employ amusing dialogue, have a good sense of humor, and make fascinating decisions appeal to readers. What kinds of hobbies, beliefs, or interests could you use to assist develop your characters and offer them something in common?[5]
  3. 3
    Research sexuality. This goes for queer and straight authors alike. Every lesbian does not have an identical sexuality or gender identity. Use the internet or print resources to read up on (female) anatomy and sexual response, sexual practices, and LGBTQ communities. If you are writing about a subculture, research the specific subculture's customs and practices as well. [6]
  4. 4
    Understand that it's not all about sex. While sex plays an important role in erotica, it is secondary to the character and story development. A skilled erotica writer understands that, no matter how fantastic the sex is, a good, solid story is still required to keep a reader's attention.[7]
  5. 5
    Make sure you understand your target market and brand your work correctly. Are you targeting readers who enjoy erotica or other sub genres? If you aim to appeal to erotic romance readers, make sure romance is a big aspect of your plot and that you're clear about your sub genres. If your narrative has specific elements, or if you're combining audience-specific sub genres like horror, fantasy, or science fiction, make sure to mention them in your marketing. These types of surprises do not go down well with readers. [8]
  6. 6
    Take risks and don't be afraid to fail.  A classic sex scene can only be written in so many ways before it becomes boring. Make the most of your sub genres. What can you use about your characters or their circumstances to make your erotica stand out? What boundaries can you push without going overboard? [9]
  7. 7
    Don't forget about the foreplay and build-up in the story. It's just as crucial to generate sexual tension as it is to make sure your characters don't go right into the act of lovemaking. Foreplay enhances the sexual tension you've previously established between your characters, making the "climactic" release all the more rewarding. [10]
  8. 8
    Use varied description. Especially in a longer piece, watch out for repetitive scenes. Describe different sex acts and vary elements of the setting, emotional content, or dialogue to keep the plot moving. When you're writing backstory, be thorough and consistent to the point-of-view you've established. Rich detail will enhance your story. [11]
  9. 9
    Edit and proofread. As with any other story or novel, it is important to edit yourself, and if possible, ask someone else for suggestions. Edit the content of your writing and then proofread for spelling, grammar, and style. [12]
  10. 10
    Share your work. Look for online forums, websites, e-book publishers, and traditional erotica publishers if you want to publish your work online. If you want to submit to a traditional publisher, study the submission rules thoroughly and figure out which publishers are best for your genre. Erotic anthologies and erotic novel publishers are usually extremely explicit about what they're seeking for right now, and reading carefully can save you money on submission fees. [13]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What are some tips for me to write the best lesbian fiction?
    Top Answerer
    Enhance your dialogue. Avoid adding excessive or unnecessary details. Keep in mind that often in sexual scenes, less is more. Try to keep the sex scenes somewhat realistic, and when writing a sex scene, use all five senses.


  • Try to avoid using homophobic slurs in you story. This can be offensive to your audience.

About This Article

Lucy V. Hay
Co-authored by:
Professional Writer
This article was co-authored by Lucy V. Hay. Lucy V. Hay is an author, script editor and blogger who helps other writers through writing workshops, courses, and her blog Bang2Write. Lucy is the producer of two British thrillers and her debut crime novel, The Other Twin, is currently being adapted for the screen by Free@Last TV, makers of the Emmy-nominated Agatha Raisin. This article has been viewed 25,175 times.
3 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 14
Updated: June 9, 2022
Views: 25,175
Categories: LGBT | Writing