Open your eyes to the universe’s message about your not-so-distant twin flame

You haven’t seen or heard from your twin flame in a long time, but all of a sudden you feel like they’re in the room with you. Maybe you haven’t even met your twin flame yet, but your gut is telling you that something or someone is on their way to change your life for the better. While there's no scientific evidence to back it up, the twin flame connection—the bond between you and another person whose soul and life path reflect and intertwine with yours—is so strong that you can feel them coming, even after you’ve been separated over long distances and times. In this article, we’ll show you all the signs, symbols, and feelings to look out for that hint at your inevitable reunion (or first meeting if you haven’t crossed paths yet). Let’s take a look!

Things You Should Know

  • Note any frequent dreams or constant thoughts about your twin flame. These are strong indicators that they’re making their way back into your life.
  • Look for repeating twin flame angel numbers like 1111 or 777, as well as other spiritual symbols or small reminders of your twin flame.
  • Visit a trained, reputable psychic to confirm your suspicions of a twin flame reunion (or first meeting).

Dreams of your twin flame

  1. Dreaming about your reunion means your connection is strengthening. If you find yourself dreaming about old times together, seeing certain objects or places that remind you of them or picturing your reunion, rest assured that you’re due for a meeting. Maybe you even feel like you’re “sharing a dream” with your twin flame—this could be a sign that your spiritual, telepathic connection is strengthening before you reunite.[1]
    • Dreams are windows into your subconscious, so a nighttime vision of your twin flame could be your spirit hinting that it’s time to reconnect.
    • Your dreams reveal abstract, spiritual signs of reunion that you didn’t notice during the day, like seeing triple angel numbers.
    • If you don’t know your twin flame, you might only dream about warm feelings or a mysterious person to you feel a connection.
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Constant thoughts of your twin flame

  1. Thinking about your twin flame is the universe prepping for a reunion. You might notice you keep spacing out and reminiscing about them, even if you haven’t seen or heard from each other in a long time. This is the universe bringing you together—one of you may have a need for the other, or it might just be divine timing bringing you together at the right moment for spiritual growth.[2]
    • Your twin flame might also appear during meditation when your mind is allowed to wander. This is another indicator your reunion is coming soon.
    • You’re energetically linked to your twin flame, so your reunion is likely to be preceded by thoughts of them.

Urges to visit a specific place

  1. The spot you’re drawn to could be where you’ll find your twin flame. Maybe you keep thinking about going to a coffee shop you used to visit with your twin flame, or driving through the neighborhood you both used to live in. Maybe you just feel the need to check out a new shop downtown.[3]
    • Note the time you feel these urges. Constantly thinking about a diner your twin flame enjoys around noon each day could be a sign to break your routine and go there for lunch (to possibly find your twin flame!).
    • You might not reunite with your twin flame in these exact places, but having them on your mind is a strong indicator that they’ll re-enter your life soon.
    • If you haven’t met your twin flame yet, these pulls to places could be a sign you’ll bump into them for the first time there.
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Frequent synchronicities

  1. The universe hints that your twin flame is near through "coincidences." For example, maybe your twin flame just had their 29th birthday, and now the number 29 is appearing everywhere you look. Or perhaps you had a dream about your favorite park, then drove past it without meaning to the next day. When these incidents become more and more frequent, your twin flame is near.[6]
    • A synchronicity is the occurrence of events that seem significantly related but don’t have a logical or causal connection.
    • Trust your intuition when you notice these coincidences. If it tells you there’s a deeper meaning to these synchronicities, believe it!

Feeling another person’s presence

  1. Sensing familiar energy when you alone foreshadow a reunion. You may feel a familiar warmth or other sensations in your head, chest, or body that makes you feel like you’re not by yourself in the world anymore. Twin flames are connected by a spiritual bond that transcends the physical plane, and this feeling could be the universe strengthening your connection to prepare for a first meeting or reunion.[7]
    • Your body often recognizes the upcoming twin flame reunion sooner than your conscious mind does.
    • These bodily sensations can feel different for everyone. Listen to your body closely, since it will give you signs that you’re about to meet someone important.
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Twin flame angel numbers

  1. Angel numbers reassure you you’re on the path to reunion and peace. You might see certain numbers all over, especially repeating ones like 1111. These numbers (sent by your guardian angels or the universe) can show up anywhere—clocks, license plates, phone numbers, receipts, you name it. If you feel intuitively connected to any of these numbers, they could be nudges toward your twin flame.[8]
    • When you see twin flame angel numbers, note what you were doing or thinking at the time. It’s probably related to how you’ll reunite with them.
    • Angel numbers provide reassurance that you’re on the right path in life. While each number has a special meaning, they’re all positive omens.
    • The most popular angel numbers for twin flame reunions include 1111, 717, 777, 333, 9696, and 1212.

