Answering the age-old question: Does height matter?

As you’re swiping through dating apps or scrolling through social media, you might notice a lot of women with profiles that have a height requirement: “6’0 or over preferred,” “No guys under 5’11.” While guys of any height can be attractive, it certainly feels like most women only want tall men—why is that? These reasons certainly don’t apply to all women, but there are some explanations as to why women tend to go for taller partners. Keep reading to learn why this stereotype happens so often.

Things You Should Know

  • Some women prefer tall guys because the height difference makes them feel protected and safe.
  • Women often prefer tall guys because they’re portrayed as masculine in the media.
  • Tall women will often go after tall guys because they feel comfortable when their partner is similar to them.
  • A lot of tall guys prefer short girls, so they tend to seek each other out.

Tall men tend to seek out short women.

  1. Since more tall men like short girls, the reverse is also true. It just makes sense: if all the tall men are constantly seeking out short women, then short women are going to start seeking out tall men, too. Guys tend to go after short girls because they make them feel taller, which can boost a guy’s confidence.[3]
    • Not all tall guys go after short girls, though. Have you ever seen a couple with a super tall guy and a super tall girl? Some studies suggest that we tend to seek out partners who are around the same height as us because we feel comfortable when our partner is similar to us.
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They’re seen as more masculine.


Tall men are portrayed more in the media.

  1. Most actors in movies and TV shows are taller than average. Think of your favorite male movie star: is he a tall guy? Most men on screen are taller than their romantic counterparts. Since this portrayal is in the background of our minds, women often go after tall men to emulate what they see on TV.[5]
    • Even short guys in the media will use lifts or stand on boxes to appear taller on screen. Ever seen Tom Cruise in real life? He’s only 5’7”, but you’d never know it from his on-screen portrayals!
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The height difference is socially accepted.

  1. Society tends to expect women to find a guy who’s taller than them. While it’s absolutely fine if couples are varying in height, many women find it easier to date tall men. That way, the general population will accept them without question, and they won’t face any judgment.[6]
    • Of course, there are lots of women who don’t care about what society thinks, and will just pursue the guy that they like the most.

Tall men are generally sporty and fit.

  1. Many women are attracted to active guys who play sports. While certainly not all tall guys exercise or work out, a lot of them do. Lots of women are attracted to men who are active and stay in shape, which tends to be true for a lot of tall guys.[7]
    • This is especially true for women who are particularly active themselves. They probably want to find a partner who can keep up with their sporty lifestyle.
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They look good in photos.

  1. Tall guys and short women tend to complement each other in photo opps. Ever heard someone say, “They’re a good-looking couple”? With social media so prevalent in all of our lives, it’s no secret that some women are thinking about how their new man will look next to them on Instagram or Facebook. Many people think that tall guys look good in pics, which could be a contributing factor in their attraction.[8]

Tall men can make women feel more feminine.

  1. Traditionally masculine men make women feel girly. While not all women want to feel feminine in their daily lives, a lot of women like tall men because it emphasizes their own femininity. If you know a super girly girl who’s exclusively into tall guys, that might be the reason why.[9]
    • Again, this dives a little bit into a sexist stereotype—not all couples subscribe to traditional gender roles.
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They’re great at cuddling.

  1. Tall guys are often said to be great snugglers. Cuddling is a big part of most relationships, and a lot of women like to feel held while they drift off to sleep. Many people believe that tall guys are better at cuddling because they can wrap their partners up with their bodies.[10]
    • That’s not to say that short guys can’t be great at cuddling, too! Height matters even less when you’re laying down or snuggling on the couch together.

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Co-authors: 3
Updated: March 22, 2023
Views: 981
Categories: Romance