The most hilarious "what if" questions to get to know your loved ones better
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wikiHow Staff
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Want to liven up a dull situation? Ask a silly “what if” question to make everyone smile! Even if you think you know someone inside-out, “what if’s” build even deeper connections with your loved ones. If you need some inspiration, here are 60+ funny “what if” questions guaranteed to make your friends, family, and co-workers giggle via text or in person.
Things You Should Know
- The funniest “what if” questions involve changing history or living in a fictional world, so have fun creating weird, wacky scenarios to make everyone laugh.
- Remember not to take yourself too seriously; “what if’s” are a fun way to lighten the mood and keep people entertained.
- After your initial “what if” question, ask the other person to elaborate their answer to get to know them better.
Section 1 of 3:
For Adults
1What if you could live in any fictional world? Which would you choose and why?
2What if you could time travel to any period? What year would you travel to and why?Advertisement
3What if you could un-invent something? What item would you choose and why?
4What if you could eliminate one word from existence? What would it be and why?
5What if you could have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life? What would you choose and why?
6What if you could only listen to one artist for the rest of your life? Who would you pick and why?
7What if you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life? What movie would you watch and why?
8What if you got to guest star on any TV show? What show would you pick and why?
9What if you had to room with 5 fictional characters? Who would they be and why?
10What if you could rename one inanimate object? What would you name it and why?
11What if you could make a kid’s TV show? What would it be about?
12What if you could make a band with any 5 solo artists, dead or alive? Who would they be and why?
13What if you could eliminate one historical event? Which would you choose and why?
14What if you were reborn 100 years ago? What would your occupation be?
15What if you were president of the US for one day? What would you do?
16What if social media didn’t exist? How would things be different?
17What if you woke up one morning and your legs were hot dogs? How would you travel around?
18What if you woke up tomorrow and your entire life was a dream? What would you do?
19What if someone followed you around and narrated your life? Who would you want it to be?
20What if you could only see one color? What color would you choose and why?
21What if you could travel to Mars? Would you go?
Section 2 of 3:
For Couples
1What if we could move to any country? Which would you choose and why?
2What if we had our own reality show? What would it be called?
3What if we made up our own language? How would we greet each other?
4What if you could build your dream home? What would it look like?
5What if we replaced the lead characters in a movie? Who would we be and why?
6What if you could relive any memory? Which memory would you choose and why?
7What if you found out a loved one committed a terrible crime? What would you do?
8What if you had the ability to change one thing about your life? What would you change and why?
9What if we lived in the Stone Age? Do you think we could survive?
10What if you could stop time for one year? What would you do and why?
11What if we had met earlier? How would things be different?
12What if we could throw a party with an unlimited budget? What would it look like?
13What if we could only watch one streaming service for the rest of our lives? Which service would you choose and why?
14What if I bought a pet without asking you? How would you react?
15What if you could date any celebrity? Who would it be?
16What if we had to switch jobs for a day? How would we manage?
17What if we could only have 10 kids or no kids? Which would you choose and why?
18What if we went on your dream date? What would it look like?
19What if we hosted a comedy roast? What would you say about me?
20What if your 10-year-old self wrote your dating profile? What would it say?
Section 3 of 3:
For Kids
1What if your parents said yes to everything for one day? What would you do?
2What if your favorite video game didn’t exist? What would you do in your free time instead?
3What if the floor was lava? How would you get from place to place?
4What if homework didn’t exist? What would you do if you had more free time?
5What if anything you drew came to life? What would you draw?
6What if you were the only person in the world? What would you do?
7What if you were a mad scientist? What would you invent and why?
8What if you woke up as an animal? What animal would you be and why?
9What if everything you touched turned to chocolate? What would you do and why?
10What if you could get rid of one vegetable forever? What would you choose?
11What if aliens invaded Earth? What would you do?
12What if you could have any superpower? Which power would you want?
13What if you won $1,000,000? What would you do with the money?
14What if you could meet any famous person? Who would you meet and why?
15What if it rained food? What food would you want it to be?
16What if you found a genie in a bottle? What 3 wishes would you ask?
17What if all of your toys could talk? What would you say to them?
18What if you were an adult for a day? What would you do?
19What if you could live in space or underwater? Which would you choose and why?
20What if you could fly? Where would you go?
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About This Article

Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards.
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Co-authors: 4
Updated: January 18, 2023
Views: 739
Categories: Boredom Busters