Discover if e-cigarettes are a problem in your family and confront it with understanding and compassion

Do you think your teen might be vaping in your house? As a parent, it’s only natural that you want to talk to your child about the negative consequences of their habit. Still, you want to earn their trust and encourage them to open up, too. To help you address nicotine or marijuana use with your loved one, we'll tell you how to spot the signs of vaping and see if it's happening under your roof. We'll also walk you through the dangers of vaping and how to have a calm discussion about it. Read our guide to intervene and support your teen in making better decisions for their health.

Things You Should Know

  • Watch out for physical signs that your child is vaping, like increased thirst, nose bleeds, skin damage, or sleep disorders.
  • Look for clues that someone is vaping in your house, like chargers or cords you don't recognize as well as unfamiliar smells, like a faint fruity scent.
  • Bring up priorities that your teen cares about, like academics and athletics, and use a compassionate tone when you discuss how vaping negatively impacts these.
  • Talk to your child about ways to support them quitting vaping, like reducing the amount of stress in their life, talking to a doctor, or visiting a counselor.
Section 1 of 3:

Signs of Vaping

  1. 1
    Look for vaping devices. Vape devices come in all shapes and sizes; some look very similar to pens or USB drives, while others are larger with blocky screens and tubes for liquids. Any unfamiliar objects or chargers that show up in your home are worth a bit of scrutiny.[1]
    • Most devices need chargers or batteries, so keep an eye out for any cords or chargers that you don’t recognize.
    • New USB adapters or cigarette adapters are clues your teen is vaping in their car.[2]
    • Tubes of vape juice, tiny cartridges, or “pods” are also evidence of vape use.
    • Strange extracts stored in tiny containers. Some may look like small tubs of lip balm filled with a yellow substance. All of these could be marijuana concentrates, known as "honey oil" or "butter."[3]
    • Some vape products are even sneakier—they can be hidden in hoodies or even disguised as watches or pens.[4]
  2. 2
    Sniff around for unfamiliar smells. While their scents generally dissipate quicker than tobacco or marijuana smoke, most vapes leave a distinctive smell behind. If you suspect someone in your home has vaped recently, smell their clothing or the area they were standing to try and catch a whiff.[5]
    • Nicotine vapes often have a sweet minty, fruity, or candy-like smell that is strong at first but fades over time.
    • Marijuana vapes have a more acrid, sour, or burnt smell that lingers a bit longer.[6]
  3. 3
    Look for vapor or mist in the air. Vape clouds dissipate quickly, but may linger in the air for a few seconds. They look like white clouds of water vapor or smoke and vary in quantity by the type of vape device.[7]
    • If you see a greasy film on the windshield of your teen's car, this could be residue from vape clouds.[8]
    • Your teen might turn on a hot shower and vape in the bathroom to cover up their tracks or put a damp towel under their door. See if they suddenly have new daily routines.[9]
    • If your teen's car seems ultra clean and heavily scented, it may be a sign they're vaping marijuana, as the concentrates carry a stronger smell.[10]
  4. 4
    Watch for unusual behavior. If someone you know is constantly going to the bathroom or making excuses to briefly leave the room, it could be because they’re sneaking off to vape. Frequent searching for something they misplaced is another sign they use a vape device.[11]
    • References to “taking a rip,” “refilling pods” or “buying cartridges” also point to vape use.[12]
    • A teen who vapes marijuana might also say they need some "herb." They may also say they're "blasted" or "lit." "Dank" could also be an adjective they regularly use.[13]
  5. 5
    Keep an eye out for physical symptoms of vaping. Even without a “vape pen” in sight, there are clues your kid is vaping. While a teen might try to hide their vaping device or even use an odorless “vape juice” to cover their tracks, there are lots of hints that they’re abusing addictive aerosol, or “vapor.” Pay close attention to your teen’s behavior and overall well-being. Doctors recommend that you watch out for signs like:[14]
    • Increased thirst since vaping significantly dehydrates people
    • Nosebleeds due to a dramatic loss of moisture
    • "Vaper’s tongue,” the loss of taste because of a dry mouth
    • Coughing or shortness of breath due to irritation in the throat and lungs[15]
    • Skin damage, like irritation and worsened acne
    • Bloodshot eyes since marijuana widens blood vessels in eyes[16]
    • Dizziness because vaping lowers blood pressure[17]
    • Sleep disorders like insomnia since nicotine is a stimulant
    • Emotional problems because nicotine alters brain chemistry
    • Hyperactivity as nicotine can cause mood swings and anxiety
    • Poor coordination because marijuana alters critical functioning[18]
    • Depression, or even psychosis, as marijuana impacts developing brains[19]
  6. 6
    Install a vape detector. Schools around the United States are installing vape detection devices to catch students using vapes—take a page out of their book and install one in your home, too. Similar to carbon monoxide detectors, these devices can pick out the unique chemicals emitted by nicotine or marijuana vapes and set off an alarm to alert others.[20]
  7. Advertisement
Section 2 of 3:

Talking to Your Kids About Vaping

  1. 1
    Create a safe space to open up a conversation. Instead of scolding your kid or intimidating them, the best way to get teenagers to talk is to set up the right environment and use the right tone. When you confront a teen you think is using drugs, be warm and inviting. You'll have a much better chance at connecting with them.[21]
    • Give your kid some notice in advance so they don't feel nervous or "ambushed." For example, say, "Let's talk about risky behavior and drug use tomorrow night. You're not in trouble—I just want to make sure we're on the same page."
    • Instead of framing the conversation as a lecture, let your child know that you're coming from a place of concern—you just want them to stay safe and healthy.
  2. 2
    Calmly discuss the dangers of vaping. Before you talk to someone who you suspect is vaping, stick to the facts about negative consequences and think about how they impact your teen’s quality of life. Be confident about the health risks, including addiction and lung damage, as well as the toxic contents of vape aerosols. Bringing up credible evidence is the key to a successful and productive conversation.[22]
    • If your teen is very concerned about their grades and their academic success, then gather evidence about how their developing brain is impacted: "I know that you want to get into an Ivy League school, and I'm concerned about how vaping can impact your brain and mental health..."
    • If your child is excited by sports and athletic performance, focus on how their lungs and heart can get damaged when they vape: "I know that you want to get a scholarship for playing soccer, but that will be difficult if nicotine damages your heart and lungs..."
    • It might help to show them an example (like a newspaper story or online story) of someone who experienced negative consequences from vaping.
  3. 3
    Listen to their perspective. Start an open conversation about vaping so your child doesn’t feel like they have to hide their behavior out of shame. Try to understand why they vape—it'll be vital to earning their trust, especially if you want to help them create a plan to quit.[23]
    • Check in about their emotional well being. Ask a question like, "Are you stressed lately or are you just trying to have some fun?"
    • Learn what you can about any social pressures. You might say, "Did any of your friends introduce you to this? Does this seem normal for everyone else?"
  4. 4
    Avoid scare tactics. While being concerned is valid, dramatic claims that vaping will "kill you tomorrow" or equating vaping with hard drugs runs the risk of making you lose credibility. You’re more likely to connect with your teen if you’re realistic about the risks of vaping.[24]
    • Make a calm and open-minded remark like, "I'm not trying to control everything you do or scare you. I just want you to be aware of the risks. Have you read anything about the problems with vaping before?"
    • Show them you're an ally and come up with solutions. You might say, "Given your course load, I completely understand that you'd want to unwind. What if we got a tutor to help with your AP Chemistry assignments?"
    • Use the conversation as an opportunity to tell your kids about what a slippery slope vaping can be, and how our minds are predisposed to becoming addicted to things.
  5. 5
    Set consequences for substance use. While you definitely want to be empathetic as a parent, there are times you need to discipline a teenager and deal with acting out. When you set limits, let your teen know it's out of love and concern. Lay out clear rules so they understand how they're expected to behave and that you won't tolerate them abusing drugs.[25]
    • If you discover that your teen vapes, let them know that you need to monitor them. For example, say, "I want to know who you're doing your homework with. Please give me their contact information and be home by 4 P.M."
    • Explain penalties for any future drug use. You might tell them, "I'll take away all your consoles and I won't give you keys to the car if I find out you're vaping again."
    • Let your teen know it's important to stay transparent so you can help. Make a comment like, "If you drink or vape at a party, please just call me. I'll give you a ride and won't lecture you."
  6. 6
    Get advice from a professional. Consult doctors and other healthcare professionals, who are experts on the health effects of vaping and the most effective strategies to quit. They can help you develop a plan to address vape use or deal with any related health complications.[26]
    • Ask if your teen can be referred to a counselor who can guide them through the process of quitting vaping and understanding what triggers them to pick up addictive habits.
    • Discuss whether your teen needs any medical intervention, such as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), to effectively overcome a dependence on vaping.
  7. Advertisement
Section 3 of 3:

The Dangers of Vaping

  1. 1
    Vaping is hazardous for a teen’s physical health. Many kids believe that vaping is “better” for them than cigarettes, but vape pens actually have chemicals and substances that are dangerous to inhale. Many of these chemicals are carcinogens—components linked to cancer—like those found in antifreeze. Nicotine or marijuana in vape pens can cause:[27]
    • Increased blood pressure
    • A rapid heart rate
    • Violent coughing fits
    • Sudden weight loss
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Lung injury
    • A heart attack
  2. 2
    Vaping also harms a teen’s mental health. Your child may think that vaping is just a fun habit that they can put down whenever they want. Unfortunately, it’s very easy for users to get hooked on the high levels of addictive chemicals in e-cigarettes. When substances like nicotine or marijuana enter your teen’s bloodstream and developing brain, it may damage their prefrontal cortex—and by extension, their judgment. Vaping can also lead to:[28]
    • Poor impulse control
    • Decreased attention
    • Mood disorders
    • Addiction
  3. Advertisement

About This Article

Kathy Slattengren, M.Ed.
Co-authored by:
Parent Educator & Coach
This article was co-authored by Kathy Slattengren, M.Ed. and by wikiHow staff writer, Madeleine Flamiano. Kathy Slattengren is a Parent Educator and Coach and the Founder of Priceless Parenting. With over two decades of experience, Kathy specializes in helping parents build strong, loving relationships with their children. She has helped thousands of parents around the world through Priceless Parenting's online classes, presentations, coaching, and books. Kathy holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Psychology from The University of Minnesota and a Masters degree in Education and Instructional Design from The University of Washington. Kathy is a member of the National Parenting Education Network, the US Alliance to End the Hitting of Children, the International Society for Technology in Education, and a founding member of Parent Learning Link. Priceless Parenting has been featured on ABC News, Komo News, King 5 News, National PTA, Parent Map, and Inspire Me Today. This article has been viewed 13,539 times.
3 votes - 33%
Co-authors: 6
Updated: March 27, 2023
Views: 13,539
Categories: Electronic Cigarettes