Purchasing a vanilla bean is the ultimate cooking luxury. Mexican, Tahitian, and Madagascar Bourbon beans are soft, shiny, and oily, with a rich flavor that infuses any baking or cooking. You can use the seeds in the vanilla bean pod in baking or as natural flavoring in your food.[1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Baking with the Vanilla Bean

  1. 1
    Split the pod if you want to use the seeds. If you are planning to use the vanilla bean in a batter for a cake or for a batch of cookies, you will need to open the vanilla bean pod and remove the seeds. You will then add the seeds to the batter to infuse it with a natural vanilla flavor.
    • To split the pod, lay the vanilla bean pod on top of a clean, dry cutting board. Turn the hooked end of the vanilla bean to the top of the board. Hold the top of the vanilla bean with your non-dominant hand and a sharp paring knife with your dominant hand.
    • Split the pod with a long, vertical stroke through the middle of the bean. Cut only into the center of the pod, not through it completely. You want access to the tiny, dense seeds in the middle. Go slowly. If the knife slips in your hand against the bean, realign your knife with your previous cut and continue cutting the bean.
  2. 2
    Scrape out the seeds. Peel the two sides of the vanilla bean outward with the side of the blade. Don’t use the sharp end, since you don’t want to cut the vanilla bean further.[2]
    • Use the side of the knife or a small spoon to dig out the seeds. Dig the seeds out of the pod by running the spoon or the knife down the inside of one side of the pod.
    • You should open the vanilla bean right before you plan to use them in cooking or baking. Keep in mind one vanilla bean is equal to three teaspoons vanilla extract. If you only need half that amount, you would only cut halfway down the bean, exposing only half of the seeds.
    • A table of conversions for vanilla bean can be found online.
  3. 3
    Add the seeds to a baking recipe. If you have a recipe for a cake, cookies, or a pie that require vanilla extract, you can use the vanilla seeds instead. Add the vanilla when you cream the butter in the recipe as this will ensure the seeds are well incorporated into the batter.
    • You can also ensure the seeds are evenly distributed in your batter by taking a small amount of the batter and using a spoon or your hands to smush the seeds into the batter. Then, fold the batter with the seeds into the rest of the batter.[3]
    • A list of cakes, cookies, and pies that use vanilla bean can be found online.[4]
  4. 4
    Create a vanilla infused sugar. You can also rub the vanilla seeds into white sugar, infusing the sugar with vanilla. Rubbing the vanilla into the sugar will release the aroma of the vanilla and infuse the sugar with a natural vanilla taste. The sugar can then be used when sugar is required in a recipe.[5]
    • Use the vanilla infused sugar in cookies like vanilla bean sables or vanilla shortbread.
  5. 5
    Make your own vanilla extract for baking. Rather than spend a lot of money on vanilla extract at the store, make your own by saving the split vanilla pods and using them to make vanilla extract at home. This is a time based process, so if you know you are going to need vanilla extract for baking you make the extract at least one to two months ahead of time.[6]
    • Place three to four split vanilla pods lengthwise in a clean, glass container. Add a pint of high quality vodka, rum, or bourbon to the container and seal the container. Let the container sit in a cool, dark place for one month if you are using rum and three to four months if you are using vodka. Shake the jar periodically to move around the flavors in the container. The richness of the extract will depend on how long you let the pods soak in the alcohol.
    • Use Grade B vanilla beans to make vanilla extract. You can use Grade A beans as well but they will be more expensive.[7]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Flavoring with the Vanilla Bean

  1. 1
    Add a vanilla pod to a quart of milk. If you would like to use a vanilla bean in baking recipes that contain milk, you can add the vanilla pod to a quart of milk and heat up the milk in a saucepan over medium high heat. You can also use the vanilla pod in puddings, custards, and other milk based recipes.[8]
    • Another option is to throw the vanilla bean seeds and the split vanilla bean pods into the pot of milk for an extra kick of vanilla. You may want to try the milk after a few minutes of boiling to ensure the vanilla flavor is present in the milk but not overpowering.
  2. 2
    Place a vanilla bean in your sugar bowl. Give your sugar a vanilla flavor by adding split vanilla beans or whole vanilla beans to your sugar bowl or sugar shaker. The vanilla bean will give off a natural flavor and infuse the sugar so you have vanilla flavored sugar. You can then use the sugar in your morning coffee or in baked goods.[9]
  3. 3
    Put dried vanilla in your coffee beans. If you’d like to infuse your coffee with a natural vanilla flavor, you can place dried vanilla in your bag of coffee beans. You can use vanilla seeds or vanilla pods, laying them in your coffee beans overnight or for several weeks. Over time, the coffee beans will become infused with the vanilla.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Storing the Vanilla Bean

  1. 1
    Wrap the bean in foil and store it in a cool, dark place. Vanilla beans are susceptible to air and can dry out if they are left unwrapped. To prevent the vanilla bean from becoming brittle, you should wrap the bean in tin foil and seal it in a zip-lock bag. You can then store it in a cool, dark spot in your kitchen.[10]
    • Do not store vanilla bean in your refrigerator or your freezer, as these spots are too cold for the bean and can in fact dry it out. Instead, look for a spot in a low cupboard to store the bean.
    • Vanilla beans that are stored properly will last for several weeks.[11]
  2. 2
    Plump up dried out beans with boiling water. If your vanilla bean starts to dry out or appear brittle, you can revive it by immersing it in a pot of boiling water for several minutes. This should help to plump up the beans and bring it back to its original shape and texture.[12]
  3. 3
    Use fresh vanilla beans within two to three weeks. If you are planning to use fresh vanilla bean seeds for baking or cooking, you should aim to use up the vanilla beans within two to three weeks. After this time, the beans will start to dry out, even if they are stored properly in a cool, dark place.[13]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    If I want to make iced coffee with this, should I add while the coffee is hot or once it has cooled?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Add while coffee is hot to infuse the coffee with a vanilla taste; it may not completely dissolve if coffee is cooled.
  • Question
    Do I heat the whole vanilla bean or split it? If I use the whole bean, does it dissolve?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can use the whole vanilla bean, but it won't dissolve. The oils will infuse into the milk, but the bean will remain whole for you to pull out afterward. You can split it and use just the inside pulp. You just make a slit down the middle of the bean and scrape out the bean with the back of the knife.
  • Question
    Can I just put a piece of a vanilla bean into my cup of coffee?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can, but you'd probably be best to just split it and scrape out the seed, which provide most of the flavor.

Things You'll Need

  • Paring knife
  • Cutting board
  • Spoon
  • Thumbtack
  • Container
  • Alcohol
  • Strainer
  • Coffee grinder
  • Saucepan
  • Milk
  • Sugar

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4 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: November 13, 2022
Views: 45,208
Categories: Basic Cooking Skills
Article SummaryX

To use a vanilla bean, try removing the seeds and using them as a substitute for vanilla extract in a recipe. To remove the seeds, start by splitting the vanilla bean in half lengthwise by cutting through the center of it with a knife, making sure you don't cut all the way through the bean. Then, peel the 2 halves outward, and use a knife or spoon to scrape out the small beans inside. Finally, add the beans to your recipe right before you beat or cream the ingredients. To learn how to make your own vanilla extract using a vanilla bean, scroll down!

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