Spiritual symbols

  1. Spotting meaningful signs is a definite sign your reunion is coming. The universe might show you infinity signs, zodiac symbols, or other icons you find important or that remind you of your twin flame. You’ll start to see these more and more frequently as your reunion approaches. If you have a spirit animal you share with your twin flame, you may see it in pictures or in the wild.[9]
    • Other spiritual symbols include the yin and yang symbol, religious symbols like a cross or Star of David, a lotus flower, and more.
    • Any symbol can be spiritual and personal to you if it holds meaning to you as an individual.
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Smooth sailing in your personal life

  1. The universe offers tranquility so you have energy for your twin flame. Work, school, romance, and more may fall perfectly into place. You’ve grown spiritually and as a person, and the time is finally right for your twin flame to re-enter your life. When you’re not burdened by life problems, you’ll be able to focus on your twin flame connection even more deeply.[10]
    • It might be hard to see for yourself that everything’s going your way. Look for things like a consistently elevated mood, confidence in your work, looks, or personality, or milestones like promotions or graduations.

Trust in divine timing

  1. When you stop waiting for your twin flame, the universe delivers them. You might sense deep down that you’ll meet your twin flame at the right time. You’re not even actively trying to lure them back into your life with messages, showboating, or manifesting. You’re content to work on your own life and trust that they’ll present themself to you at the moment that’s most beneficial for both of you.[11]
    • Ironically, the less you try to force your twin flame back into your life, the faster and more likely they are to reappear.
    • If you’re feeling optimistic about the universe’s timing, then your reunion is likely near. If you’re feeling negative emotions, there may be something blocking you or your twin flame from coming together.
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Inner peace

  1. Feeling newly calm and whole is a precursor to your twin flame reunion. You may feel like you’ve come full circle or like everything “clicks.” Even though your external circumstances haven’t changed, you feel complete, clear-headed, and safe. You may not understand what changed, but your feeling of inner peace is the universe hinting that you’re closer to your twin flame than ever before.[12]
    • Your mental and spiritual calmness allows you to make room in your life for your twin flame relationship again (or for the first time, if you haven’t found each other already).

Spiritual growth

  1. Feeling more sure of your life path prepares you to meet your twin flame. This is a time to “let go”—the divine timing of the universe is working out, and there’s nothing you need to do to encourage your twin flame to reappear. This calm mental state, where you feel at peace and sure of your future, is a powerful indicator of a reunion.[13]
    • Some say the twin flame reunion journey is about self-growth (for you and your twin flame). The life hurdles you’ve overcome have turned you into a person who’s ready to join your mirror soul.
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Psychic confirmation

  1. A tarot reader, numerologist, or soothsayer can sense your reunion. If you’ve seen the signs or just have a gut feeling that your mirror soul is close, visit a psychic to get more information. They can help you make sense of the angel numbers or symbols you’ve seen, interpret your dreams, and even offer advice on how to meet your twin flame sooner or what to expect.[15]
    • Look for a reputable psychic who are open about their practices and methods, or who has good reviews from previous customers online.
    • A psychic visit can be as valuable as you make it, so go into your session with an open mind and a positive attitude.
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About This Article

Dan Hickey
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Dan Hickey. Dan Hickey is a Writer and Humorist based in Chicago, Illinois. He has published pieces on a variety of online satire sites and has been a member of the wikiHow team since 2022. A former teaching artist at a community music school, Dan enjoys helping people learn new skills they never thought they could master. He graduated with a BM in Clarinet Performance from DePauw University in 2015 and an MM from DePaul University in 2017. This article has been viewed 2,140 times.
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Co-authors: 5
Updated: March 6, 2023
Views: 2,140
Categories: Dreams